As of March 27, 2024, the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) received 214 proposals requesting a total of approximately $183 million. The amount available for appropriation from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) is approximately $90 million. This RFP process is for FY 2026 funds that become available beginning July 1, 2025.
LCCMR reviews and evaluates all proposals against their 10 adopted evaluation criteria. On June 10, members will select a subset of high-ranking proposals to invite for presentation before the LCCMR on June 20-21 & 26-28 in order to receive further consideration. On July 25, the LCCMR will meet to make final selection and funding allocation decisions. In late 2024, the commission will meet to approve appropriation bill language for these projects that will be presented to the 2025 Minnesota Legislature as the official LCCMR recommendations for spending from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.
Check the LCCMR schedule for the most up-to-date information and important process dates.
Visit the 2025 Proposal & Funding Process Main Page for additional information.
Print-ready list of 2025 proposals received - listed by category with project summaries (26-page PDF file).
Print-ready list of 2025 proposals received - listed by category without project summaries (16-page PDF file).
Summary and Process of the M.L. 2025 proposals received.
Viewing Proposals
Proposal ID | First Name | Last Name | Title | Organization | Requested $ |
A. Foundational Natural Resource Data and Information (RECEIVED: 32 Proposals / Subtotal - $34,821,000) |
2025-009 | Jacob | Haus | Fond du Lac Deer Study - Phase 1 | Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Bemidji State University | $1,441,000 |
2025-046 | Nicholas | Phelps | Are All Walleye Created Equal? Probably Not. | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $298,000 |
2025-053 | Joseph | Bump | Deer Survival Within Minnesota's Densest Wolf Population | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $809,000 |
2025-070 | Catherine | Early | Digitizing the Science Museum of Minnesota's Mollusk Specimens | Science Museum of Minnesota | $399,000 |
2025-075 | Irene | De Pellegrin Llorente | Integrating Wildlife Objectives in Long-Term Forest Management Planning | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $328,000 |
2025-091 | Kory | Thurnau | PLSS Preservation to Protect Public Lands | Minnesota IT Services, Minnesota Geospatial Information Office (MnGeo) | $5,464,000 |
2025-092 | Dale | Gentry | Surveying Minnesota's Secretive Marsh Birds | Audubon Minnesota | $443,000 |
2025-098 | Michael | Osterholm | Critical Preparedness and Outreach for Possible CWD Spillover | U of MN, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) | $3,308,000 |
2025-123 | Ellen | Candler | Small-Mammals and Hunter Participation: Expanded Offal Wildlife Watching | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $563,000 |
2025-127 | Elena | West | Green Heron as an Indicator of Wetland-Dependent Species | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $440,000 |
2025-130 | Kassandra | Ford | Visualizing Minnesota's Natural Resources with CT-Scanning | U of MN, Bell Museum of Natural History | $1,062,000 |
2025-151 | Michael | Joyce | Mapping Human-Carnivore Conflicts in Human-Dominated Landscapes | U of MN, Duluth - NRRI | $629,000 |
2025-160 | Barbara | Lusardi | Geologic Atlases for Water Resource Management | U of MN, MN Geological Survey | $1,260,000 |
2025-180 | Chris | Knopf | The Impacts of Climate Change on Northeastern Minnesota | Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness | $830,000 |
2025-187 | Melinda | Wilkins | Commercialized Pollinators: A Risk to Native Minnesota Bees? | U of MN, College of Veterinary Medicine | $999,000 |
2025-188 | Arno | Wuenschmann | Health and Disease Monitoring in Minnesota Wildlife | U of MN, Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory | $842,000 |
