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M.L. 1999 Projects

M.L. 1999 Projects

MN Laws 1999, Chapter 231, Section 16 (beginning July 1999)

NOTE: For all projects, contact us to obtain the most up-to-date work programs for current projects (project updates are required twice each year) or the final reports of completed projects.

The following documents are short abstracts for projects funded during the 1999-2001 Biennium. The final date of completion for these projects is listed at the end of the abstract. When available, we have provided links to a project's web site. The sites linked to this page are not created, maintained, or endorsed by the LCCMR office or the Minnesota Legislature.

Subd. 03   Administration
Subd. 04   Recreation
Subd. 05   Historic
Subd. 06   Water Quality
Subd. 07   Agriculture and Natural Resource Based Industry
Subd. 08   Urbanization Impacts
Subd. 09   Innovations in Energy and Transportation
Subd. 10   Decisionmaking Tools
Subd. 11   Environmental Education
Subd. 12   Benchmarks and Indicators
Subd. 13   Critical Lands or Habitats
Subd. 14   Native Species Planting
Subd. 15   Native Fish
Subd. 16   Exotic Species
Section 03   Additional Appropriations

Subd. 03 Administration
03aLCMR Administration
Subd. 04  Recreation
04aLocal Initiatives Grants Program
04bMesabi Trail Land Acquisition and Development-Continuation
04cKabetogama to Ash River Community Trail System
04dMesabi Trail Connection
04eDakota County Bikeway Mapping
04fMississippi Riverfront Trail and Access
04gManagement and Restoration of Natural Plant Communities on State Trails
04hGitchi-Gami State Trail
04iState Park and Recreation Area Acquisition, Development, Betterment, and Rehabilitation
04jFt. Snelling State Park-Upper Bluff Implementation-Continuation
04kInterpretive Boat Tours of Hill Annex Mine State Park
04lMetropolitan Regional Parks Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Development
04mComo Park Maintenance
04nLuce Line Trail Connection through Wirth Park
Subd. 05  Historic
05aUsing National Register Properties to Interpret Minnesota History
05bHistoric Site Land Acquisition
05cGibbs Farm Museum Interpretation
05dTraverse des Sioux Site Development
05eOld Wadena Historic Site Development
Subd. 06  Water Quality
06aOn-site Sewage Treatment Alternatives- Performance, Outreach and Demonstration-Continuation - RESEARCH
06bIdentification of Sediment Sources in Agricultural Watersheds - RESEARCH
06cAccelerated State-Wide Local Water Plan Implementation
06dTracking Sources of Fecal Pollution Using DNA Techniques - RESEARCH
06eGroundwater Flow in the Prairie du Chien Aquifer - RESEARCH
06fLake Minnetonka Citizens Monitoring and Education Network
06gErosion Impacts on the Cannon Valley Big Woods - RESEARCH
06hCity of the Lakes Flood Mitigation and and Flow Stream Protection
Subd. 07  Agriculture and Natural Resource Based Industry
07aGreen Forest Certification Project
07bAccelerated Transfer of New Forest-Research Findings
07cMinnesota Wildlife Tourism Initiative
07dIntegrated Prairie Management - RESEARCH
07eImproved Agricultural Systems Overlying Sensitive Aquifers in Southwestern Minnesota - RESEARCH
07fDiversifying Agriculture for Environmental, Economic, and Social Benefits - RESEARCH
07gMinnesota River Basin Initiative: Local Leadership
07hCommercial Fertilizer Plant of Livestock Solid Waste Processing
07iPreservation of Native Wild Rice Resource - RESEARCH - CANCELED
07jWild Rice Management Planning - RESEARCH
07kMesabi Iron Range, Water and Mineral Resource Planning - RESEARCH
07lSustainable Aquaculture Development in Minnesota
07mSustainable Farming Systems - Continuation
07nEconomic Analysis of Agriculture for Multiple Benefits
07oNon-Wood Agricultural Fibers and Industrial Hemp for Pulp and Paper Manufacture
07pSustainable Livestock Systems
07qForest Wildlife Biologist for Ruffed Grouse
07rOrganic Farming Training Project
07sConstruction and Demolition Waste Abatement Demonstration Project
Subd. 08  Urbanization Impacts
08aResources for Redevelopment: A Community Property Investigation Program
08bTools and Training for Community-Based Planning
08cProtecting Dakota County Farmland and Natural Areas
08dUrban Corridor Design
08eConservation-Based Development Program
08fChisago Lakes Outlet Channel Project - CANCELED
08gBlufflands Implementation
Subd. 09  Innovations in Energy and Transportation
09aIce Arena Design for Efficiency and Air Quality-Continuation
09bPromoting High Efficiency Cogeneration
09cEvaluate Biodiesel Made from Waste Fats and Oils
Subd. 10  Decisionmaking Tools
10aGoodhue County Natural Resources Inventory and Management Plan
10bPublic Access to Mineral Knowledge
10cUpdating Outmoded Soil Surveys - Continuation
10eMinnesota Environmentally Preferable Chemicals Project
10fGIS Utilization of Historic Timberland Survey Records
10gBy-Products Application to Agricultural, Mineland and Forest Soils - RESEARCH
10hWinter Severity Index for Deer - RESEARCH
Subd. 11  Environmental Education
11aUncommon Ground: An Educational Television Series
11bKarst Education for Southeastern Minnesota
11cMinnesota Wolf Public Education
11dBear Center
11eAccessible Outdoor Recreation
11fScience Outreach and Integrated Learning on Soil
11gTeacher Training in Interdisciplinary Environmental Education
11hDevelopment and Rehabilitation of Recreational Shooting Ranges
11iYouth Outdoor Environmental Education Program
11jTwin Cities Environmental Service Learning-Continuation
11kMinnesota Whitetail Deer Resource Center Exhibits - CANCELED
11lSustainability Forums
11mMinnesota River Watershed Ecology and History Exhibit
11oAquaculture, Hydoponics, and Greenhouse Research Lab
Subd. 12  Benchmarks and Indicators
12aMeasuring Children's Exposures to Environmental Health Hazards - RESEARCH
12bMinnesota County Biological Survey - Continuation
12cEnvironmental Indicators Initiative - Continuation
12dDakota County Wetland Health Monitoring Program
12ePredicting Water and Forest Resources Health and Sustainability - RESEARCH
12fPotential for Infant Risk from Nitrate Contamination - RESEARCH
12gAssessing Lake Superior Waters Off the North Shore - RESEARCH
12hMinnesota's Forest Bird Diversity Initiative - Continuation - RESEARCH
12iFarm Ponds as Critical Habitats for Native Amphibians - RESEARCH
12jImproved Minnesota Fungus Collection and Database
Subd. 13  Critical Lands or Habitats
13aSustainable Woodlands and Prairies on Private Lands - Continuation
13bNational Prairie Passage-Linking Isolated Prairie Preserves
13cGreening the Metro Mississippi-Minnesota River Valleys
13dRestoring the Greater Prairie Chicken to Southwestern Minnesota
13eThe Prairie Heritage Fund - Continuation
13fPublic Boat Access and Fishing Piers
13gArboretum Land Acquisition and Wetlands Restoration - Continuation
13hNative Prairie Prescribed Burns
13iImplement the Chisago and Washington Counties Green Corridor Project - Continuation
13jRIM Shoreland Stabilization
13kEnhancing Canada Goose Hunting Opportunities for Recreation and Management Purposes
13lNongame Wildlife Match Account
13mWildlife Habitat Acquisition and Development - Chub Lake
13nTrout Stream Protection
Subd. 14  Native Species Planting
14aMinnesota ReLeaf Matching Grant Program - Continuation
14bLandscaping for Wildlife and Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention
14cLakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality Initiative
14dDevelopment and Assessment of Oak Wilt Biological Control Technologies - Continuation - RESEARCH
14eRestoring Ecological Health to St. Paul's Mississippi River Bluffs
Subd. 15  Native Fish
15aMussel Resource Survey
15bFreshwater Mussel Resources in the St. Croix River - RESEARCH
Subd. 16  Exotic Species
16aBiological Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil and Purple Loosestrife - Continuation - RESEARCH
16bEvaluate establishment, impact of leafy spurge biocontrol agents
16cRestoring Native Vegetation in Parks and Nature Centers
Sec. 3  Additional Appropriations
Sec. 3 FY 99 ML 1997 Subd. 4(a)     State Park and Recreation Area Acquisition
Sec. 3 FY 99 ML 1997 Subd. 4(b)     Metropolitan Regional Park System

Funding Sources: (**note: all projects are TF, unless otherwise noted)
Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (TF)
Future Resources Fund (FRF)
Great Lakes Protection Account (GLPA)
State Land and Water Conservation Account (LAWCON)

Subd. 03  Administration

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Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources

Subd. 03a    $ 867,000 TF

John Velin, Director
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
65 - State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-2406
Fax:  (651) 296-1321

For administration as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.09, subdivision 5.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 04  Recreation

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Local Initiative Grants Program
Subd. 04a    $5,117,000 FRF/TF

Wayne Sames
Department of Natural Resources
DNR, Office of Planning
Box 10, 500 Lafayette Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55155-4010

Phone:  (651) 296-1567
Fax:  (651) 296-6047

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The key objective and results of the Local Initiatives Grant Program is to assist local governments and private organizations in acquisition and development of local parks, acquisition of natural and scenic areas, improvement of fish and wildlife habitat, and implementation of a variety of conservation projects. The 1999 appropriation resulted in acquisition or development of 30 Outdoor Recreation Grant projects, including acquisition of 69 acres of park land; 6 Natural and Scenic Area projects totaling 237.5 acres, 92 habitat improvement projects through the Conservation Partners Grant program, and 43 general conservation projects through the Environmental Partnerships Grant program.

The Outdoor Recreation Grants resulted in a significant improvement of local park facilities in communities throughout the state. The Natural and Scenic Areas protected included scenic land on Lake Superior, other lake and river shore lands, and high quality woodlands. Conservation Partners projects included prairie, forest, wetland and lake restoration projects and several associated research projects. Environmental Partnerships projects included a number of environmental education, environmental monitoring, and other conservation service projects.

More detailed descriptions of funded projects are available form the DNR Local Grants Program.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Most of these projects resulted in acquisition of land, development of outdoor recreation facilities and on the ground habitat improvements. Those that involved research or environmental education have made the information available in a number of ways, including informational brochures, interpretive displays, etc. Final project reports are submitted for the Conservation Partners and Environmental Partnerships grant programs. These reports are available for review by contacting the DNR Local Grants Program.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Mesabi Trail Land Acquisition and Development - Continuation
Subd. 04b    $ 1,000,000 FRF/ Match

Bob Manzoline
St. Louis & Lake Ctny Reg. Rail Auth.
801 SW Hwy 169, PO Box 627
Chisholm, MN 55719

Phone:  (218) 254-2575
Fax:  (218) 254-7972

This appropriation is for the continuation of the Mesabi Trail project. Construction of the trail began in 1994 and is anticipated to be completed in the year 2004. This biennium portion is to acquire and develop 37 miles of the Mesabi Trail. There are five segments that make up the 37 miles: 1) A 6-mile segment from the City of Taconite to the City of Calumet; 2) An 8-mile segment from the City of Calumet to the City of Nashwauk; 3) A 5-mile segment from the City of McKinley to the City of Biwabik; 4) A 9-mile segment from the Giants Ridge area to the City of Embarrass; and 5) A 6-mile segment from Mt. Iron to the City of Kinney. The project is also set up to procure design and engineering for trailheads and enhancements. The State of MN, Department of Highway Bicycle Design Standards will be used for trail design. The trail is being developed for multiple user groups in most areas. This appropriation must matched by at least $1,000,000 of nonstate money.

Project due to be completed by: June 30, 2005, as amended in ML 2004, Ch. 255, Sec. 47.

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Kabetogama / Ash River Community Trail System
Subd. 04c    $100,000 FRF/Match

Lee Herseth
Kabetogama Lake Association
10078 Gappa Road
Lake Kabetogama, MN 56669

Phone:  (218) 875-2111 or (218) 875- 3803
Fax:  (218) 875-2114

This project completed 4.8 miles of biking trail, 1.5 miles of hiking/cross-country ski trail, and four trail head parking lots. Two short loop trails, a bridge and 11,000 feet of boardwalk were also constructed. Trailhead signing and directional trail signing is complete.

This trail system now connects two gateway communities, Ash River and Lake Kabetogama, of Voyageurs National Park. The system consists of 23.5 miles hiking, 4.8 miles biking, and 19.6 miles cross country ski trails. The combination of multi-purpose trails provides diverse tourism opportunities annually for over 250,000 visitors and educational programs for over 3,000 students.

The hike/ski/bike trail alignments were approved by the DNR, Voyageurs National Park and the Kagetogama Lake Association. The trail met federal NEPA requirements and all necessary permits were obtained. The majority of LCMR funding was used for trail development.

An August 24, 2002 grand opening celebrated the project. Participants included Senator Mark Dayton, National Park Service and DNR staff, Kabetogama Lake Association, volunteers and friends.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Mesabi Trail Connection
Subd. 04d    $80,000 FRF/ Match

Curt Anttila
East Range Powers Board
P.O. Box 127
Aurora, MN 55705

Phone:  (218) 229-3671
Fax:  (218) 229-3561

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Mesabi Trail Connection provided a portion of the link between the Mesabi Trail and the communities of Aurora, Hoyt Lakes, and White. The Mesabi Trail Connection also provided a portion of the link to Biwabik and the Giants Ridge Golf and Ski resort.

The 1.98 miles of the Mesabi Trail Connection has an all-weather 10' wide bituminous surface and was constructed to conform to current state and federal accessibility standards.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Dakota County Bikeway Mapping
Subd. 04e    $15,000 FRF

Jack Ditmore
Dakota County Physical Development Division
Western Service Center
14955 Galaxy Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Phone:  (612) 891-7007
Fax:  (612) 891-7031

A cost share agreement was funded integrating the digital elevation information in the Dakota county geographic information system database with trail and bikeway routes, and developed maps displaying trail difficulty ratings for trail and bikeway users.

