The LCCMR's 2026 Request for Proposal (RFP) for funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund was issued on January 8, 2025. Approximately $103 million is available from the lottery-generated fund through this RFP for projects beginning July 1, 2026.
2026 RFP LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System
We will update this page throughout the funding process. Subscribe to our email list to have updates delivered to your inbox.
The person who will submit the proposal as the project manager is the person who should initially create the proposal in the LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System.
Yes. Once you have started your proposal within the LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System, you can collaborate with others on your proposal by clicking the “Select Action” box and choosing the “Delegate Access” function. Collaborators must register for an account within the system first. Collaborators may edit the proposal but do not have the ability to submit the proposal. We do not recommend that more than one user edit the proposal at the same time.
The LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System contains instructions, drop-down menus, and ”Read Me” links that will guide you through the submission process and answer many of your questions. Please take some time to review all the information on the proposal screens. We strongly encourage proposers get registered in the system as soon as possible.
You can view the fields and instructions in the following document prior to beginning your proposal in the LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System:
Yes, aspects of the funding priorities and proposal requirements are different from previous funding cycles:
If you have questions about completing your proposal within the LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System, please first consult the “Read Me” links and any drop-down options for fields within the system. The RFP and the Project Manager Info page provide more information about project requirements, funding priorities, the proposal selection process, and other details. If you need further assistance or have unanswered questions, please email LCCMR staff with specific questions or an explanation of any difficulties completing your proposal.
You can print out your draft proposal at any time from the LCCMR Proposal and Grant Management System. While viewing the proposal, click on the “Select Action” box and choose “Generate Report (Word Doc)”. You can also print the final version that you submit by following the same steps.
All timeslots for proposal review by LCCMR staff have been filled. LCCMR staff are no longer scheduling meetings to review draft proposals prior to submission.
The expected proposal and funding process timeline for the 2025 RFP is detailed below. Check the LCCMR meeting schedule for the most up-to-date information on important process dates.
December 11 2024 | Funding priorities determined and 2026 RFP adopted. |
January 8, 2025 | 2026 RFP issued. |
March 19, 2025 | Final submission deadline for proposals responding to 2026 RFP. |
Early May 2025 | All submitted proposals distributed to LCCMR members for review, evaluation, and ranking. |
June 11, 2025 | A subset of high-ranking proposals selected for further consideration and invited to give presentations before the LCCMR. |
June 24-27, 2025 June 30 and July 1, 2025 |
Selected proposals present before the LCCMR. |
July 18, 2025 |
Subset of proposals selected for recommendation to the Legislature for funding. |
August - November 2025 | Projects recommended for funding begin submitting work plans for LCCMR staff review, and research projects recommended for funding undergo peer review. |
December 10, 2025 | Funding recommendations are adopted by the LCCMR in legislative bill format, as they will be presented to the Legislature. |
January - May 2026 |
LCCMR recommendations presented to the Legislature for consideration via introduction as an appropriations bill. Bill is considered and acted upon by the Minnesota House and Senate. Upon passage, the bill goes before the governor to be signed into law. |
June 2026 | LCCMR approves work plans for projects funded. |
July 2026 | Minnesota DNR sends grant agreements to non-state agencies receiving ENRTF funds. |
July 1, 2026 | Money from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund becomes available for expenditure, and projects with an approved work plan may begin. |