2025-215 | Rui | Cheng | Affordable Statewide Tracking of Forestry Fragmentation and Degradation | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $346,000 |
2025-217 | Colleen | Satyshur | Safeguarding Bees While Monitoring Pollinators and Nesting Habitats | U of MN, College of Biological Sciences | $667,000 |
2025-222 | Amy | Kendig | Expanding the Application of Minnesota's Wetland Monitoring Data | MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division | $318,000 |
2025-223 | Brian | Dingmann | Bioprospecting Minnesota Wetlands for Phage and Bacterial Antimicrobials | U of MN, Crookston | $443,000 |
2025-239 | Eric | Mousel | Enhancing the Value of Minnesota Public Grasslands | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $390,000 |
2025-241 | Joel | Tallaksen | Foundational Precision Agriculture Data to Reduce Environmental Impacts | U of MN, WCROC | $1,457,000 |
2025-244 | Heather | Arends | Continued Aggregate Resource Mapping | MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division | $697,000 |
2025-247 | Josh | Knopik | Advancing Collaborative Wild Rice Monitoring Program Technologies | MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division | $900,000 |
2025-250 | Mitchell | Hunter | Conserving Natural Resources by Advancing Forever Green Agriculture | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $5,000,000 |
2025-260 | Solomon | David | Minnesota's Priority Native Rough Fish: Gars and Bowfin | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $593,000 |
2025-280 | Leif | Olmanson | Understanding to Improve Minnesota's Future Lake Water Quality | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $595,000 |
2025-294 | Jake | Walsh | Operationalizing State Zooplankton Data to Support Lake Health | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $445,000 |
2025-295 | Alicia | Coleman | Trialing Climate-Ready Woodland Trees in Urban Areas | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $255,000 |
2025-304 | Hailey | Sauer | Superior Shores: Protecting Our Great Lakes Coastal Habitats | Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Croix Watershed Research Station | $675,000 |
2025-309 | Michelle | Carstensen | Recruitment and Fecundity of Minnesota Moose | MN DNR, Fish and Wildlife Division | $2,439,000 |
2025-323 | Diana | Karwan | Emerging Issue: CWD Prions in Minnesota Waters | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $486,000 |
Subtotal | $34,821,000 | ||||
A. Foundational Natural Resource Data and Information H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 11 Proposals / Subtotal - $2,302,000) |
2025-063 | Michael | Joyce | Evaluating Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure in Minnesota's Carnivores | U of MN, Duluth - NRRI | $247,000 |
2025-093 | Tricia | Markle | Improving Conservation Outcomes for Imperiled Wood Turtles | Minnesota Zoological Garden | $242,000 |
2025-111 | John | Fieberg | Data/Tools to Maximize Impact of ENRTF Projects | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $216,000 |
2025-113 | Mary | Mallinger | Expanding the Statewide Motus Wildlife Tracking Network | Minnesota Zoological Garden | $234,000 |
2025-115 | Benjamin | Cull | Updating and Sharing Information on Minnesota’s Tick Biodiversity | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $186,000 |
2025-117 | Sachiko | Graber | Environmental Justice Concerns in Greater Minnesota | Waxwing Consulting LLC, Climate and Equity Consulting | $249,000 |
2025-178 | Grant | Vagle | Leveraging Statewide Datasets for Native Rough Fish | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $250,000 |
2025-210 | Will | Bartsch | Expanding Access to Spatial Data in Minnesota | U of MN, Duluth - NRRI | $65,000 |
2025-214 | Kyungsoo | Yoo | Small Farm Challenge in the Root River Basin | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $244,000 |
2025-311 | Cristian | Beza Beza | Fighting Insect Decline: Minnesota Bumblebees to the Rescue | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $249,000 |