Project completed: 6/30/2000

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Mississippi Riverfront Trail and Access
Subd. 04f    $155,000 FRF/ Match

Tom Montgomery / Marty McNamara
City of Hastings
101 East 4th Street
Hastings, MN 55033

Phone:  (651) 437-4127
Fax:  (651) 437-7082

This project helped to protect wildlife areas, connect existing trails, improve the public boat access and preserve the river front areas between the City of Hastings Lock and Dam #2 for public use. It improved 3,000 feet of road and trail, added lights to the trail, and connected the Riverfront Trail to an existing fifteen-mile loop trail system around Hastings. It also will allow connection of the Hastings' trail system to Dakota County's planned trail connection to Spring Lake Park.

The Army Corps of Engineers estimates that over 50,000 people annual use the Lock and Dam #2 areas. The boat launch was been improved to hold 45 vehicle and trailer parking stalls. This boat launch allows easy access to both the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers. This area used to be an oil tank farm. The project goal was to restore the tank farm area to a scenic and natural area. This project has worked to preserve a large natural area on the Mississippi River for public use consistent with the MNRRA Comprehensive Master Plan.

Maps of the trail system are available at Hastings City Hall and through the Hastings Chamber of Commerce. The City of Hastings has also provided signage marking the trail system.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Management and Restoration of Natural Plant Communities on State Trails
Subd. 04g    $150,000 TF

Angela Anderson
Department of Natural Resources
Box 52, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4052

Phone:  (651) 296-6768
Fax:  (651) 296-5475

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project had a significant role in restoration, re-establishment and management of natural plant communities along State Trails. Re-established a total of:

  • 4 sites to native oak savanna.
  • 40 acres along the Glacial Lakes State Trail.
  • 4 acre site along the Harmony Preston Valley Trail.
  • 3 acres along the Shooting Star State Trail.
  • 12 acre site containing a Big Woods remnant, along the Luce Line State Trail, was cleared of exotic buckthorn and 2000 native understory shrubs and trees were planted to restore plant diversity.
  • 1000 native shrubs and trees were planted along the Glacial Lakes Trail to provide a windbreak and screening.
  • A prescribed burn was conducted on 35 acres of pine savanna along the Willard Munger State Trail, and to control non-native buckthorn, siberian elm and other non-native plants on selected sites along State Trails statewide.
  • 7 interpretive exhibits at trail sites to inform trail users of oak savanna restoration.
  • An exotic species identification guide was produced and will be distributed to natural resources managers who manage public lands.

Monitoring of these projects over the next few years will provide assistance to future restoration and management work.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Gitchi-Gami State Trail
Subd. 04h    $550,000 TF

Larry Peterson
State Park Development and Real Estate Manager
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4039

Phone:  (651) 296-0603
Fax:  651-296-6532

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project originated as a request for funding for the three mile segment of the Gitchi Gami State Trail within the boundaries of Split Rock Lighthouse State Park. The project was combined with a TEA21-funded project for a trail connection between the park and the City of Beaver Bay, to create an 8 mile trail segment. Overal project construction cost was $1,745,000. The LCMR funding played a critical role in accelerating the project engineering and environmental documentation so that the TEA21 funding could be used for the longer 8 mile project. The three mile segment of the project within Split Rock Lighthouse State Park was completed in the summer of 2002 and provides spectacular views to trail users.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
This trail segment will be advertised within various state park publications and credit will be given to LCMR funding wherever possible.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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State Park and Recreation Area Acquisition, Development, Betterment, and Rehabilitation
Subd. 04i    $1,000,000 TF

John Strohkirch
State Park Development and Acquisitions
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4039

Phone:  (651) 296-8289
Fax:  (651) 296-6532 of (651) 297-1157

This project supported acquisition, development, and rehabilitation activities in six state parks. DNR acquired land from willing sellers within the boundaries of Minneopa State Park (401 acres), Interstate State Park (1 acre), and Savannah Portage State Park (45 acres). This funding also helped replace the Nicollet Court motel room in Itasca State Park, rehabilitated the Banning State Park sewer system, and supported the visitor center design work at Forestville State Park.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

Sec. 17. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS The following amounts are appropriated in fiscal year 1999 from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund referred to in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.02, subdivision 6. $496,000 in fiscal year 1999 is added to the appropriation in Laws 1997, chapter 216, section 15, subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (1), for state park and recreation area acquisition. $495,000 in fiscal year 1999 is added to the appropriation in Laws 1997, chapter 216, section 15, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), metropolitan regional park system.

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Fort Snelling State Park / Upper Bluff Implementation - Continuation
Subd. 04j    $100,000 TF

John Lilly
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
1200 Warner Road
St. Paul, MN 55106

Phone:  (651) 772-6149
Fax:  (651) 772-7977

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Upper Bluff contains 28 historic buildings with over 380,000 square feet of usable space. This 141 acre site is comprised of the Polo Grounds, Area J and Officer's Row. During the 1997 - 1999 biennium. These funds were used to develop a conceptual plan (now called the Reuse Study) for this area.

The plan includes: redevelopment of the Parade Grounds that will result in a state of the art youth sports athletic complex to include four softball, two baseball and seven soccer/rugby fields. The facilities will also be available to Metro area groups through a reservation system. The implementation and management of this complex will be guided by a 30 year lease established with Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board on January 7, 2001. Several agencies partnered in developing this lease include the National Park Service, State Historic Preservation Office, Dept. of Veteran Affairs, Ft, Snelling State Park Association and Dept. of Natural Resources-Parks. Currently, Minneapolis is in Phase 2 of the new waterline project which will provide service to the entire Upper Bluff area.

The Area J/Officer's Row segment of the Upper Bluff property has been reviewed through a similar Section 106 Historical Review and Environmental Assessment process with National Park Service and the State Historic Preservation Office. This has involved a deed change to allow uses other then just recreational. Other documents prepared to date include the "Program of Preservation and Utilization" and the "Design Guidelines". These all must be approved through the Federal offices before preparation of lease(s) for prospective tenants. Based on a 1999 "call for interest" and subsequent user viability study, this study short listed three potential tenants for the project to include: Minnesota Valley Academy, Native Arts High School and Ft. Snelling Academy. The Ft. Snelling Academy board recently decided to close their doors; as such, previous proposals are being reviewed for a replacement.

There have been some additional studies prepared as part of the Upper Bluff project. These include a reuse study of Building 151(BOQ), a historical study of the entire Upper Bluff area and a HABS report for Building 63. An interpretive study of the area will be forthcoming.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The Reuse Study has been reprinted twice and supplied to a number of parties interested in the Upper Bluff area. Also interviews were offered to twelve interested organizations and nine interviews were held to evaluate their viability. This provided these groups with additional opportunity to offer detail to the proposals and inquire further into potential lease requirements. Inquiries have continued to come in throughout the process and more interest is expected.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Interpretive Boat Tours of Hill Annex Mine State Park
Subd. 04k    $60,000 TF

John Strohkirch
State Park Development and Acquisitions
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4039

Phone:  (651) 296-8289
Fax:  (651) 296-6532 of (651) 297-1157

The project included the purchase of a tour boat and associated docking facility at Hill Annex Mine State Park. This project has allowed DNR State Parks to add interpretive tours of the Hill Annex open pit mine via boat excursions as an option to the existing bus tours. Interpretive tours by boat will give visitors a better perspective of the size and unique geology of the Hill Annex Mine.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Metropolitan Regional Parks Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Development
Subd. 04l    $2,000,000 TF

Arne Stefferud
Metropolitan Council
Mears Park Centre
230 East Fifth Street
St. Paul, MN 55101-1634

Phone:  (651) 602-1360
Fax:  (651) 602-1404

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The key objective of these appropriations is to continue the acquisition, development, and rehabilitation of the metropolitan regional park system, consistent with the Metropolitan Council's regional recreation open space capital improvement plan. Funds from the State appropriation are matched on a 60/40 basis with bonds issued by the Metropolitan Council and then granted to regional park implementing agencies as subgrants. The subgrants financed the following capital improvements:

  1. Design/engineering work to match a TEA-21 grant for a 3.3 mile trail in Hyland-Bush Anderson Lakes Park Reserve, Bloomington.
  2. Complete the restoration of the Harriet Island Regional Park picnic pavilion, St. Paul.
  3. Rehabilitate parking/work areas, septic systems and garage at Baylor Regional Park, Carver County.
  4. Design/engineering work for replacing the bicycle/pedestrian trails, street modifications, landscaping and signage at the Lake of the Isles portion of Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board.
  5. Complete internal park roads, trails, enhance existing beach and picnic area at Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve, Anoka County.
  6. Correct the subgrade and pave a portion of the internal park access road in Lake Minnewashta Regional Park, Carver County.
  7. Relocate and expand the boat launch at Lake Byllesby Regional Park, Dakota County.
  8. Partially finance the historic/interpretive displays in the "Mill Ruins" portion of Central Mississippi Riverfront Regional Park, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board.
  9. Partially finance lighting a 5 kilometer ski trail, constructing a trail bridge over Battle Creek Road plus new trails, parking improvements and restoring oak-savannah and prairie at Battle Creek Regional Park, Ramsey County.
  10. Partially finance rebuilding 7 miles of paved bike/pedestrian trail in Baker Park Reserve, Three Rivers Park District.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
With regard to the directive for the Metropolitan Council to collect, digitize and publish a map illustrating all local, regional, state and federal parks and all off-road trails with connecting on-road routes, the Metropolitan Council collected data in 1999 from local governments and other entities. The data was digitized and published in September 1999 by the Lawrence Group in 2000 King of Maps, Twin Cities Metro Street Atlas. This publication is available at bookstores and other map retail outlets. The park and trail data is contained in the updated versions of the atlas for 2001, 2002 and 2003. The partnership approach with a private map publishing company was the only way the data could be published in a format that was useful to the public, and published at an affordable price to the consumer.

Capital improvement projects completed June 30, 2002. Map data collection, digitization and publication project completed September 1999.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

Sec. 17. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS The following amounts are appropriated in fiscal year 1999 from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund referred to in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.02, subdivision 6. $496,000 in fiscal year 1999 is added to the appropriation in Laws 1997, chapter 216, section 15, subdivision 4, paragraph (a), clause (1), for state park and recreation area acquisition. $495,000 in fiscal year 1999 is added to the appropriation in Laws 1997, chapter 216, section 15, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), metropolitan regional park system.

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Como Park Campus Maintenance
Subd. 04m    $500,000 FRF

Victor L. Camp
St. Paul's Como Zoo
Division of Parks and Recreation
City of St. Paul
1250 Kaufman Drive
St. Paul, MN 55103

Phone:  (651) 487-8202
Fax:  (651) 487-8204

This project supported the repair and maintenance of deteriorating physical structures and utility systems serving the plant and animal exhibits at the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory in St. Paul. It allowed the repair and replacement of a zoo perimeter fence, the concrete facade in front of the conservatory, portions of heating systems, and zoo pathways, and the installation of an emergency generator and wiring in the primate facility.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Luce Line Trail Connection Through Wirth Park
Subd. 04n    $300,000 FRF/ Match

Tim P. Brown
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
400 South Fourth
Suite 200, Grain Exchange
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Phone:  (612) 661-4813
Fax:  (612) 661-4777

Overall Project Outcome And Results:
5,010 feet of bicycle and pedestrian trail was completed through Wirth Park to connect the Minneapolis Regional Trail system with the Luce Line State Trail. The completed Luce Line segment links with the Basset's Creek Trail, to connect the Cedar Lake Trail with the Wirth Parkway Trail and a future Luce Line segment in Golden Valley.

This connection is part of one of the longest trails in the state extending from Hutchinson to Minneapolis. The new trail enables pedestrians and cyclists to access the 45-mile regional trail systems of the Minneapolis Park Board with its connections to other trail systems in Hennepin, Anoka and Dakota Counties and the City of St. Paul. Along with providing a first rate recreational facility the trail completes an important bicycle commuter route from the western metro area to downtown Minneapolis.

Built to MNDOT Bike Trail specifications, the new bituminous trail has a minimum width of 10 feet. The trail is striped and has signage to provide maximum safety and navigation. Restoration of disturbed areas was also completed including grading, seeding and the planting of 40 small trees to replace trees lost during the trail construction.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

Subd. 05  Historic

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Using National Register Properties to Interpret Minnesota History
Subd. 05a    $90,000 FRF

John F. Lauber
Minnesota Historical Society
345 Kellogg Blvd. W.
St. Paul, MN 55102-1906

Phone:  (651) 296-5434
Fax:  (651) 282-2374

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project created an addition to the Minnesota Historical Society's Web site. Using National Register properties to interpret four themes in Minnesota history, a total of 80 properties are featured. A searchable database provides the interactive framework, allowing users to access information in a variety of ways and to search by location, keyword or create a custom search.

The project grew out of a long-held commitment to make information about Minnesota's historic properties widely accessible. For more than 30 years, the State Historic Preservation Office has been working to identify, evaluate, designate and protect the state's historic resources. This work has yielded a wealth of information and has put more than 1,500 properties on the National Register of Historic Places.

A steering committee worked with teams of consultants to develop several approaches to exploring Minnesota's historic properties and identified themes for each. The site features the following themes:

  • A Minnesota Sampler provides a tour of the state's architectural resources.
  • The Iron Range Region explores Minnesota's industrial heritage.
  • Getaways through the Years revisits the places where Minnesotans have spent their leisure time. Minnesota from the Railroad examines how the Great Northern helped shape Minnesota's countryside.

Each theme includes a historical overview, illustrated descriptions of properties, location maps, bibliography and links to related sites.

