The LCCMR is made up of 17 members: 5 Senators, 5 Representatives, 5 citizens appointed by the governor, 1 citizen appointed by the Senate, and 1 citizen appointed by the House. The function of the LCCMR is to make funding recommendations to the legislature for special environment and natural resource projects, primarily from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF). These projects help maintain and enhance Minnesota's environment and natural resources. The LCCMR developed from a program initiated in 1963. Since 1963, approximately $1.5 billion has been appropriated to more than 2,600 projects recommended to the legislature by the Commission to protect and enhance Minnesota's environment and natural resources.
In 1988, 77% of Minnesota voters approved a constitutional amendment establishing the ENRTF (Article XI, Sec. 14) - a constitutionally dedicated fund that originates from a combination of Minnesota State Lottery proceeds and investment income. The purpose of the ENRTF is to provide a long-term, consistent, and stable source of funding for activities that protect, conserve, preserve, and enhance Minnesota's "air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources" for the benefit of current citizens and future generations. Since 1991, the ENRTF has provided approximately $1.1 billion to over 1,700 projects around the state.
As of March 19, 2025, the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) received 400 proposals requesting a total of $358,772,000. The amount available for appropriation from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) is approximately $103 million. This RFP process is for FY 2027 funds that become available beginning July 1, 2026.
As of July 31, 2024, the Legislative‐Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) has selected 125 projects totaling $103,326,000 to recommend to the 2025 Minnesota Legislature for funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF). In response to LCCMR’s 2025 Request for Proposal (RFP), 214 proposals requesting a total of approximately $183 million were received and considered through a competitive, multi‐stage evaluation. The following recommendations range from funding the full proposal and dollar amount requested to partial funding for specific proposal elements.
NEW - LCCMR Six-Year Strategic Plan for the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund 2025 - 2031, adopted on December 11, 2024.
The LCCMR biennial report as required in M.S. 116P.09, Subd. 7 from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) due January 15, 2025 is available. The report covers LCCMR actions from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024 including summaries of past funding accomplishments and new recommendations for funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.
The Emerging Issues Account is intended to be used for efforts addressing an unexpected and urgent need in an expedited manner. Requests for funds from the Emerging Issues account follow a different process than the LCCMR’s RFP and funding recommendation process. These appropriations are authorized under M.S. 116P.08, Subd. 4. Click below to learn more about the process for requesting funds from the Emerging Issues Account.
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