2025-312 | Lucy | Rose | Trace Metals in Municipal Yard Waste and Compost | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $120,000 |
Subtotal | $2,302,000 | ||||
B. Water Resources (RECEIVED: 35 Proposals / Subtotal - $23,615,000) |
2025-010 | Jeffrey | Broberg | Enhancing Our Resources-Rural Health and Drinking Water | Freshwater Society | $1,062,000 |
2025-025 | Kathryn | Holcomb | Restoration and Outreach for Minnesota's Native Mussels | MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division | $1,546,000 |
2025-059 | Lienne | Sethna | Pristine to Green: Toxic Blooms Threaten Northern Lakes | Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Croix Watershed Research Station | $1,362,000 |
2025-064 | Hilarie | Sorensen | Training Lake Communities to Track Chloride and Algae | U of MN, Duluth - Sea Grant | $276,000 |
2025-074 | Jestos | Taguta | Design of Zero Effluent Discharge Taconite Concentrators | U of MN, Duluth - NRRI | $984,000 |
2025-077 | Maggie | Karschnia | Clean Sweep Solution to Nonpoint Source Pollution | U of MN, Water Resources Center | $398,000 |
2025-087 | Paige | Novak | Enhancing Degradation of Emerging Contaminants via Microbial Starvation | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $390,000 |
2025-088 | Susan | Danzl | Detroit Lakes Wastewater Chloride and Sulfate Treatment | City of Detroit Lakes | $750,000 |
2025-089 | Tom | Slunecka | Plasma System for PFAS Remediation: Integration and Validation | Plasma Blue, LLC | $1,032,000 |
2025-094 | Jason | Amundsen | Atmospheric Water Collection Project | Amundsen Farms, Inc DBA Locally Laid Egg Company | $1,555,000 |
2025-095 | Sara | Heger | Evaluation, Management and Education of Septage from SSTS | U of MN, Water Resources Center | $494,000 |
2025-104 | Larry | Zazzera | Measure Nanoplastics in Drinking Water | CT Associates Inc. | $429,000 |
2025-107 | Marcelle | Lewandowski | Soil Health Management for Water Storage | U of MN, Water Resources Center | $500,000 |
2025-110 | Peter | Kang | Predicting Contaminant Movement in Minnesota’s Fractured Aquifers | U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory | $650,000 |
2025-112 | Lea | Pollack | Transfer and Toxicity of Microplastics in Urban Ecosystems | U of MN, College of Biological Sciences | $300,000 |
2025-128 | Joel | Larson | Creating the Minnesota Well Index of the Future | U of MN, Water Resources Center | $792,000 |
2025-136 | Hua | Zhao | Terminating PFAS-Type Pesticides via Enzyme Cocktails | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $301,000 |
2025-150 | Christine | Dolph | Impact of Statewide Conservation Practices on Stream Biodiversity | U of MN, College of Biological Sciences | $300,000 |
2025-169 | Jeffrey | Marr | Modeling the Future Mississippi River Gorge | U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory | $450,000 |
2025-181 | Satoshi | Ishii | Highly Efficient Nutrient Removal Technology for Agricultural Drainage | U of MN, College of Biological Sciences | $460,000 |
2025-191 | Melissa | Maurer-Jones | Citizen Scientists Capture Microplastic Pollution Around State | U of MN, Duluth | $450,000 |
2025-193 | Brett | Barney | Healthy Native Prairie Microbiomes for Cleaner Water | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $508,000 |
2025-199 | Jessica | Kozarek | Protecting Shorelines and Preserving Habitat in Minnesota Lakes | U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory | $683,000 |
2025-221 | Sayan | Biswas | Aerial Multispectral Imaging for Minnesota Lake Ecosystem Monitoring | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $425,000 |
2025-226 | Junaed | Sattar | Harmful Algal Bloom Mitigation with Marine Robots | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $668,000 |
2025-234 | John | Nieber | Drainage Tools for Minimizing Downstream Impacts | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $297,000 |
2025-243 | Timothy | LaPara | Optimizing Anaerobic Digestion to Eliminate Antibiotic Resistance Genes | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $290,000 |