More themes and properties will be added over time. A searchable database of all 1,500 Register properties were added in the fall of 2001. It is expected that greater understanding will lead to greater appreciation for and stewardship of Minnesota's significant cultural resources.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Historic Site Land Acquisition
Subd. 05b    $175,000 TF

John Crippen
Minnesota Historical Society
Fort Snelling History Center
St. Paul, MN 55111

Phone:  (651) 296-3979
Fax:  (651) 296-8404

The primary project result was the purchase of 80 acres of land adjacent to the Jeffers Petroglyphs site in Cottonwood County. It will protect the site from possible development or commercial activity nearby, and it will enhance the site experience for 10,000 visitors each year. Over the next several years, the use of the land will revert from agricultural to restored prairie. The land is also adjacent to the site's large collection of the endangered Prairie Bush Clover, and it is hoped that this acquisition will provide expansion space for that plant.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Gibbs Farm Museum Interpretation
Subd. 05c    $150,000 FRF

Priscilla Farnham
Ramsey County Historical Society
323 Landmark Center
75 West 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55102

Phone:  (651) 222-0701
Fax:  (651) 223-8539

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The key objective was to build and furnish replica structures and to recreate land use of the Dakota and pioneers including: Dakota bark lodge, two canvas tipi, furnishings including clothing and tools, restoration of 1.3 acres of prairie using Francis Marschner's interpretation of the original land survey notes of 1847 and planting 174 species of plants include grasses like Big and Little bluestem, Switch grass, Indian grass, and wildflower species like Butterfly weed, Yellow coneflower, Prairie onion and Prairie rose.

The significance of a positive, hands-on perspective of a culture that is part of Minnesota's heritage is enormous. Most contemporary people know of Dakota people only through tales of war and deprivation. The Dakota culture is here represented at its best - not just in decline and despair. Some of the most effective learning occurs outside the classroom when a person experiences life in another era. It's the only site in Minnesota showing a period of friendship and cooperation between the in-coming pioneers and the indigenous peoples. It serves as a beacon of hope for cross-cultural understanding for all peoples.

Attendance has increased over last year (20,000); our new marketing plan anticipates reaching its goal of 30,000 visitors.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Traverse des Sioux Site Development
Subd. 05d    $250,000 TF

Thomas Ellig
Minnesota Historical Society
Lower Sioux Agency
32469 Cty. Hwy. 2
Morton, MN 56270

Phone:  (507) 697-6321
Fax:  (507) 697-6310

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Of the many results from this project, the most important is that the site has changed from an undeveloped to a developed site. Traverse des Sioux historic site is now more accessible to the entire public and interpretation of the site has been dramatically expanded and improved. The site now has approximately 1.25 miles of ADA compliant trails, 2 interpretive kiosks, 12 interpretive markers and 7 building identification markers. The trail also includes 5 benches for rest areas. Besides the trail and marker development, there is a new hard-surfaced parking lot that will accommodate more vehicles. Also, approximately 25 acres of the site have been restored to native prairie that when fully established, will include 7 grasses and 30 flower species. Prior to this development, site attendance was about 1,000 visitors per year. Annual attendance is now estimated to increase to 5,000 annually.

A major public benefit of this project will be the expansion of the interpretive programming at the site. Of the ten major interpretive themes identified for Traverse des Sioux, only 3-4 of them were being interpreted prior to this project. Now, all 10 themes are part of the site's daily interpretive program. Besides daily interpretation, the site can now offer special programs. This will allow for increased use of the site by the public, and especially, school groups.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The primary result of this project has been to improve public access to the site and to expand and improve site interpretation. This result is being disseminated in a variety of ways. The Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) promotes the site through its web page at (Museums & Historic Places - Historic Sites). The site is also promoted through the MHS Special Events advertising and in the Society's quarterly news magazine Minnesota History. The site also has its own brochure as well as being promoted through the MHS's Sites Guide. The site's close proximity to the Nicollet County Historical Society museum means that the NCHS will be disseminating information about the site on a frequent basis.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Old Wadena Historic Site Development
Subd. 05e    $25,000 FRF/ Match

Dave Anderson and Mary Harrison
Wah De Nah Historic and Environmental Learning Project
200 1st Street
Staples, MN 56479

Phone:  (218) 894-1930
Fax:  (218) 894-3045

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A 4' x 55' steel footbridge was erected across the Partridge River on May 31, 2000. This provided access to the Little Round Hill for the first time, allowing community members and all park visitors to explore the site of Aywishtoyah's trading post and the battle between the post and the Dakota.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 06  Water Quality

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On-Site Sewage Treatment Alternatives: Performance, Outreach & Demonstration - Continuation
Subd. 06a    $550,000 TF

Mark Wespetal
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- Water Quality Division
520 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4198

Phone:  (651) 296-9322
Fax:  (651) 297-86766


To evaluate alternative system performance and increase the use of these systems to solve sewage treatment problems, this project had three objectives: 1. Establish five demonstration installations of alternatives and evaluate performance; 2. Monitor alternative technologies at research sites for pathogen, solids and nutrient removal; and 3. Evaluate additional methods to improve nitrogen and pathogen removal using constructed wetlands.

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Results of these three objectives are summarized as follows:

  1. Five demonstrations were conducted. The alternative systems installed were sand filters, a textile filter, and a composting toilet with a drip distribution system.
  2. Key findings of the research are:
  3. • Pressure distribution of septic tank effluent increases the performance (efficiency and operation) of most alternative systems. Alternative systems require more management than "conventional" systems.
    • Alternative systems typically achieved secondary treatment standards (as per municipal wastewater plant - 25TSS and 30BOD); and many systems consistently achieved < 200 fecals/100 ml, (recreational beach standard).
    • Seasonal variations in performance and management must be accounted for in design and operation.
  4. Protocols and methodology for evaluating system performance using seeded bacterial pathogens and viral pathogens have been developed.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Results of this project are detailed on a web page that was developed in the summer of 2000. The address is A comprehensive technology transfer plan coordinated by the principals of this project continues to provide design, construction, operation and maintenance information to homeowners, contractors, resorts, Extension educators, and local and state planning and regulatory agency staff. Tools include fact sheets, technical publications, training workshops, conferences, and satellite video conferences. These have reached more than 1600 contractors and technical experts and at least 10,000 of the public.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Identification of Sediment Sources in Agriculture Watersheds
Subd. 06b    $350,000 TF/ Match

Daniel Engstrom (Shawn Schottler)
St. Croix Watershed Research Station
16910 152nd St. N.
Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047

Phone:  (651) 433-5953
Fax:  (651) 433-5924


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Quantifying the contribution of overland sources versus streambank sources to riverine suspended sediment is fundamental to directing management efforts aimed at reducing sediment loads and achieving sustainable agriculture. A technique using radioisotopes and other geochemical tracers to fingerprint and quantify sources of sediment to rivers was successfully tested on two sub-basins in the Sand Creek watershed, Scott County, Minnesota. The technique employed in this study made several modifications to the methods presented by Walling and Woodward, 1992; Walling et. al, 1999; He and Owens, 1995. The underlying premise of the technique is that streambanks and soils with differing land use, mineralogy and exposure to atmospherically deposited radioisotopes and metals will have unique signatures of these tracers. Ten geochemical and isotopic tracers were identified that could statistically discriminate between sediments originating from erosion of streambanks versus cultivated fields. A source apportionment mixing model using the composite fingerprint of all tracers was developed to estimate the contribution from each erosion source. Erosion of streambanks accounted for greater than 70% of the total suspended sediment load measured during eight storm events in 2000 and 2001. For individual events, streambank erosion was estimated to contribute 45 - 95% of suspended sediment loading. Tile drainage networks and runoff from fields with perennial vegetation were determined to have negligible direct sediment inputs to the creeks in this study. However, flow from tile outfalls increases the flashy nature of the stream hydrograph and exacerbates streambank erosion.

Project Result Use and Dissemination:
The results found in this study are almost certainly representative of larger watersheds, and it highlights the need to begin focusing management techniques and funding efforts on practices that can reduce erosion of streambanks. Findings from this study will be presented to state and local agencies concerned with reducing suspended sediment loads in Minnesota's rivers, and will also be presented internationally though journal publications and presentations at scientific meetings.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Acceleratied State-wide Local Water Plan Implementation
Subd. 06c    $1,000,000 FRF / Match

Marybeth Block
MN Board of Water and Soil Resources
One West Water Street, Suite 250
St. Paul, MN 55107

Phone:  (651) 297-7965
Fax:  (651) 297-5615

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Grants were awarded to 9 counties, 4 watershed districts, 2 soil and water conservation districts and 2 joint powers boards for the purpose of implementing high priority actions identified in current state approved and locally adopted comprehensive water management plans. The monies were used to complete the following projects:

  • Reduce phosphorus and sediment loading to Little Rock Creek.
  • Stabilize water levels of Kismet Basin and protect Brown's Creek trout fisheries.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of Polymer/Kenat stormwater treatment in a confined urban watershed.
  • Identify and prioritize Como Lake management issues through active citizen and agency involvement.
  • Develop 5 wellhead protection plans coordinated with Community Based Land Use Planning projects.
  • Improve groundwater recharge estimates and enhance local groundwater management.
  • Collect and treat stormwater to significantly reduce pollution that enters Leech Lake.
  • Develop Master Sanitary Sewer Plan to provide alternative solution for failing ISTS.
  • Inspect on-site septic systems on the Whitefish Chain of Lakes.
  • Inventory minor watersheds and increase Secchi disc and Chlorophyll-a readings by 5%.
  • Develop a karst educational exhibit and groundwater monitoring station.
  • Stabilize a streambank to reduce pollutants from the water supply of the City of East Grand Forks.
  • Target technical assistance to the most vulnerable municipal public water supply in 9 metro counties.
  • Gather data on stormwater infiltration by developing a demonstration site and a series of fact sheets.
  • Inventory/evaluate wastewater treatment systems and develop a long-range sewage treatment plan.
  • Address Red River mediation agreement concerns and install relevant practices.
  • Demonstrate agricultural best management practices.

Project Results Use and Dissemination Results of the specific projects are available upon request from the Board of Water and Soil Resources.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Tracking Sources of Fecal Pollution Using DNA Techniques
Subd. 06d    $300,000 TF

Dr. Michael J. Sadowsky
University of Minnesota
Department of Soil, Water and Climate
1991 Upper Buford Circle, 439 Borlaug Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 624-2706
Fax:  (612) 625- 6725


Overall Project Outcomes and Results:
The rep-PCR DNA fingerprint technique, using repetitive DNA sequences, was investigated as a means to differentiate human from animal sources of fecal pollution. BOX PCR primers were used to generate 2466 DNA fingerprints from Escherichia coli strains from human and animal sources in Minnesota (humans, dogs, cats, horses, deer, geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys, cows, pigs, goats, and sheep). This constituted a known source DNA fingerprint library. Fingerprints were analyzed using curve-matching algorithms. Jackknife analyses indicated that 70.2 - 96.2% of animal and human isolates were assigned into the correct source groups. However, when only unique isolates were examined (isolates from a single animal having distinct DNA fingerprints), Jackknife analyses indicated that 52.8 - 78.5% of the isolates were assigned to the correct source group. BOX DNA fingerprints were generated from 300-400 E. coli isolated from each of four Minnesota watershed areas (Mississippi River, Prairie Creek, Rush River, and Grindstone River) and compared to those in the known source fingerprint library. Based on similarity cut-off values of 80% or greater, about 83% of the environmental isolates could be assigned to a source group. In general, the rural sites were dominated by E. coli bacteria originating from livestock species, while the urban site was impacted by a mixture of domestic animals and wildlife. Database size was found to be important in accurately determining sources of fecal pollutants. Taken together, the results indicate that rep-PCR using the BOX A1R primer may be a useful and effective tool to rapidly determine sources of fecal pollution.

Project Results Use and Dissemination Results from this project can be found at The DNA fingerprint library is currently being used to determine potential sources of fecal pollution in three watershed areas in Minnesota (part of 2001 LCMR appropriation). Results from this current project have been presented at many local and national conferences.

E. coli rep-PCR web page (see which is housed on computers at the University of Minnesota, Department of Soil, Water, and Climate. The website specific for this project was developed as part of the 1999 LCMR project and was updated throughout this project period.

Phase one of project completed June 30, 2001. Second appropriation in 2001 to be completed in 2004.

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Groundwater Flow in the Prairie De Chien Aquifer
Subd. 06e    $110,000 TF

Anthony C. Runkel
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey
2642 University Ave. W.
St. Paul, MN 55114-1057

Phone:  (612) 627-4780 ext. 222
Fax:  (612) 627-4778


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The goal was to characterize groundwater flow in the Prairie du Chien Group, and underlying Jordan Sandstone of southeastern Minnesota. Hydrostratigraphic features were documented in cores and outcrops from 11 counties, collected geophysical logs from nine boreholes in five counties, and conducted comprehensive tests of three scientific boreholes. Groundwater chemistry was analyzed for 28 wells in 10 counties. Data from published investigations were re-evaluated. Results revealed that the Prairie du Chien and Jordan consist of three hydrogeologic units: 1) An upper Shakopee aquifer in which flow occurs chiefly along a few thin intervals with high conductivity. One such interval in its lower part exists over much of southeastern Minnesota, 2) a lower Oneota confining unit with few cavities, and 3) a lower Jordan Aquifer.

The results have practical value for protecting the Prairie du Chien and Jordan Aquifers, which supply water to over 15,000 wells in southeastern Minnesota. They can be used to model groundwater flow rates and paths, assess vulnerability to contamination, and properly regulate well construction.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
An MGS titled Hydrogeology of the Paleozoic Bedrock in South Eastern Minnesota (RI 61) which summarizes the results of this project was released in early 2003. Specific results were presented to local southeastern Minnesota water planners. A formal presentation is scheduled for the October 22, 2001 Midwest Groundwater Conference.

The results have or will be used by governmental agencies and private corporations with groundwater concerns in southeastern Minnesota. It will particularly benefit MDH efforts to develop wellhead protection plans for the over 100 communities that use these aquifers, and MPCA staff at sites of contamination. The scientific techniques are being adopted by the MDNR-Waters, including application to LCMR 2001 for this project.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Lake Minnetonka Citizens Monitoring and Education Network
Subd. 06f    $40,000 FRF/ Match

Dick Osgood
Lake Minnetonka Association
P.O. Box 248
Excelsior, MN 55331

Phone:  (612) 470-4449
Fax:  (612) 470-4449

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Lake Minnetonka Citizens Monitoring and Education Network organized, trained and activated about 60 citizen volunteers who performed various volunteer monitoring duties during the project period and beyond. The volunteers attended five, two-hour educational seminars and 13 training sessions. Because these sessions were taped and broadcast (usually several times per week) on the local cable network, many members of the Lake Minnetonka community had an opportunity to follow the progress of the volunteers' activities.