2025-258 | Keith | Rapp | Biofilm Mediated Destruction of PFAS in Groundwater | Bay West LLC | $1,699,000 |
2025-265 | Sebastian | Behrens | Impact of Microplastics on Wastewater Treatment in Minnesota | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $506,000 |
2025-272 | Boya | Xiong | Occurrence of Nanoplastics in Minnesota’s Drinking Water | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $649,000 |
2025-275 | Tianhong | Cui | Portable Arsenic and Nitrate Detector for Well Water | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $358,000 |
2025-278 | Natasha | Wright | Recovering Salts from Highly Saline Wastewater | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $272,000 |
2025-286 | Jeff | Forester | Civic Organizing to Protect Lake Ecological Integrity | Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates | $436,000 |
2025-299 | Jonna | Spanier | Critical Destruction of PFAS in Landfill Leachate Waste | Bay West LLC | $1,782,000 |
2025-314 | Brad | Matuska | Agricultural Technologies for Nutrient Efficiency and Water Protection | Agricultural Utilization Research Institute | $561,000 |
Subtotal | $23,615,000 | ||||
B. Water Resources H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 13 Proposals / Subtotal - $2,485,000) |
2025-056 | Kyungsoo | Yoo | Invasive Jumping Worms and Water in Minnesota's Forests | U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory | $214,000 |
2025-076 | Christopher | Filstrup | Assessing Cyanobacteria Threats at Lake Superior Beaches | U of MN, Duluth - NRRI | $197,000 |
2025-084 | William | Arnold | Cyanotoxins in Minnesota Lakes: The Role of Sunlight | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $220,000 |
2025-144 | Jason | Ulrich | Addressing 21st Century Challenges for the St. Croix | Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Croix Watershed Research Station | $243,000 |
2025-155 | Kun | Zhang | Optimal Sampling Design for Tracking Impairments in Streams | U of MN, Duluth | $247,000 |
2025-211 | Kelsey | Klucas | Wastewater Chloride Reduction through Industrial Source Reduction Assistance | U of MN, School of Public Health | $247,000 |
2025-224 | Andy | Erickson | Workforce Development and Certification for Water Quality Improvement | U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory | $131,000 |
2025-233 | John | Nieber | Pilot Water Budget Framework for Managing Water Withdrawals | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $198,000 |
2025-245 | Mary | Schneider | Loretto Water Treatment Pilot Study | City of Loretto | $68,000 |
2025-273 | Andrew | Robertson | Riparian Zones: Managing the Landscape to Protect Streams | Saint Mary's University | $250,000 |
2025-276 | Tianhong | Cui | A Cheap Portable Sensor for PFAS Detection | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $250,000 |
2025-298 | Steven | Herrington | Leech Lake Fish Passage Feasibility Study | The Nature Conservancy | $125,000 |
2025-318 | Kate | Ray | YMCA Camp Northern Lights Ground and Surface Water | YMCA of the North | $95,000 |
Subtotal | $2,485,000 | ||||
C. Environmental Education (RECEIVED: 20 Proposals / Subtotal - $16,618,000) |
2025-016 | Sara | Lemke | Advancing Equity in Environmental Education | Camp Fire Minnesota | $700,000 |
2025-019 | Patty | Born | Teacher Field School - Phase 2: Increasing Impact | Hamline University | $760,000 |
2025-023 | Michelle | Wille | Nature-Centric Education: Bridging Gaps for Families | Project Wild Rooted | $418,000 |
2025-027 | Carrie | Jennings | Think Like a Geologist: Field-Training for Environmental Staff | Freshwater Society | $334,000 |
2025-034 | Ana | Munro | Creating Future Leaders in Outdoor and Environmental Leadership | North Hennepin Community College, Global and Cultural Studies Department | $345,000 |
2025-065 | Bryan | Wood | Outdoor School for Minnesota K-12 Students | Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center | $5,200,000 |
2025-073 | Cindy | Dorn | Statewide Environmental Education via PBS Outdoor Series | Pioneer PBS | $415,000 |