The volunteers monitored water clarity, conducted the first-ever comprehensive aquatic plant inventory, the first-ever comprehensive shoreland inventory, an inventory of the Eurasian watermilfoil weevil, zebra mussel samples and zebra mussel inspections. This work was completed with the assistance of various financial and technical cooperators, including Cargill, Hennepin Parks, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation district, Minnesota Sea Grant, Professor Ray Newman and numerous members and friends of the Lake Minnetonka Association. The results of these monitoring activities have been shared with cooperators and summaries have been provided to local media in the forms of press releases and through the local cable broadcasts.

The work of the Lake Minnetonka Citizens Monitoring and Education Network continues past the project period and is supported completely with local resources.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The education and training sessions continue to be broadcast on the local cable channel, in fact, the Lake Minnetonka Association has been assigned a regular weekly time in their schedule. In addition, the Lake Minnetonka Association published "A Citizens Guide to Understanding and Protecting Lake Minnetonka," that was given to the volunteers and others in the Lake Minnetonka community.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Erosion Impacts on the Cannon Valley Big Woods
Subd. 06g    $150,000 TF

Brad Carlson
Big Woods Project
U of M Extension, 320 NW 3rd Street, Suite 7
Faribault, MN 55021

Phone:  (507) 332-6165


Overall Project Outcomes and Results:
This project determined the historical and contemporary soil erosion trends across the big woods ecosystem in Rice County in order to develop effective land management tools for future natural resources planning. The study found, through the use of GIS databases and 512 field observations, that a large amount of sediment (30,000,000 m3 or 1,100,000,000 ft3) is held within the valleys of eastern Rice County. The areas containing these sediments were commonly associated with high agricultural land-use, steep valleys, and increasing watershed area. Large stream flows through these sediment-rich areas have the potential to lower the water quality in the Cannon River.

Subsurface agricultural tile drainage has been suggested as a soil conservation strategy in eastern Rice County, where permeable soils overlie a dense glacial till. A partially tile-drained hillslope was monitored where waterlevels lowered on the tile-drained side of the hill by 80 cm when compared to the undrained side were observed. This suggests that tile drainage could increase the ability of the upland soils to absorb rainfall and decrease runoff thereby decreasing soil erosion locally. While tile drainage may provide site-specific benefits, there are likely disadvantages related to potential increases in stream peak flows causing erosion and rapid stream dissection.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Delivery of information to the general public and land-use managers has taken several forms. The Big Woods Project has coordinated several tours to educate local groups (25-30 participants). The University of Minnesota has had up to 15 students and staff working on different aspects of this project; used sites on course field trips (~50 students); developed customized products for the Nerstrand Big Woods State Park; worked with local colleges; and established a website documenting research activities. Project data and information has been used by county and regional land resource managers to assist in long-range planning and addressing water quality concerns in the Cannon River Watershed.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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City of Lakes Flood Mitigation and Flow Stream Protection
Subd. 06h    $500,000 FRF/ Match

Jeffrey T. Lee
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
3800 Bryant Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55409

Phone:  (612) 370-4900 or (612) 313-7765
Fax:  (612) 370-4831

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Completed construction of the gravity flow stream connection between Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet to improve lake water quality and equalize water levels in the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes. Gravity flow outlet has been functional since May 2000 and operated efficiently and as designed during high water episodes in 2001.

Historically, lake levels within the Chain of Lakes have been maintained using mechanical pumping of 800 million gallons of water (up to $8,000 of electricity per year). The gravity flow system moves water at a maximum rate of 28.4 cfs, while the pumping system moved only 22.3 cfs. The increased stability of water levels will safeguard shoreline vegetation and infrastructure from disastrous flooding.

Phase one construction for Lake of the Isles Park has been designed, permitted, bid and construction contract awarded. The current phase one includes shoreline stabilization and wetland and flood storage creation, with shoreline stabilization along the east shore of the main lake and on the south shore of the Kenilworth Lagoon.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 07  Agriculture and Natural Resource Based Industry

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Green Forest Certification Project
Subd. 07a    $150,000 TF

Philip Guillery
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
2105 1st Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 870-3456
Fax:  (612) 870-4846

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project offered opportunities for private forests to become green certified throughout Minnesota. The primary result of this project was qualifying 115,000 acres of non-industrial private forests (NIPFs) for certification under the Forest Stewardship Council system through the certification of foresters, forest support organizations and educational institutions. Over 3,000 acres were directly certified as well managed by the end of this project through the green certification of two consulting foresters and one environmental learning center. 112,000 will qualify for certification through the certification of one consulting forester, one forestry support organization and one education institution that completed the certification process near the end of the project.

A secondary result of this project was to offer chain-of-custody (COC) certification to small sawmills and wood product manufacturers. COC assures that any certified wood products that are sold in the market place can be traced back to the certified forest from where they originated. Ten wood products companies were certified as a result of this project.

The experience gained from this project demonstrated that many private forest owners are interested in forest certification but more flexible, less costly systems need to be developed to allow foresters and the State DNR to participate fully. This project was able to support the development of a new system that is showing promise in making certification more affordable and flexible.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Accelerated Transfer of New Foret-Research Findings
Subd. 07b    $115,000 TF

Barbara Coffin
Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative- Institute for Sustainable Natural Resources
College of Natural Resources- University of Minnesota
250 NRAB, 2003 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 624-4986
Fax:  (612) 624-8701

Funding accelerated the transfer of new forest-research findings through educational programming coordinated by the Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative. The Cooperative, a public/private partnership of natural resource agencies, industry, and non-profit organizations, offers a new model in collaborative continuing education. The formation of the Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative recognized the need to structure educational opportunities in an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment. Educational programming of the Cooperative encourages an integrated, systems approach to resource management where social, economic, and ecological values must work together to sustain healthy, productive forest systems.

Workshops (15 serving over 600 natural resource professionals), an international conference (220 participants from Canada, United States, and Mexico), and the development of educational components for the publication/manual Tying Forest Stands to Landscapes were products of the acceleration of funding for the Cooperative. Funding played a critical role in launching this new experiment in collaborative education - the Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative. It is now recognized across the nation as a successful model for how to structure and offer continuing education to multi-disciplinary audiences in natural resources management (see Journal of Forestry, September 2001).

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Minnesota Wildlife Tourism Initiative
Subd. 07c    $250,000 TF

Carrol Henderson
Department of Natural Resources- Section of Wildlife
DNR, Box 7, Section of Wildlife
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-0700
Fax:  (651) 297-4961

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Wildlife tourism is estimated to be a $400 million industry per year in Minnesota. This project provided an array of workshops, grants, web site development, information efforts and advertising to accelerate the process by which Minnesota is becoming a more significant national destination for wildlife tourism.

A total of 19 workshops were held for 286 people to teach them the basics about wildlife tourism as an industry that supports the preservation and wise management of natural resources on public forest, wildlife and park lands. Six field trips were also carried out for 180 people to introduce them to a variety of wildlife watching destinations. A total of 200 wildlife watching signs were posted at the entrance to public lands that were identified in the book Traveler's Guide to Wildlife in Minnesota. A total of 12 communities utilized grants to develop wildlife watching promotional materials for their local areas.

Project Results Use and Dissemination
This information has been used in local communities in development or promotion of the Pine to Prairie Birding Trail, Great River Birding Trail (Mississippi River corridor), Minnesota River Birding Trail, and in creation of local birding festivals. Some of the lessons learned from this process have been written up as a tourism curriculum for local communities and local colleges. It is called the Saga of Grackle Junction. This curriculum was written and developed by the Nongame Wildlife Program and teaches the process by which wildlife tourism can be developed in a community. National advertising exposure about wildlife watching opportunities in Minnesota also appeared in Audubon magazine, Birder's World, Wild Bird, and National Wildlife magazine. Wildlife watching information was also incorporated into information and maps of the state's Wildlife Management Areas on the DNR web site.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Integrated Prairie Management
Subd. 07d    $350,000 TF

W. Daniel Svedarsky
Northwest Experiment Station
University of Minnesota
Crookston, MN 56716

Phone:  (218) 281-8129
Fax:  (218) 281-8603


This project was made up of 2 subprojects. The first examined challenges of conserving prairie in the Felton Prairie Complex of Clay County where it overlies valuable aggregate resources. This included, 1) an aggregate inventory using rotosonic drilling, 2) the reclamation of an abandoned gravel pit to a wetland and prairie reconstruction to provide a place for public interpretation of the Felton Prairie Complex and adjacent gravel mining activities, and 3) integrated stewardship planning. A site-specific stewardship plan was developed for about 2,000 acres of public land within the Complex with emphasis on developing a conflict resolution process for the 800 acres containing both prairie and gravel. The process recognized society's interest in prairie conservation as well as the need for aggregate resources.

The second part of the project researched management effects of fire and grazing on prairie vegetation and grassland birds, and the use of prairie vegetation by livestock at selected sites in a 9-10 county area, including Clay County. Rotational grazing contributed to the maintenance of desirable prairie plants more than continuous grazing or no grazing. In spite of a short study period, prescribed burning increased desirable prairie plants over no-burn controls. The post-burn age of prairie plots affected birds differently depending on their habitat requirements, emphasizing the need for a mosaic of post-burn ages of prairie management units in the landscape. Prairie vegetation can provide desirable livestock forage during the warm part of the grazing season since many native grasses grow best then. Moderately-grazed prairie contained more birds that either heavily grazed or lightly-grazed plots. A landowner's guide to prairie management was prepared and will be widely distributed to individuals and agency prairie managers. It contains finding of this study and other research which is applicable to native prairie management and planting prairie in aggregate-mined areas.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Improved Agricultural Systems Overlying Sensitive aquifers in Southwestern Minnesota
Subd. 07e    $200,000 FRF

Bruce Montgomery
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
90 W. Plato Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55107

Phone:  (651) 297-7178
Fax:  (651) 296-7386


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Water supplies from Lincoln Pipestone Rural Water System District's (LPRWSD) are seriously threatened by elevated nitrate levels. This project was successful in bringing various state and federal agencies, UM, area farmers and ag professionals together to develop a response strategy. Local county offices secured EQIP and EPA 319 funds for cost share incentives. Funds provided the technical expertise to develop and coordinate nutrient management plans. Over 40% of the cropland within the Verdi well field enrolled in EQIP. Similar efforts are now taking place in the Holland well field. A grant from LPRWSD will continue plan writing and technical support through 2003.

Current nitrogen recommendations were reexamined in these critical recharge areas. Research found that delaying N applications, using anhydrous ammonia, and/or using band application methods all would be preferred management methods. Continuation of this research, made possible by a grant from LPRWSD, will allow three full cropping seasons to revise existing BMPS.

Public drinking water compliance often requires nitrate removal treatment. An alternative approach for shallow water table aquifers may be phytofiltration. Perennial forages, irrigated with the nitrate-rich ground water during the growing season, remove nitrate and thus reduce nitrate concentrations in recharge water. This research found that this remediation approach has potential in areas where ground water can be readily influenced by leaching. This research will also be continued through 2003. Computer simulation output provided valuable insight into the relationships between management, crop types, and nutrient inputs across soil types in both well fields; this data will be very beneficial in future land use management planning efforts.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Numerous education events were conducted with local producers, dealerships, and water planners. Local media coverage was excellent. "One-on-one" interaction with producers during the nutrient plan writing and implementation was highly effective.

All of these various components will have a number of publications, revised BMPs, and subsequent Extension bulletins developed upon conclusion in 2003.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Diversifying Agriculture for Environmental, Economic, and Social Benefits
Subd. 07f    $400,000 TF

Craig Sheaffer
Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
University of Minnesota
411 Borlaug Hall, 1991 U. Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 625-7224
Fax:  (612) 625-1268


Cover crops, agroforestry, and native perennial legumes and some approaches to improve the economic and environmental outcomes of cropping systems were evaluated. In northern Minnesota, systems with perennial ryegrass interseeded into soybeans, wheat, and flax with perennial ryegrass seed harvested the following year were more profitable than continuous wheat or a soybean/wheat rotation. Intercropping of alfalfa, red clover, and vetch with wheat did not reduce the incidence of Fusarium head blight of wheat. In southern Minnesota, winter rye cover cropping following corn in a corn-soybean system reduced nitrate-nitrogen losses an average of 60% compared to a conventional corn-soybean rotation. Superior winter rye varieties were identified for use in nitrogen scavenging. Nitrogen scavenging crops can improve the environment for all citizens. Yellow sweetclover, mammoth red clover, and non-dormant alfalfa produced significant biomass and N accumulation when interseeded with a small grain crop and can be used to reduce synthetic N fertilizer use by producers. Living mulch systems using Kura clover can be effective at providing ground cover and suppressing weeds therefore reducing erosion and herbicide use. Improved hybrid hazelnuts have potential as a new woody nut crop in southern and central Minnesota. Hazelnuts were successfully established and survived a winter in diverse environments. Controlling competing vegetation enhanced hazelnut establishment. Collections and populations of Illinois bundleflower and false indigo, two native perennial legumes, were developed and evaluated. These legumes could be the basis of a new seed production industry and can be used for prairie restoration and grazing systems. Establishment of these legumes for use in grazing systems is challenging unless competition with cool season grasses and weeds is minimized. Research was conducted in 30 diverse environments and the information transferred to 2000 producers at field days, meetings, and workshops. Informational fact sheets, scientific publication, and a web site were developed.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Minnesota River Basin Initiative: Local Leadership
Subd. 07g    $300,000 TF

Stephen C. Hansen and Harlan Madsen, Chair
Minnesota River Basis Joint Powers Board
PO Box 244, 116 Peavey Circle
Chaska, MN 55318

Phone:  (952) 361-6590
Fax:  (952) 361-6594

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Located on the Minnesota State University, Mankato - Data Center web site: This project was twofold - organizing 13 major watersheds in the basin into Watershed Teams based upon logical relationships and secondly, implementing projects on the ground in those watersheds.