2025-103 | Brian | Miller | Maajii-akii-gikenjigewin Conservation Crew Program | Conservation Corps Minnesota | $712,000 |
2025-143 | Lindsey | Kirkland | Minnesota’s Roadmap for Sustainability and Climate Education | Climate Generation | $491,000 |
2025-147 | Kristen | Poppleton | Connecting Students and Watershed Communities through Outdoor Science | Minnesota Trout Unlimited | $350,000 |
2025-149 | Lee | Schmitt | ESTEP 2.0: Earth Science Teacher Education Project | Minnesota Science Teachers Association | $643,000 |
2025-156 | Beth | Becker | Wilderness Access and Leadership Development for Marginalized Populations | YMCA of the North | $1,134,000 |
2025-198 | Carolina | Ortiz | Engaging Latine Communities in Conservation and Preservation | Comunidades Organizando el Poder y la Accion Latina | $400,000 |
2025-212 | Jessica | Ruthenberg | Inclusive Wildlife Engagement in Classrooms and Communities | MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division | $796,000 |
2025-235 | Sheila | Boldt | WonderTrek’s Outdoor Adventure: Sparking Next Generation Nature Enthusiasts | WonderTrek Children's Museum | $1,158,000 |
2025-251 | Roopali | Phadke | CollectED Project | Macalester College | $559,000 |
2025-274 | Lori | Nelson | Microtargeting Recycling Messaging for Better Environmental Outcomes | Recycling Association of Minnesota | $554,000 |
2025-281 | Carol | Strecker | Linking Health Benefits of Nature to Conservation Mindedness | Minnesota Zoological Garden | $298,000 |
2025-284 | Joseph | Grodahl | Norway House FriLife Project | Norway House | $260,000 |
2025-301 | Lee | Furuseth | Science Centers Supporting Northern Boys and Girls Clubs | Headwaters Science Center | $1,091,000 |
Subtotal | $16,618,000 | ||||
C. Environmental Education H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 13 Proposals / Subtotal - $2,550,000) |
2025-012 | Jodee | Lund | Eagle's Nest: Where the World Becomes Your Classroom | Glacial Hills Elementary School | $130,000 |
2025-054 | Brennan | Blue | Engaging our Diverse Public in Environmental Stewardship - Phase 2 | Great River Greening | $249,000 |
2025-085 | Wendy | Caldwell | Prairie Oaks: Establishing Minnesota's Center for Pollinator Conservation | Monarch Joint Venture | $173,000 |
2025-120 | Emily | Barker | Reuse for the Future: Youth Education and Engagement | Reuse Minnesota | $225,000 |
2025-125 | Brad | Bourn | River Bend Nature Center Outdoor Diversity Initiative | River Bend Nature Center | $247,000 |
2025-134 | Katy | Nelson | Camp Parsons Mississippi Summer | Phyllis Wheatley Community Center | $225,000 |
2025-135 | Ray | Ruiz | Adult Outdoor Education for Minnesota's Underrepresented Communities | Baztec Fishing & Outdoors | $247,000 |
2025-172 | Brennan | Blue | Diverse Pathways to Place-Based Environmental Stewardship | Great River Greening | $137,000 |
2025-183 | Michael | Granlund | Nature Play Area Expansion | Friends of Lake Bemidji State Park | $18,000 |
2025-184 | Alison | Schaub | Minnesota Valley Refuge Friends | Minnesota Valley Refuge Friends | $210,000 |
2025-254 | Victoria | Hall | Activating Youth and Family Environmental Stewardship through Raptors | U of MN, Raptor Center | $228,000 |
2025-296 | Brian | Hiller | Moving Minnesota towards a Lead-Free Sporting Future | Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Bemidji State University | $250,000 |
Subtotal | $2,550,000 | ||||
D. Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species (RECEIVED: 3 Proposals / Subtotal - $8,006,000) | |||||
2025-126 | Nicholas | Phelps | Aquatic Invasive Species: From Problems to Real-World Solutions | U of MN, MAISRC | $6,500,000 |
2025-196 | Megan | Fitzpatrick | Optimizing Non-Native Cattail Treatment Effectiveness in Prairie Wetlands | MN DNR, Fish and Wildlife Division | $1,006,000 |
2025-248 | Matthew | Gabb | Edina Hazardous Ash Tree Removal Program | City of Edina | $500,000 |
Subtotal | $8,006,000 | ||||
D. Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 1 Proposals / Subtotal - $38,000) |
WITHDRAWN (November 2024) |