The watershed team approach allows for a more consolidated look at planning and project implementation that makes use of regional tools available by cooperators and partners. This approach also accelerates the distribution of information within the basin. The Watershed Coordinators continue to meet periodically to address basin-wide issues and to advise the MRBJPB.

Projects were implemented basin-wide with a 75-25 cost share. The total cost was $264,679.13 ($180,828.37 from LCMR, $6,800 from other state and federal organizations, and $85,548.51 from either local or private contribution). 226 rock inlets replaced open tile intakes with blind inlets in Carver, Cottonwood, Faribault, Scott, Le Sueur and Redwood Counties. In Stevens and Scott Counties, streambank stabilization projects along with grade stabilization were implemented. Area II MRB Projects, Inc. installed a floodwater retention project on Taylor Dam #3 and constructed a small dam on Lake Marshall. BERBI implemented 5 projects that included drainage ditch streambank stabilization, grade stabilization, installation of terraces, sediment basin construction, waterways and gully stabilization.

These projects will reduce sediment and phosphorus in the river thereby improving water quality. Soil loss reduction varied from project to project, from 0.5 ton to 55 tons per year. Phosphorous load reduction amounts also varied between projects, from 0.6 pounds to 730 pounds. Improved wildlife habitat and recreation were side benefits in some of the projects. Working with partners on data collection will further assess the benefits of these projects.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Project information has been disseminated to a large audient -through board meetings, the MRBJPB annual report that goes out to many organizations, at the MRBJPB annual conference and on the web site.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Commercial Fertilizer Plant for Livestock Solid Waste Processing
Subd. 07h    $400,000 FRF/ Match

Kazem Oskoui
AquaCare International, Inc.
P.O. Box 593
Morris, MN 56267

Phone:  (612) 425-7496
Fax:  (612) 425-7235

The objective of the project was to establish a commercial grade fertilizer plant that would process and enhance 1,800 dairy cows waste through micronization technology. Partial completion of the project enabled the irrigation of 90 million gallons of liquid waste in the past three seasns at a rate of 250,000 to 300,000 gallons per day. The application was applied during the growing season on standing crop thus reducing surface and subsurface runoff into the state's waterways saving eventual cleanup costs. Green House gas's emissions were reduced by 12,000 tons per year. However, the micronizing of the solids to organic base fertilier remains unfinished. The powermaster is unable to process the solids at current moisture levels (65-70%) are solution is to lace a dryer in front of the powermaster which will reduce the moisture content from 70 to 40 to 45% level, but dryer would cause expenditures to exceed both planned capital and operational cost. As a result, AquaCare International requested a halt to LCMR funds in 2001. AquaCare is currently working with a small Arkansas company that is developing an infrared dryer that could possible solve this problem, and it is exploring other uses for the micronization equipment.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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CANCELED - Preservation of Native Wild Rice Resources
Subd. 07i    $200,000 FRF/ Match

Shirley Nordrum
Leech Lake Reservation
6530 Hwy. 2
Cass Lake, MN 56633

Phone:  (218) 335-7400
Fax:  (218) 335-7430


This appropriation was to analyze critical factors in different northern wild rice habitats and determine methods to preserve the natural diversity of wild rice.

Project Cancelled: 12/31/1999

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Wild Rice Management Planning
Subd. 07j    $200,000 FRF/ Match

Chris Holm
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
Department of Natural Resources
5344 Lakeshore Drive
P.O. Box 16
Nett Lake, MN 55772

Phone:  (218) 757-3261
Fax:  (218) 757-3607


Project results have direct application to wild rice management in Minnesota. Results indicated that over-arching application applied to all rice lakes as management strategies are not appropriate. Individual or geogrpahically clustered-lakes approaches and tailored management, dependent on specific physical characteristics and land use, is a more appropriate approach to successful wild rice management. Management philosophy and strategies are outlined in greater detail in the wild rice management plan, to be completed and distributed in September 2002.

Wild rice distribution, wildlife habitat, presence of water flow obstructions, and land use were evaluated in 43 lakes across northern Minneosta. Physical and chemical data were digitally mapped using the Arc-View Geographic Information System. Pigment-filtered photography was used on one rice-bearing system (Crow-Wing River) to test efficacy of defining wild rice beds using air survey. Videotape of the river system showing plant production through visible, thermal, carotene-filtered and chlorophyll-a filtered camera lenses was collected. Air surveys indicated that on-ground verification of wild rice beds is still necessary. Chemical data including pH, alkalinity, TDS, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen were transcribed to computer data spreadsheets, Digital data layers were superimposed to direct attention to physical characteristics that potentially support or deter wild rice production. Ten priority lakes were chosen to serve as management priority basins. A management plan utilizing habitat data and physical and chemical condition of these lakes was available in fall, 2002. Data translated to paper maps shows native and paddy lakes, as well as altered and drained lakes across political boundaries. CD-Rom versions of the wild rice database have been propared and are available upon request. A historical inventory database of wild rice lakes was complied. Date, including historical inventory, appears on the website

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Mesabi Iron Range, Water and Mineral Resource Planning
Subd. 07k    $650,000 TF

Ron Dicklich
Range Association of Municipalities and School Districts
Buhl School Building
Buhl, MN 55713

Phone:  (218) 258-3216
Fax:  (218) 258-3217

Other Contacts:

ACTIVITY MANAGER (Bedrock Topography): Dale Setterholm
Minnesota Geological Survey
2642 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55114

Phone:  (612) 627-4780

ACTIVITY MANAGER (Stockpile Composition & Use): Vicky Hubred
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-1068

ACTIVITY MANAGER (Canisteo Pit): Bob Leibfried
Minnesota Department Natural Resources
1201 E. Highway 2, Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Phone:  (218) 327-4232


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Geological Survey (MGS) obtained 1,350 well records and 13,000 mining borehole records, verified their locations, and entered information into the County Well Index, an electronic database. The data was used to produce a topographic map of the bedrock surface. Bedrock topography and digital surface elevation data were used to determine thickness of overburden. Land surface data from 1899 was captured digitally and used to establish pre-mining drainage, and describe changes to the land surface.

Continuous water level measurements of the Canisteo Pit were recorded and hydraulic characteristics of the surficial overburden determined utilizing 18 wells. Maximum groundwater discharge from the pit is estimated at 0.91 cfs, well below the estimated average input of 5 to 8 cfs, indicating surface water discharge will occur. Models utilizing 83 years of historic climate data revealed the pit will fill and overflow in 4.5 to 8.5 years. Three possible outlet locations and downstream impacts are discussed.

Surface and mineral ownership research was completed for 232 stockpiles within two study areas containing 6,906 acres. Stockpile materials were examined for use by the aggregate and the iron mining industries. An electronic database was created consisting of 34 related tables and forms for browsing information on stockpiles' content, location and ownership.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Bedrock topography maps were used to support ground water modeling of the Canisteo Pit. Electronic files of the maps are available at The maps will be published in the MGS Miscellaneous Map series.

Map plates and a CD-ROM of stockpile data were provided to local units of government, the mining industry, Departments of Revenue and Transportation, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board, Iron Mining Association of Minnesota, and independent sand and gravel contractors on the Mesabi Iron Range for use in their land and resource use planning.

Hydrological data of the Canisteo Pit was provided to Taconite, Bovey, Coleraine, Grand Rapids, Itasca County officials and the West Range Planning Board. Results will also be provided to the mining industry as a watershed reclamation model. Results will be used in the siting and design of an outlet channel.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Minnesota
Subd. 07l    $185,000 FRF

Ying Ji
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
90 W. Plato Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55107

Phone:  (651) 296-5081
Fax:  (651) 296-6890

This was a two-part project, demonstration of aquaponics production of fish and vegetables in an urban environment in cooperation with the University of Minnesota and a pilot study of ozone application in large recirculating aquaculture systems with MinAqua Fisheries. The first part failed to get started because of lack of suitable urban greenhouse by community gardening enthusiasts and lack of suitable collaborators with the university.

The second part was partially successfully carried out. three batches of tilapia fingerlings were tested on the impact of ozone application in recirculating tilapia fingerling systems. Test results indicted that ozone application had a clear impact on improving water quality by lowering both suspended solids and biological oxygen demand. Total treatment and stayed at that level thereafter. Biological oxygen demand decreased from 13.7 mg/ml to 2.1 mg/ml after three months of treatment.

Impact of ozonation on fish growth was mixed. First two batches of fish had an improved feeding conversion ration (FCR) at about 0.9 pound of feed per pound of fish growth. FCR for third batch is about the same as that without unzonated systems (7.7%). The test was not complete because of a lighting storm that damaged ozone generator before the testing was completed. New testing is still on going and will be completed by June 2003.

Results and demonstration have been shared with various groups from within as well as outside of Minnesota. Visitors who toured the ozone application on site have been very impressed by how much clearer the water is in the ozonated system.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Sustainable Farming Systems - Continuation
Subd. 07m    $350,000 FRF

Helene Murray
Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
University of Minnesota
411 Borlaug Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 625-0220
Fax:  (612) 625-1268

Partnerships to Deliver Research and Outreach Programs:
This project developed creative solutions to environmental and economic problems associated with many current agricultural practices. Two local teams, in the Chippewa River and Sand Creek Basins, planned and implemented all project activities. Oversight was provided by a statewide Steering Committee. These enduring relationships are a tangible result of the project. The partnership consisted of farmers, researchers, landowners, private sector representatives, agency personnel, community members and non-profit organizations representatives.

Research Projects on Sustainable Farming Systems: Field-based and computer model simulation shows that farm management decisions have a direct impact on water quality. Rainfall events large enough to generate runoff can occur at any time during the growing season. The majority of soil erosion and water quality degradation is caused by large, infrequent rainstorms. Land management practices need to take this into account. There are many management practices - such as conservation tillage, strip-till, contour strips, terracing, grass strips, etc - that can be used on cropland to reduce soil erosion and protect water quality. However, large soil losses can still occur when rainstorm runoff events coincide with young crops. Grass-based management systems, in comparison, protect against soil erosion and prevent water quality degradation year round. Economic analysis of three farms show that sustainable farms demonstrate that economic performances match and often exceed conventional farms. Additional analysis of economic and field data will be done.

Outreach Programs:
From July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001, 34 field days and workshops were held throughout the State with attendance at the events estimated to be 2,275 people. Outreach will continue beyond the time frame of this project to share information learned from the economic analysis and water quality research. Scientific journal articles describing the research are being written.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Economic Analysis of Agriculture for Multiple Benefits
Subd. 07n    $200,000 FRF

Mara Krinke
Land Stewardship Project
3203 Cedar Avenue South
Mpls, MN 55407

Phone:  (612) 722-6377
Fax:  (612) 722-6474

A 15-member working group analyzed environmental and social benefits in two Minnesota watersheds that could result from changing agricultural land use practices. The 40,000 plus acre study areas were in the lower Chippewa River Basin, and the entire Wells Creek watershed. Staff characterized baseline agricultural land-use environmental performance and found that current farming systems contribute from almost zero to several tons or lbs/acre of various pollutants to the streams.

Watershed residents helped develop scenarios for possible land-uses: (A) continuation of current trends, (B) adoption of best management practices in row crops, (C) more economic diversity through longer crop rotations and wetland restoration and (D) adding more perennial cover to the working landscape. We used the ADAPT model to predict in-stream environmental benefits including impacts on fish in the streams for each scenario. Other potential wildlife impacts were reviewed and greenhouse gas emissions were calculated. Social scientists analyzed social and farm economic impacts. Economists estimated non-market economic values for environmental benefits by calculating avoided costs and by performing a contingent valuation survey of Minnesota citizens.

Results show that changes in Scenarios B, C and D in Wells Creek and C and D in the Chippewa could meet national goals for reducing in-stream nitrogen (40%) and state goals for phosphorous (40%). Analyzing institutional missions and resource flows of farmers made it clear that institutions need to support farmers marketing diversified crops. Scenarios C and D would have significant non-market economic values in avoided costs. On average, Minnesota households would be willing to pay an additional $201 per household or a total of $362 million dollars for significant improvements in environmental performance. The project points to the urgent need to develop public policy, research, education and marketing strategies to promote greater diversification of food/fiber production in ways that yield clear environmental and social benefits.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Non-wood Agriculture Fibers and Industrial Hemp for Pulp and Paper Manufacture
Subd. 07o    $200,000 FRF

Ulrike Tschirner and Jim Bowyer
University of Minnesota, Department of Wood and Paper Science
Kaufer Laboratory
2004 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (651) 624-8798 (Tschirner) and (651) 624-4291 (Bowyer)
Email: and
Fax:  (651) 625-6286

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The technical and economical feasibility of a small-scale pulp mill utilizing agricultural residues for the production of papermaking fibers was determined. Two different processing sequences developed were investigated. Pulp fiber from wheat and barely straw showed excellent papermaking properties. It was possible to replace 10%-30% of a wood fiber furnish with non-wood pulps, while maintaining high paper quality. Pilot plant papermachine run using 20 % cereal straw fiber were performed successfully. An engineering company (Kellogg Brown & Root Inc.) was commissioned to conduct a feasibility study for the evaluation of both processes. Order-of-magnitude +/- 25% capital cost estimates, manufacturing cost estimates and a financial analysis were developed. Capital investment cost for both processes was determined to exceed $230 Million. Considering the presently suggested operation conditions internal rate of return was identified to be below 6% in all cases. Several modifications capable of reducing capital costs and/or production costs were identified.