Subtotal | $38,000 | ||||
E. Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy (RECEIVED: 19 Proposals / Subtotal - $32,168,000) | |||||
2025-049 | Gretchen | Hansen | Protecting Coldwater Fish Habitat in Minnesota Lakes | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $587,000 |
2025-078 | Bradley | Heins | Agrivoltaics 2.0 Building a Resilient E-Farm | U of MN, WCROC | $678,000 |
2025-080 | Summer | Streets | Pine Needles Reveal Past and Present Airborne PFAS | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | $574,000 |
2025-133 | Dan | Coughlin | New London Hydrogen Sulfide Mitigation Project | Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District | $2,203,000 |
2025-161 | Roger | Ruan | Sustainable Aviation Fuels from Renewables through Microwave-Assisted Conversion | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $898,000 |
2025-170 | Craig | Hill | Breaking Waves and Ice Forces on Coastal Infrastructure | U of MN, Duluth | $437,000 |
2025-203 | Roger | Ruan | Sustainable Nonthermal Plasma Assisted Ammonia Production | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $850,000 |
2025-204 | Roger | Ruan | Nonthermal Plasma and Microwave Technology for Virus Control | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $959,000 |
2025-218 | Uwe | Kortshagen | Minnesota Center for Agrivoltaics and Biodiversity (MCAB) | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $2,750,000 |
2025-249 | Jennifer | King | Industrial Decarbonization in Minnesota through Sustainable Aviation Fuels | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | $1,000,000 |
2025-256 | Natasha | Wright | Cultivating Sustainable Food Systems with Deep Winter Greenhouses | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $306,000 |
2025-257 | Jun | Li | Facilitated Transport Hybrid Membranes for CO2 Separation | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $1,150,000 |
2025-267 | Harsh | Anurag | Impact of Changing Climate on Municipal Water Demand | Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. | $351,000 |
2025-269 | Shehla | Mushtaq | Aligning ENRTF Research and Projects around Collaborative Strategies | Collectivity | $491,000 |
2025-290 | Paul | Dauenhauer | Renewable Energy Conversion for Farm Diesel and Ammonia | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $836,000 |
2025-303 | Cedric | Heller | Repurposed Railroad Tie Conversion to Biofuel Energy Source | Hallett Dock 7, Bio-Fuel Solutions | $3,327,000 |
2025-306 | Matt | Phillips | Innovative Solution to Renewable Energy from Food Waste | Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Board | $10,000,000 |
2025-313 | Tracy | Hodel | Fueling the Future: Decarbonizing Regional Transportation Project | City of St. Cloud | $4,300,000 |
2025-316 | Luca | Zullo | Assessing and Improving Environmental Impacts of Agri-Food Businesses | Agricultural Utilization Research Institute | $471,000 |
Subtotal | $32,168,000 | ||||
E. Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 9 Proposals / Subtotal - $2,186,000) |
2025-102 | Mike | Reinikainen | Adapting Southeast Minnesota Oak Forests for Climate Change | MN DNR, Forestry Division | $199,000 |
2025-162 | Roger | Ruan | Bioelectrochemical Utilization of Waste CO2 from Ethanol Plants | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $250,000 |
2025-200 | Audrey | Pallmeyer | Cooperative Energy Futures: Energy Efficiency Program | Cooperative Energy Futures | $249,000 |
2025-206 | Roger | Ruan | Managing PFAS in Stand-Alone Digesters for Resource Circularity | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $250,000 |
2025-207 | Roger | Ruan | Sustainable Manipulation to Reduce Dairy Methane Emissions | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $250,000 |
2025-208 | Roger | Ruan | Sustainable Pilot-Scale Continuous Bin Composter Development | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $250,000 |
2025-220 | Sayan | Biswas | Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Grain Drying Using Ammonia-Fired Technology | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $250,000 |