In addition, a detailed report focused on the potential use of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as paper making raw material was generated. Even though Hemp has a number of properties that favor its use as a papermaking raw material, there are several issues that must be addressed. Among these are problems related to economical bark/core separation, long-term storage and issues with the smaller core fibers. Although a given area of land will produce a greater quantity of hemp than wood fiber, the fact that hemp is an annual crop requiring relatively intensive inputs translates to substantial overall environmental impact from hemp production.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Technical feasibility of potential use of cereal straw fiber for paper manufacture was demonstrated and was presented to Paper Industry on several occasions. There is a strong interest in this fiber material, nevertheless process modifications are required to improve economics. Several modifications capable of reducing capital costs and/or production costs were identified and will be considered.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Sustainable Livestock Systems
Subd. 07p    $350,000 FRF

Dennis Johnson
West Central Research and Outreach Center
University of Minnesota
State HIghway 329, Box 471
Morris, MN 56267

Phone:  (320) 589-1711

This project provided farmers with working partners as they developed whole farm plans, provided research for specific grazing issues where there is a dearth of information, and brought new information to other farmers and the public through field days and other educational activities.

A group of farmers from the Montevideo area were organized as the Chippewa River Whole Farming and Monitoring Team. Together with agricultural and natural resource professionals they would meet to develop goals and plans for their farming operations. Over the two years of the project their self organized goals moved from the routine issues of farm operation to higher order goals of increasing their ability to add value to their livestock products through building direct marketing links with consumers. A second set of farmers set the agenda for research conducted on their farms and at the West Central Research and Outreach Center addressing sustainable livestock production. Key outcomes include establishing that dairy heifers pastured can gain at equal rates to heifers in a feed lot at lower costs, heifers will grow normally grazing green corn from September through November when pasture supplies are low, lactating dairy cows can be housed without a barn during winter if protected from wind and provided a dry pack, stocker steers on pasture benefit from being fed relatively small amounts of supplemental grain. This project reoriented the goals of sheep and dairy research toward sustainable systems, which continued beyond this project.

Five public workshops were provided during the time of the project. Another workshop teaching farmers how to develop and manage a grazing system was adapted for presentation as a internet based activity. One of the farmer partners is featured as a case study for learning how to manage a grazing system in a video.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Forest Wildlife Biologist for Ruffed Grouse
Subd. 07q    $1,000,000 FRF/ Match

Russ Sewell
Ruffed Grouse Society
69820 Wolf Creek Rd
Bruno, MN 55712

Phone:  (320) 838-3608

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
$1,000,000 is from the future resources fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with The Ruffed Grouse Society, Inc. to fund a position and related costs for a forest wildlife biologist employed by the society that will provide technical assistance to public and private landowners for improved ruffed grouse habitat and related forest wildlife conservation. The activity funded by this appropriation must be done in collaboration with institutes of higher learning and state agencies. The amounts of this appropriation made available in each fiscal year must not exceed those stated in the work program. As a condition of receiving this appropriation, the society must demonstrate that it has created a private endowment to fund this position and related costs with non-state money after this appropriation has been spent. The society must demonstrate that it has a sound financial plan to increase the principal of the endowment to at least $1,000,000 of non-state money by January 1, 2000 , and to $2,000,000 of non-state money by June 30, 2007 .

Project Results Use and Dissemination
There were 4 distinct results for this 8 year project:

  1. Establish an endowment to fund a Forest Wildlife Biologist position in Minnesota
  2. A $1,000,000 RGS endowment was established at U.S. Bank Institutional Financial Services, Mpls. Subsequent additions and asset growth brought the total to over $2,000,000 before June 30, 2007 . The interest accrued from this endowment will support, in perpetuity, the Forest Wildlife Biologist position and associated direct expenditures on forest wildlife habitat conservation and educational outreach.

  3. Staff the endowed Forest Wildlife Biologist position.
  4. The Forest Wildlife Biologist was an employee of the Ruffed Grouse Society, hired and supervised by the Society's Executive Director and was responsible for the delivery of educational, technical and financial support for wildlife habitat conservation on private and public forest lands throughout Minnesota.

  5. Disseminate information pertinent to the ecology and management of diverse forest landscapes to promote forest wildlife conservation
  6. - Attended over 197 meetings with resource managers.

    - Analysis and written comments on 71 different land management plans.

    - Conducted 57 field consultations covering 11,910 acres of land with different Non-Industrial Private Forest (NIPF) private landowners; regularly interacted with industrial landowners like Potlatch, Boise Cascade, UPM-Kymmene Blandin, and Trus Joist and provided them with technical assistance.

    - Implemented 5 forest wildlife management and landowner workshops in order to bring NIPF landowners and resource managers together.

    - Spoke to 91 different groups (3,200 attendees) about forest management.

    - Taught 30 different youth events attended by over 2,030 children and 13 different field events attended by 235 adults.

    - Over 118 press contacts, including numerous television and radio appearances, press releases, interviews and magazine articles.

  7. Direct habitat manipulation
  8. Funded 49 different habitat projects for a cost of over $209,000 plus over $50,000 in matching grants from outside sources. These funds have improved habitat on over 5,300 acres , and improved almost 220 miles of forest access systems for timber management and recreation.

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Organic Farming Training Project
Subd. 07r    $350,000 TF

Jan O'Donnell
Minnesota Food Association
1916 2nd. Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Phone:  (612) 872-3297
Fax:  (612) 870-0729

The Minnesota Food Association (MFA) and Cooperative Development Services (CDS) collaborated to develop a comprehensive training/mentoring program to support conventional and new immigrant farmers in converting from conventional or traditional farming methods to sustainable and organic production practices. The educational process included a combination of educational workshops, establishment of training gardens for new immigrant participants, individual on-farm mentoring, development of a farmer network for information exchange between converting and experienced organic producers, and farm and experiment station field days. Over 1000 people, including members of new immigrant communities (Hmong, Latino, and African) and conventional farmers interested in conversion to organic/alternative methods, were directly served by the project. Eleven experienced organic producers participated as mentors in this project. The scope of the project included commodities, small grains, as well as vegetables and fruits. The project's informational outcomes are particularly important at this time when the organic market share is growing at a rate of over 20% annually. Informational materials developed by the project include marketing surveys on "ethnic" and alternative crops, production guides on alternative crops, and, in conjunction with other agencies, a website dedicated to information exchange on organic production. Additionally, information generated by the project will be published and disseminated in a manual on organic conversion by December 2001. The project was facilitated through partnership with public, private, and non-profit agencies, including the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Extension Service, the Farm Service Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Sustainable Farming Association, and new immigrant community organizations. This project was also financially supported by the Otto Bremer Foundation. For access to further information, contact the Minnesota Food Association at (651)766-8895, Cooperative Development Services at (651)287-0184 or Elizabeth Dyck, Lamberton Experiment Station at (507)752-7372.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Construction and Demolition Waste Abatement Demonstration Project
Subd. 07s    $250,000 FRF

Robert Alf (Michael Krause - backup)
The Green Institute: DeConstruction Services Program
2216 E. Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Phone:  (612) 728-9388
Fax:  (612) 724-2288

Results - The project helped build a model community-based enterprise that diverted approximately 8,000 cubic yards of construction and demolition debris from landfills to be reused in construction markets. Labor fee oriented deconstruction was the most cost effective in the short term versus relying solely on the resale of materials for revenues. Case studies in June 2001 show that residential labor fee jobs averaged 190 % coverage of variable costs while non-labor fee jobs covered less than 100 %. However, there were not enough labor fee jobs available to sustain operations. This highlights the importance of determining the most efficient method of selling materials. Selling directly from sites proved more efficient than selling through the retail outlet or the warehouse. Each dollar of site sales returned $0.50 to pay for the deconstruction process while Warehouse sales returned $0.29 and retail sales returned < $0.17. Each location served distinct customers resulting in greater cumulative revenues - from $112,000 annually before project start to $185,000 in year 1 and $241,000 in year 2 of the project. Operating revenues funded only 41% of wages/benefits at project start but grew to 70% by project end. This resulted in a more sustainable enterprise that can be replicated elsewhere in Minnesota. As an on-going enterprise, the deconstruction program will continue to benefit.

Dissemination - An estimated 50,000+ Minnesotans received direct project information. The project received significant public attention through airing of a public radio segment both in Minnesota and nationally. Two network news programs and one cable show also produced segments that were aired and viewed by thousands. The result was significant phone demand for information plus invitations to present at seminars and to provide tours. Finally, indirect information went to as many as 1,000 deconstruction customers.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 08  Urbanization Impacts

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Resources for Redevelopment: A Community Property Investigation Program
Subd. 08a $100,000 FRF

Michael Welch
Minnesota Environment Initiative
219 North Second Street, Suite 201
Minneapolis, MN 55401-1453

Phone:  (612) 334-3388
Fax:  (612) 334-3093

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Environmental brownfield assessments were conducted at 25 properties for 23 nonprofit organizations (two assessments were conducted for each of two nonprofits). For several projects, multiple nonprofits partners were involved. Most were in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, but assessments were also done in Duluth, Warren and Buffalo. In some cases the assessments were conducted so nonprofits could purchase the site where the nonprofit was already located, but most of the time the nonprofit was in the process of purchasing the property.

Ultimately, phase I environmental site assessments were conducted at all 25 properties and more extensive phase II assessments were conducted at 10; hazardous building materials surveys were conducted at two project properties. Eight projects have needed and received liability assurance letters from the state voluntary cleanup programs; two more projects will receive such letters soon. The R4R program provided varying amounts of support, but secured donations of in-kind services on all projects. The assessments completed under the project benefited a variety of types of facilities/services: a school and training center for autistic children, a geriatric day-care facility, two women's shelters/resource centers, the headquarters of an adoption agency, low-income housing, a Hmong cultural center, a multiservices facility serving the Latino community in West St. Paul, sober housing, job-training facilities, two churches and a folkdance school, among others.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Because of the complexity of the work involved, the most effective means of communicating the capabilities of the R4R program was through the grassroots network of nonprofits, development consultants, lawyers and environmental and regulatory professionals who were involved in specific projects. The network was and is further kept abreast of program developments through MEI's web site and print and electronic newsletters.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Tools and Training for Community-Based Planning
Subd. 08b    $450,000 TF

Deborah R. Pile
Minnesota Planning
Centennial Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 297-2375
Fax:  (651) 296-3698

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project developed easy-to-use geographic information system (GIS) software, coordinated existing data and provided training to assist local governments as they worked to envision and choose their futures.

The created software, EPICplanner, provides a viewer-friendly interface and data management scheme suitable for novice GIS users. Other features added to the software include easy methods to import and export geographic and tabular data into EPICplanner from other software, including ArcView GIS and Microsoft Excel.

EPICplanner also includes a report builder and modeling feature to address more complex questions. The report builder allows users to answer questions about data and create charts. Modeling with EPICplanner allows the user to create customized planning application scenarios, or the option to use the three already loaded with the program: agricultural suitability, forest viability and development potential.

The Tools and Training project held eight GIS training sessions for local planners throughout the state. More than 120 attendees came away with software, 192 data sets and an increased awareness of the type and amount of data available for land use analysis. Attendees were also given an exercise manual allowing them to review information attained in training sessions. An additional 25 officials from five pilot counties were also given one-on-one training sessions.

Project Results, Use and Dissemination:
The EPICplanner software is an inexpensive and easy way for all local planners throughout the state to access data, make quick maps and create modeling or planning applications.

The products and training are useful and applicable in many local planning efforts, including comprehensive planning and local water planning. They enable local planners, policy-makers and citizens to make better use of existing data in their decision-making by making the data readily available and easy to interpret and apply to local issues.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Protecting Dakota County Farmland and Natural Areas
Subd. 08c    $200,000 TF/ Match

Kurt Chatfield
Physical Development Division
Dakota County
Western Service Center
14955 Galaxie Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Phone:  (952) 891-7030
Fax:  (952) 891-7031

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A farmland and natural area protection plan was developed to address the threats to farmland and natural areas in rapidly growing Dakota County. The plan contains strategies and tools for protecting high-priority farmland and natural areas, and four implementation options. The plan was adopted by Dakota County Board.

Project Results, Use and Dissemination:
The project originated in citizen concerns about the impacts of growth and development on farmland and natural areas. A multi-organization collaborative was formed in 1999 to conduct the project, using these funds.

More than 1000 citizens, landowners, elected officials, and other stakeholders participated in over 70 meetings to identify and prioritize high-value farmland and natural areas. Project information was posted on the Dakota County website. Press releases were published in area newspapers, and meeting notices were mailed to over 3,000 interested people. The meetings helped people understand the importance of farmland and natural areas in Dakota County, threats to the resource, and ways to protect priority land areas. National experts spoke about farmland and natural area protection at public meetings, and worked with the project partners to develop land protection strategies.

Digital land cover mapping and analysis were used to identify priority farmland and natural areas. Detailed countywide maps were presented to citizens for their input at public meetings. The final maps reflected a combination of citizen preferences and scientific interpretation.

400 citizens were surveyed by telephone about the need to protect farmland and natural areas in the County, the type of public financing mechanism they preferred (bond, levy, none), and how much they would be willing to pay for a countywide land protection program.

Dakota County is currently working with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture in a pilot program for farmland protection.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Urban Corridor Design
Subd. 08d    $400,000 FRF

Mary Vogel
Department of Landscape Architecture
College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
University of Minnesota
144 Architecture and Landscape Architecture
89 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone:  (612) 626-7417
Fax:  (612) 626-7424

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The project developed a practical and user friendly three volume guide that can used by officials and citizens who wish to avoid degrading the environment and incurring future mitigation costs by making more environmentally friendly planning/designs decisions when considering infrastructure projects. Infrastructure types that are commonly used across various geographic scales by cities, small towns, suburbs, and counties in Minnesota were studied in a corridor in Saint Paul and one on the Iron Range. The study the identified prototypical infrastructure types, precedent studies were done in design studios, an investigation was made of sustainability strategies, barriers to implementation of strategies were identified, selected designs were developed. A user-friendly three-volume handbook presenting material from the study in a printed and digital format was created. The Saint Paul volume presents an overall design framework, designs for five study areas, a section on organic infrastructure types, and a paper on the legal barriers to local and regional planning. The Iron Range Study presents green infrastructure design work in two volumes at the regional scale and a paper on the legal barriers to planning in a mining environment.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Presentations of the work have been made to community groups and officials on the Iron Range and in Saint Paul. Public officials and citizens have used the materials from this study to discuss the future of their communities.

The handbook is available on the web and on disks.
Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Conservation-Based Development Program
Subd. 08e    $150,000 TF/ Match

Kris William Larson
Minnesota Land Trust
2356 University Avenue West, Suite 400
St. Paul, MN 55114

Phone:  (651) 647-9590
Fax:  (651) 647-9769

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Conservation-Based Development Program was designed to improve conservation design practices for new development throughout Minnesota. This Program has three primary results:

  1. Promote environmentally-sound development practices through education: a) Gave 40 presentations to more than 2,000 local officials, planners, and developers, b) Held individual meetings with approximately 200 people in the development arena, c) Organized or presented at 19 conferences or workshops:10 Regional; 5 State-wide; and 4 National, d) Featured Conservation Development in slide shows, in several articles and in the Conservation Design Portfolio which highlights model developments.
  2. Assist in the design of model conservation developments: a) Consulted in the design of approximately 30 different conservation-development related projects, b) Worked with 7 local units of government to explore conservation districts and review ordinances.
  3. Secure conservation easements in conservation developments: 2 easements were secured, 5 others are awaiting completion, and 6 easements that we reviewed will be held by local units of government. Total area protected by these 13 projects exceeds 600 acres and includes Lake Superior shoreline, buffers to the BWCA, prairie restoration, and other significant features.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The goal is to help give Minnesota landowners and local governments throughout the state more choices when it comes to developing property. While the Land Trust will no longer have a separate program focused on conservation development, we will continue to apply conservation planning and design techniques in all our work throughout the state. In addition, other organizations will continue to utilize materials developed under this Program in their education efforts. More than 3,000 copies of the Portfolio will be distributed by the Metropolitan Council, the DNR, Dakota County SWCD, Hennepin Conservation District, Biko Associates, Tree Trust and others. The Portfolio will also be on the Minnesota Land Trust's web page:

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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CANCELED - Chisago Lakes Outlet Channel Project
Subd. 08f    $40,000 FRF/ Match

Mic Dahlberg
Chisago County Public Works
313 N. Main St. Room 400
Center City, MN 55012-9663

Phone:  (651) 213-0708
Fax:  (651) 213-0772

Project cancelled: The funding was to complete the final construction phase of the outlet channel at Chisago Lakes.

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Blufflands Implementation
Subd. 08g    $33,000 FRF

Todd H. Bram
Winona County Planning
171 West 3rd Street
Winona, MN 55987

Phone:  (507) 457-6335
Fax:  (507) 454-9377

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This Blufflands Implementation Project, was designed to develop a small community incentive project to act as a framework to provide opportunity for threatened communities to integrate implementation options listed in the Blufflands Design Manual. This project had three targeted results.

  1. Dakota Town Square Park Development: Provided assistance for process and development of a park master plan on a vacant centrally located city lot for the construction of a city parks.
  2. Landscaping and Maintenance Improvements on Dakota City Property: Provided assistance to make enhancements to a scenic overlook platform, "Welcome Home to Dakota" entrance sign, and Dakota Community Center.
  3. Exterior Renovation of a Historic Commercial Building.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 09  Innovations in Energy and Transportation

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Ice Arena Design for Efficiency and Air Quality - Continuation
Subd. 09a    $100,000 FRF

Russell Landry
Center for Energy and Environment
211 North 1st Street, Suite 455
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Phone:  (612) 335-5863
Fax:  (612) 335-5888

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project accelerated the installation of energy and indoor air quality improvements in ice arenas through audits, technical assistance and promotion. Project spending was only $31,690. This is primarily because limited staff availability prevented CEE from going above and beyond the minimal work program requirements in many areas where more thorough work was originally envisioned (e.g. instead of tailoring brochures to each group of recipients, the same brochure was mailed to arena managers, high level city officials and designers).

Fourteen ice arenas received audits that recommended $665,000 worth of arena upgrades with annual energy cost savings of $212,000 ($15,100 per average arena). Assistance with implementation was provided in the form of engineering bid specifications for most of the complicated projects. We also intended to provide additional assistance in the form of construction oversight and post-installation inspections for a limited number of arenas, but arenas did not have time to complete improvements.

Facility expansions, longer operating hours, and incorrect settings of new refrigeration controls contributed to the lower than expected apparent savings (about half) observed in arenas that previously implemented energy saving improvements.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The benefits of arena energy and air quality improvements were promoted statewide. Case study information was incorporated into promotional flyers that were mailed to the following groups: managers of 203 ice arenas, 363 higher level city officials, and 33 local ice arena designers. Additional targeted outreach included two presentations and a newsletter article. Promotional efforts also provided for further dissemination of a report prepared with previous LCMR funding. This previous report, entitled Cost-Effective Energy Efficient Improvements for Minnesota's Public Ice Arenas: Overview of 20 Options, was made available for download, promoted in program literature and handed out at a presentation to arena managers.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Promoting High Efficiency Cogeneration
Subd. 09b    $100,000 FRF

Suzanne Steinhauer
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board
3rd Floor Centennial Bldg.
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-2878

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The project produced two products: (1) an inventory of potential cogeneration sites with key screening factors for assessing cogeneration potential, information on 142 large energy users and 32 survey respondents, initial site assessments of three facilities, and a description of major cogeneration technologies; and (2) a handbook that briefly describes the major regulatory processes necessary for cogeneration projects and provides links to more detailed information. The survey estimates a technical potential of between 1600 and 2100 megawatts of cogeneration in Minnesota.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The results of the project are useful for project developers, policymakers and citizens interested in enhancing Minnesota's cogeneration potential. Copies of the reports are available on the Minnesota Planning website or may be obtained by contacting the project manager.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Evaluate Biodiesel Made from Waste Fats and Oils
Subd. 09c    $125,000 TF/ Match

Mike Youngerberg
Minnesota Soybean Growers Association
360 Pierce Ave., Suite 110
N. Mankato, MN 56003

Phone:  (888) 896-9678
Fax:  (507) 388-6751

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A new biodiesel fuel formulation was developed, evaluated, and its efficiencies were demonstrated via engine testing. Through analysis, equal amounts of waste grease methyl esters (WGME) and soy methyl esters (SME) were determined to be the best-blended formula that met the objectives of the project. The objectives included developing a biodiesel fuel with low cost considerations and acceptable cold weather performance. This blended fuel consisted of 10% WGME, 10% SME, and 80% petroleum diesel fuel.

The observed findings in the emissions evaluation on this B20 fuel showed a reduction in particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and gaseous hydrocarbons by 16-18%. Nitrous oxides also were reduced by approximately 5%. Furthermore, no difficulties were encountered in the over-the-road demonstration. Lube oil analyses revealed no unusual engine wear; fuel dilution or negative effects on the truck's fuel system, and the truck operators could not discern any change in vehicle performance.

Concurrent project objectives included developing an estimate of the total yellow grease resources available in the Mpls/St. Paul metro area. The findings indicated that 24 million pounds of yellow grease are produced in the metropolitan area yearly. If processed, this was equivalent to 3 million gallons of biodiesel. An economic impact study suggested that a 50% and a 100% increase in yellow grease production, over and above the estimates for the metro area, could result in an annual 4.5 to 6.0 million gallons of WGME biodiesel production, respectively. The increase would allow for consideration of statewide yellow grease production as well as the prospect for collecting grease that is now discarded. Given the assumptions made in the above analysis, Minnesota could potentially generate 3 to 6 million gallons of biodiesel from yellow grease annually. In addition, MDA developed a report, "Factors to Consider Regarding: The Feasibility of Biodiesel from Waste/Recycled Greases and Animal Fats."

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The results of the project will be useful to the State's energy users, regulators, policymakers and citizens as they look at Minnesota's long-term energy and environmental needs. Copies of the reports are available on the Minnesota Department of Agricultures website ( or may be obtained by contacting the project manager.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

Subd. 10  Decisionmaking Tools

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Goodhue County Natural Resources Inventory and Management Plan
Subd. 10a    $75,000 FRF/ Match

William B. Root
Goodhue County Land Use Management
P.O. Box 408
Red Wing, MN 55066

Phone:  (651) 385-3107
Fax:  (651) 385-3106

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Goodhue County Natural Resources Inventory is a tool to be used for resource management by County, City and Township officials, developers, environmental groups and landowners. The information available in the report will be a vital planning tool for all future development in Goodhue County.

Approximately 95,000 acres were field inventoried or ground truthed by the consulting firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. The information gathered during the field work was documented, evaluated and noted on a GIS mapping program that will allow the information to be distributed electronically. The information is presented in narrative descriptions of the natural communities and classified using the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource's Natural Heritage Program methodology. The natural communities were given an ecological ranking from A to D; A being of high ecological quality and D being the lowest. These communities were grouped into geographic units of major watershed boundaries within the County and evaluated for Rare Feature Values, Natural Community Integrity Values and Wildlife Habitat Values.

A working/steering committee, comprised of County, City and Township officials as well as citizens interested in participating, is assembled to lead discussion on the uses and limitations of the Natural Resources Inventory. The committee will help County staff develop specific management recommendations for each geographic unit.

All of the information gathered, including the narrative, database and maps, are maintained and updated electronically to ensure current information is available to anyone desiring such knowledge.

The Goodhue County Natural Resources Inventory is an important tool in the future decision making process and educational needs of the citizens of Goodhue County.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Public Access to Mineral Knowledge
Subd. 10b    $100,000 FRF

David Dahl
Minnesota Department Natural Resources- Mineral Division
1525 Third Avenue East
Hibbing, MN 55746

Phone:  (218) 262-7322
Fax:  (218) 262-7328

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project accelerated the cataloging and organization of historic mineral exploration documents collected by the State of Minnesota from private mineral exploration companies over the past 100 years. The goal of the project was to put the historic documents into a more useable form and make them more easily accessible for public use. More than 12,000 documents were catalogued and organized during the course of the project, and 72,550 pages of text and 7,433 large maps were scanned and made available for access via the world wide web at In addition, Public domain rights for eight historic airborne mineral exploration surveys were acquired to compliment existing public data sets and geophysical databases. Finally, a desktop computer was purchased to improve local public access and additional disk space was purchased to hold the web site content.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
All of the content from cataloging and scanning these documents is available through the web site for use by researchers and users without needing to arrange a special trip to the archives in northern Minnesota. The archive's content can also be made available through alternative formats.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Updating Outmoded Soil Surveys - Continuation
Subd. 10c    $500,000 TF/ Match

Greg Larson
Board of Water and Soil Resources
1 West Water Street, Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55107

Phone:  (651) 296-0882
Fax:  (651) 297-5615

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project completed the first (of a three) biennium effort to update and digitize the soil surveys in Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue and Wabasha Counties in southeastern Minnesota. This area comprises 1.65 million acres. During this phase of the project, the quality of existing soil maps was improved to aid their update and assist in the compilation of revised soil maps. Fillmore County has been completed and Wabasha County is 75 percent complete. A descriptive legend to guide the update effort, including the collection of soils data was started. Legend development is about 20 percent complete. To aid legend development, private sector soil soil scientists performed 300 transects. Some of the original soil maps were updated. About 400,000 acres have been addressed. Research and technical support for digital and field science is underway by the University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water and Climate. Digital techniques for improving existing soil maps have been developed and are being tested.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Soil data and associated maps are used by a variety of users, both public and private. As interim products from this project are developed, they will be made available to the local soil and water conservation district for dissemination to the public. The final product, in digital form, will be available after the project is completed in June 2005.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Minnesota Environmentally Preferable Chemicals Project
Subd. 10e    $150,000 TF/ Match

Katherine Mullen
Institute for Self-Reliance
1313 5th Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Phone:  (612) 379-3815
Fax:  (612) 379-3920

The Minnesota Environmentally Preferable Chemicals Project created a network of over 3000 Minnesota businesses, unions, commodity organizations, and technical assistance groups that have the potential to aid the shift from the use and manufacture of petrochemical-based products to alternative, environmentally preferable biobased chemical products. Members received information on the benefits of using biochemicals, including a 20-page report entitled "Lubricants from Vegetable Oil" which looks at vegetable oil-based industrial and automotive lubricants and their application in a range of industry sectors, and an 8-page fact sheet called "Biobased Chemicals Benefit the Workplace" addressing worker safety and cost issues associated with using chemical products. ILSR staff also created a web page on the use, advantages, and availability of biochemicals, and provided information on specific biobased chemical products, technology advances, and policy developments in the program's quarterly newsletter ("The Carbohydrate Economy"), electronic bulletin, and main web site. Staff gave presentations on the use of biobased products at various industry meetings. Work was overseen by a steering committee established at the beginning of the project.

Project completed: 6/30/2000

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Gis Utilization of Historic Timerland Survey Records
Subd. 10f    $120,000 FRF

Robert Horton
Minnesota Historical Society
345 Kellogg Blvd. W.
St. Paul, MN 55102

Phone:  (651) 215-5866
Fax:  (651) 296-9961

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project successfully converted historical environmental records into a digital, GIS format. The result was a three-CD set that contains digital images, GIS and tabular data from the 2,900 pages in the "Reports of Estimates and Appraisals of the Timber Commissioners Board, 1895-1905."

Each page contains a map and assessment indicating the extent, value and condition of timber resources on state owned lands in the northern half of Minnesota. The map notes the location of timber relative to water features, wetlands and cultural references. The digitized products can now be integrated with other GIS data sets to analyze the development of critical lands over time; to plan for the most effective replanting of native species of timber; and to assess the human impact on the environment.

This project demonstrated how to realize the potential value of historical paper records by converting them into a digital format. It is the first step in the creation of a digital library of historical data sets that document the development of the landscape in Minnesota.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The project results were copied onto 1000 three-CD sets. The Department of Natural Resources received 200 copies, as did the Land Management Information Center. Additional sets went to advisory board members and to many others. Among those are the Georgia State Archives, which plans to use this as a model, the Map Division of the Library of Congress and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. The State Archives is developing a web site to document the project and to foster interest in the digitization of historic environmental records. LMIC will submit descriptive metadata to its GeoGateway and the Geographic Clearinghouse.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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By-Products Application to Agricultural, Mineland and Forest Soils
Subd. 10g    $350,000 TF/ Match

Carl Rosen
U of M - Soil, Water & Climate
1991 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 625-8114 or (612) 624-7711
Fax:  (612) 624-4941


The overall goal of this project was to evaluate the potential for application and co-application of municipal and industrial by-products in agriculture, forestry, and mineland reclamation with particular emphasis on beneficial use of by-products in northeastern Minnesota.