2025-225 | Walter | Piper | Understanding Climate Impacts on Common Loons | Chapman University, Schmid College of Science and Technology | $238,000 |
2025-297 | Andrew | Jones | Minnesota Roads CO2 Capture Using Carba Pyrolysis Technology | Carba | $250,000 |
Subtotal | $2,186,000 | ||||
F. Methods to Protect, Restore and Enhance Land, Water, and Habitat (RECEIVED: 19 Proposals / Subtotal - $16,655,000) | |||||
2025-007 | David | Remucal | Minnesota PlantWatch: Community Scientists Conserving Rare Plants | U of MN, Landscape Arboretum | $1,086,000 |
2025-069 | Sabrina | Claeys | Native Forages: Growing Drought and Climate Resiliency | Ducks Unlimited Inc | $3,020,000 |
2025-096 | Nfamara K | Dampha | Nature’s Value in Reducing Climate Risks in Minnesota | U of MN, Institute on the Environment | $499,000 |
2025-116 | Lisa | Luokkala | SHT Bridge, Boardwalk and Trailhead Renewal | Superior Hiking Trail Association | $532,000 |
2025-118 | Brian | Vlach | Mississippi Gateway Shoreline Stabilization and Fishing Improvements | Three Rivers Park District | $735,000 |
2025-141 | Lee | Penn | Biochar to Monitor and Remediate Microplastics | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $546,000 |
2025-152 | Michael | Smanski | Phytoremediation of PFAS from Soil | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $1,066,000 |
2025-192 | Aaron | Secrest | Reduce Landfill Waste and Capture E-Waste | Secrest Enterprise LLC | $1,345,000 |
2025-205 | Roger | Ruan | Microwave-Assisted Decontamination System for Destructing Soil Contaminants | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $989,000 |
2025-219 | Sayan | Biswas | Improving Minnesota Forest Health via Post-Duff-Burning Soil Analysis | U of MN, College of Science and Engineering | $700,000 |
2025-228 | Alex | Jordan | Minnesota Riverbank Protection and Parks Improvements | City of Shakopee | $1,400,000 |
2025-232 | Gabriele | Menomin | Restoration at Wakan Tipi/BVNS | Lower Phalen Creek Project | $676,000 |
2025-246 | John | Gulliver | Aerial Investigation of Stormwater Ponds' Water Quality Impacts | U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory | $426,000 |
2025-266 | Adam | Kay | Promoting Pollinators on Corporate Campuses | University of St. Thomas | $591,000 |
2025-283 | Brian | Aukema | Tree Protection for Minnesota’s Tamarack Against Larch Beetle | U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences | $334,000 |
2025-287 | Marya | Johnston-McIntosh | Collaborative All Lands Habitat Restoration Team | The Nature Conservancy | $810,000 |
2025-288 | Adam | Arvidson | Shoreline Restoration and Enhancement at Minneapolis Lakes | Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | $1,000,000 |
2025-317 | Margaret | Wagner | Developing Markets for CLC Crops | Minnesota Department of Agriculture | $500,000 |
2025-320 | Anna | Gruber | The Mill District Habitat Restoration Site | City of Sartell | $400,000 |
Subtotal | $16,655,000 | ||||
F. Methods to Protect, Restore and Enhance Land, Water, and Habitat H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 10 Proposals / Subtotal - $2,112,000) |
2025-030 | Brandon | Miller | Grassland Restoration for Pollinator Conservation and Demonstration | U of MN, Landscape Arboretum | $250,000 |
2025-066 | Kristine | Maurer | Planning for Long-Term Natural Resources Protection, Hennepin County | Hennepin County | $250,000 |
2025-097 | Wiley | Buck | Accelerated Genetic Migration of Bur Oak- 10yr Data | Great River Greening | $223,000 |
2025-154 | Michael | Smanski | Removing Mercury from Minnesota Waters | U of MN, College of Biological Sciences | $247,000 |
2025-176 | Joshua | Lallaman | Evaluating Native Seed Mixes for Grazing | Restoravore | $208,000 |
2025-190 | Carrie | Nicklow | Increase Native Tree Seedling Planting in Minnesota | Let's Plant Trees | $128,000 |
2025-209 | Adam | Arvidson | Nokomis Urban Wet Meadow Restoration Pilot | Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | $240,000 |
2025-263 | Kristina | Rehnelt | Increasing Resilience of Voss Park Campground | City of Butterfield | $81,000 |
2025-270 | Christian | Lenhart | A Riparian Area Adaptation Strategy for Southeast Minnesota | The Nature Conservancy | $243,000 |
2025-282 | Adam | Arvidson | Minnehaha Park South Plateau Oak Savanna Restoration | Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board | $242,000 |
Subtotal | $2,112,000 | ||||
G. Land Acquisition, Habitat, and Recreation (RECEIVED: 25 Proposals / Subtotal - $38,860,000) | |||||
2025-024 | Ansel | Schimpff | Duluth Traverse Accessibility and Progression | Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores | $285,000 |
2025-043 | Nick | Arola | Carey Lake Recreation Area Enhancement Project | City of Hibbing | $1,155,000 |
2025-051 | Caleb | Peterson | St. Louis River Multi-Use Bridge | City of Cloquet | $1,485,000 |
2025-055 | Lisa | West | Cannon River Preservation and Access | Dakota County | $3,032,000 |
2025-060 | Sonja | Pelland | Littlefork Public RV Campground | City of Littlefork | $2,500,000 |
2025-081 | Sarah | Ciochetto | Mesabi Trail Aurora to Hoyt Lakes | St. Louis & Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority | $2,000,000 |
2025-090 | Emily | Dick | Prior Lake Outlet Pipe Lining | Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District | $763,000 |
2025-114 | Karli | Wittner | RTA Maintenance Trail Stabilization Project | City of Eden Prairie, Parks and Natural Resources Department | $500,000 |
2025-122 | Jenni | Bubke | Local Parks, Trails, and Natural Areas Grant Programs | MN DNR, State Parks and Trails Division | $5,000,000 |
2025-182 | Karlin | Ziegler | Lake Zumbro Park Water Access and Site Improvements | Olmsted County | $2,500,000 |
2025-197 | Judy | Elbert | Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) Biodiversity Protection | MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division | $1,200,000 |
2025-201 | Kyle | Morell | Scandia Gateway Trail Connection: Recreation, Wetlands, Environmental Education | City of Scandia | $998,000 |
2025-213 | Niki | Geisler | Lake Byllesby Regional Park Restoration and Recreation | Dakota County | $1,238,000 |
2025-216 | Niki | Geisler | Thompson County Park Restoration and Accessibility Improvements | Dakota County | $1,050,000 |
2025-227 | Ray | Sogard | Sportsmen and Sportswomen Training Center - Phase 2 | Minnesota Forest Zone Trappers Association | $1,050,000 |
2025-231 | Michael | Honer | SLPR Bison Prairie Interpretive Center and Platforms | Dakota County | $600,000 |
2025-236 | Katie | Bennett | Thom Storm Chalet and Outdoor Recreation Center | City of Duluth | $2,850,000 |
2025-240 | Andrea | Harrell | Quarry Lake Erosion Project | City of Shakopee | $404,000 |
2025-252 | Sabin | Adams | Enhancing Public Access to Habitat | Pheasants Forever Inc | $1,470,000 |
2025-255 | Jessica | Rich | City of Proctor 3rd Street Park | City of Proctor | $875,000 |
2025-291 | Jessie | Dehn | TH 210 / Lum Park Trail and Pedestrian Bridge | City of Brainerd | $3,750,000 |
2025-293 | Kevin | Fellbaum | Echo Bay County Park - Phase 1 Construction | Otter Tail County | $1,250,000 |
2025-319 | Ashley | Cauley | Chaska Big Woods Property Acquisition | City of Chaska | $557,000 |
Subtotal | $38,860,000 | ||||
G. Land Acquisition, Habitat, and Recreation H. Small Projects (RECEIVED: 3 Proposals / Subtotal - $453,000) |
2025-173 | Val | Martin | Boardwalk Over Boggy Land for Recreational Purposes | City of Battle Lake | $148,000 |
2025-262 | Kristopher | Lencowski | Tamarack Nature Center Raptor Mew Improvement | Ramsey County Parks and Recreation | $150,000 |
2025-268 | Katie | Bennett | Enhancing Preservation and Accessibility at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve | City of Duluth | $155,000 |
Subtotal | $453,000 | ||||
I. Administration (RECEIVED: 1 Proposal / Subtotal - $280,000) | |||||
2025-166 | Katherine | Sherman-Hoehn | ML 2024 Contract Agreement Reimbursement | MN DNR, Grants Unit | $280,000 |
Subtotal | $280,000 | ||||
Total | $183,149,000 |