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A review of literature pertaining to beneficial utilization of by-products indicated that the dominant by-products in the region include wood ash generated from paper mill companies and biosolids from municipalities. Based on chemical characterization of inorganic and organic constituents, these by-products meet existing federal and state limits for beneficial application as soil amendments. The wood ash is a potential liming amendment and potassium source while biosolids can supply organic matter and many nutrients including nitrogen and phosphorus.

A series of laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies conducted over a 3-year period suggest that application and co-application of by-products can be a sustainable management practice for the region. The by-products either increased yield of crops tested or had no effect on yield compared to conventional practices without by-product application. When applied or co-applied at agronomic rates, environmental monitoring indicated no adverse effect of amendments on available metals in soil, levels of nitrate in soil water, or plant uptake of metals. A novel by-product application trenching method was developed for mineland reclamation with hybrid poplar.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The results from this project are being used by the University of Minnesota and State Agencies to address environmental and production concerns related to by-product application. Two technical workshops, four presentations at national and regional meetings, and more than 20 related presentations and field tours were given. The audiences included scientists, by-product generators and managers, farmers, foresters, mineland reclamation professionals, extension educators, and regulatory agency employees. A literature review and preliminary forestry results can be accessed at: and

Additional results are available upon request.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Winter Severity Index for Deer
Subd. 10h    $60,000/ Match

Dr. Mark S. Lenarz
Forest Wildlife Populations and Research Group
1201 East Highway 2
Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Phone:  (218) 327-4432
Fax:  (218) 327-4181


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The purpose of this project was to develop an improved understanding of the relationship between winter weather severity, deer condition, and ultimately deer survival. A primary objective of the project was to evaluate the feasibility of developing an index of deer condition based on weather measurements. This index would be used to determine if and when emergency feeding should begin during a severe winter.

Over the course of 3 years (2000-2002), winter weather data were collected daily and included measurements of snow depth and impaction and minimum and maximum ambient temperature. A total of 291 deer were live trapped and body condition was determined on 96 of these deer using a deuterium-dilution technique. Additionally, deer condition was determined using a body scoring system and ultrasonography, on 24 and 13 deer respectively.

During the 3 years of the study, winter severity represented 2 different extremes, either historically mild or severe. Initial results indicate that snow depth has a greater influence than ambient temperature in determining body condition in deer. During years with deep snow, fat levels of both fawns and does were significantly lower as early as January. Creation of a deer condition index will require additional data from years when winter severity is more moderate. Funding to continue the study have been secured through DNR's Heritage Endowment Funds.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

Subd. 11  Environmental Education

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Uncommon Ground: An Educational Television Series
Subd. 11a    $400,000TF

Barbara Coffin
Institute for Sustainable Natural Resources
College of Natural Resources, University of Minnesota
250 NRAB, 2330 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 624-4986
Fax:  (612) 624-8701

Uncommon Ground is a 4-part video series that chronicles the vast changes in Minnesota's landscape over the last 200 years. The series traces the history of the land from its post-glacial beginnings to the present, describing the dramatic alterations that its prairies, forests, rivers and wildlife have undergone. Uncommon Ground gives context to the landscape's current condition - its health, use and long-term sustainability - as it informs debate on crucial matters of conservation and natural resource management. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the powerful role the land has played in shaping Minnesota's economy and its communities and how we, in turn, have shaped the land!

Uncommon Ground, a $1.6 million dollar project, is sponsored by public and private sources. The LCMR grant for the Uncommon Ground project provided lead funding for Phase I of this four-year project. Private dollars totaling $400,000 were successfully secured to match these LCMR funds. Completed videos of Episodes I and II of the 4-part video series (Phase I) are completed and available for review.

Phase II, the final phase of the project, began in the fall of 2001 and ends in the fall of 2003. In the same manner as Phase I, public and private matching funds are being sought for a total of $800,000. As of January 2002, the project has secured public and private dollars totalling $345,000, has received a $200,000 challenge grant from the McKnight Foundation and needs a total of $255,000 to complete project funding. In this final phase of the project, Episodes III and IV will be produced, companion educational outreach materials will be developed, and the entire series will be broadcast statewide.

Uncommon Ground will be aired on Twin Cities Public Television and other public television stations across Minnesota in 2003. The series' major usefulness, however, will lie in the years that follow. Uncommon Ground will be viewed and used by a wide and varied audience that includes the general public, decision-makers, natural resource professionals, middle school students, higher education students in public policy, natural resource and conservation biology program staff, and individuals and institutions involved with local and regional land-use issues.

Funding continued in 2002-2004.

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Karst Education for Southeastern Minnesota
Subd. 11b    $120,000 TF

Bea Hoffman
Southeast Minnesota Water Resources Board
Winona State University
Winona, MN 55987-5838

Phone:  (507) 457-5223
Fax:  (507) 457-5681

Overall Project Outcome and Results
A traveling exhibit and a learning trunk were developed by the Science Museum of Minnesota. Visitors to "Karst - A Special Landscape that Needs Special Care" learn about the close connections between land use and ground water quality in southeastern Minnesota's unique and sensitive karst landscape. Karst terrain is typical of areas underlain by carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite which crack and dissolve near the bedrock surface. Typical karst features resulting from this cracking and solution are sinkholes, caves, springs, and disappearing streams, all of which provide pathways for substances moving from the land surface to the ground water. It is hoped that viewers of the exhibit will increase their understanding of why special care is needed when making land use decisions in this sensitive landscape.

The exhibit consists of an entry panel with the sound of dripping water, panels on "What is Karst", potential threats to ground water quality, solutions to preventing contamination, and local karst case studies. Map overlays, an interactive faucet demonstration, an interactive ball maze game, and a computer with related web site information, are also part of the exhibit. By October 2001, the exhibit will have been seen by students and the general public at 10 locations throughout the region. It will be housed on a semi-permanent basis at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center but will continue to be available for travel to other locations.

A stand-alone Karst Learning Trunk was also developed. The traveling trunks are complete with curriculum guides, videos, a mini karst exhibit, maps, and hands-on activities designed for classroom use. Nine of these trunks are available throughout the region.

Three workshops for teachers and water quality staff were held at various locations throughout the region. Approximately 90 people attended these workshops. Teachers received an introduction to karst geology, worked with trunk materials, toured the karst exhibit, and worked with local geologic atlas maps.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Minnesota Wolf Public Education
Subd. 11c    $100,000 TF/ Match

Andrea Lorek Strauss
International Wolf Center
1396 Highway 169
Ely, MN 55731

Phone:  (218) 365-4695
Fax:  (218) 365-3318

Overall Project Outcome and Results
The International Wolf Center educates the public about the wolf and the controversies surrounding its survival. With this appropriation this objective was accomplished in three ways: through a curriculum, teacher workshops and a traveling exhibit.

The two-part curriculum entitled "Gray Wolves Gray Matter" includes an activity guide and web-based project. It focuses on the wolf's biology and the economic and political issues affecting its continued survival. The activity guide is organized into five modules and contains 22 lessons for students grade 6-12. The web-based curriculum is a workbook style project that follows the same modules, and but allows students explore each content area in more depth. The lessons and on-line project can engage students with different learning levels and styles.

Five teacher workshops took place throughout Minnesota in June 2001 throughout the state. Seventy educators attended these 6-hour workshops. Participants thoroughly examined the activity guide and web-based curricula, and tried some lessons. Many commented on its possibilities for interdisiciplinary studies and cluster courses.

The traveling exhibit consists of a five-paneled wall display featuring images of the wolf and the controversies affecting its management. Participants may express their own reactions to the wolf, learn about the history of the wolf management, and vote on solutions for the most important wolf management issue for the future.

The $100,000 project grant was matched with $15,500 of non state money.

The curriculum is currently available for classroom use. All 750 copies of the activity guide have been distributed. The web-based curricula is available on our web site:

The traveling exhibit is available for shipment to selected schools and other facilities throughout Minnesota.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Bear Center
Subd. 11d    $20,000 FRF

Wayne Sames
Minnesota DNR Local Grants Program
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4010

Phone:  (651) 296-1567
Fax:  (651) 296-6047

A grant was given to the Big Bear Country Education Center in Northome for a business plan. As a result of the grant, Big Bear Country, Inc. hired consultants to conduct the business plan and marketing study and an engineering consultant to produce the facility pre-design.

Project results have been distributed to Big Bear Country, Inc. Members and have been available to individual upon request. In addition, area entrepreneurs have requested project results.

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Accessible Outdoor Recreation
Subd. 11e    $400,000 TF

Greg Lais
Wilderness Inquiry
808 14th Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Phone:  (612) 676-9400
Fax:  (612) 676-9401

Overall Project Outcome and Results
There were four project results involving to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities within outdoor recreation.

  1. An assessment of the inclusion of people with disabilities in Minnesota's outdoor service spectrum was conducted, and found that one-third of the responding organizations said that they were making no special provisions to facilitate participation of people with disabilities and funding, training and distribution of information were frequently sited as barriers to accessibility.

  2. Community events in Minnesota, community organizers were trained and inclusive activities were offered at community events. 764 individuals were trained in 28 programs on the topics of Disability Awareness, Universal Programming and Marketing. 16,343 people participated in inclusive activities at 64 community events. Activities included canoeing and winter activities.

  3. 58 state parks and forests were surveyed for accessibility and utilization of Universal Design Principles. Campsites, fishing piers, picnic areas, playgrounds, parking areas, restrooms and water sources were evaluated. The data is posted on the Minnesota Guide to Universal Access in the Outdoors ( In May 2002, this web page received 1,048 page views in 856 visitor sessions.

  4. A web-based clearinghouse of inclusive outdoor recreation ( was developed.

  5. The website contains the following primary categories of information:
    * Programs
    * Places
    * Products
    * Publications/Research
    * Training/Services
    * Organizations

There are currently 80 organizations listed on In May of 2002, the site received 14,714 hits in 1,163 visitor sessions.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Reports on project activities were disseminated through:

The public was notified of through mailings sent to 4,400 individuals and organizations and search engine registration.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Science Outreach and Integrated Learning on Soil
Subd. 11f    $250,000 TF/ Match

Patrick Hamilton
Science Museum of Minnesota
30 E. 10th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone:  (651) 221-4761
Fax:  (651) 221-4514

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The 1,200-square-foot Science House was built to serve as the laboratory/classroom/office for the Big Back Yard, the Museum's new 1.2-acre outdoor science park. Science House is also a research project in that its goal is to provide all of the energy it needs to heat, cool, and power itself on an annual basis through its photovoltaic roof.

With the Big Back Yard open to the public, Science House now is the center for soil lab activities. Dissecting microscopes and a videomicroscope allow visitors up-close views of the invertebrate life in soils. Remote-sensing tools permit visitors to measure for themselves environmental variables in the park, such as surface temperatures and soil moisture. Students from the Museum's Youth Science Center play a lead role in presenting these activities to park visitors.

The Big Back Yard both houses exhibits and serves as an educational landscape itself. It is designed to convey the concepts that urban landscapes can enhance human and ecological health by the incorporation of perennial plants and plant communities that not only satisfy conventional landscape architecture needs but also produce food and wildlife habitat and protect and enhance urban soils.

Project Results, Use, and Dissemination:
Science House building has been honored with several awards:

  • Excellence in Building Educational Achievement Award, The Energy & Environmental Building Association, October 18, 2003, Chicago.
  • Environmental Achievement Award in the Energy Category, Minnesota Environmental Initiative, May 6, 2004, Minneapolis.
  • Environmental Sensitivity Award, Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute, May 10, 2004, Minneapolis.

Science House has hosted several professional conference field trips:

  • EnvironDesign conference, Saturday, April 24
  • Affordable Comfort conference, April 27
  • EnergySmart America conference, May 11

Science House will be the subject of a session at the November 2-5 AIA Minnesota Convention and will be included in the zero-emissions building session at the November 16-18 Build Boston conference.

Project completed: 6/30/2004

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Teacher Training in Interdisciplinary Environmental Education
Subd. 11g    $60,000 TF

Clarissa Ellis
Audubon Center of the North Woods
Box 530
Sandstone, MN 55072

Phone:  (320) 245-2648
Fax:  (320) 245-5272

This appropriation funded the creation of an interdisciplinary environmental education training workshop for K-12 teachers, and the workshop fees for up to 200 Minnesota teachers. A total of 188 Minnesota teachers participated in the four five day summer workshops, and two weekend workshops held at the Audubon Center of the Northwoods, Sandstone, MN. The focus of the workshops was to give teachers tools for integrating interdisciplinary environmental education lessons and activities in to their classroom curriculum. They participated in a wide variety of sessions, ranging from water quality and wetland monitoring to art and drama activities on the Mississippi River. Feedback from the teachers indicate that many of them have taken the activities and ideas from the workshops and used them to alter existing curriculum and/or create new curriculum focusing on the environment.

Information is being disseminated in several ways. Each teacher received a participant list of people attending their workshop, including e-mail addresses. This has allowed the teachers to stay in touch and share ideas. The Audubon Center has created a special section of its web page to post information for teachers including materials from people who presented at the workshops, as well as current environmental education resources, and educational opportunities related to environment for teachers. The web page is undergoing a redesign into front page, and will continue to be updated regularly. In addition, Minnesota Audubon is disseminating information to teachers and students through the network of 14 Audubon chapters in Minnesota through various education projects including Audubon Adventures curriculum.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Development and Rehabilitation of Recreational Shooting Ranges
Subd. 11h    $350,000 FRF/ Match

Chuck Niska
Minnesota DNR
Division of Enforcement- Safety Training Unit
Camp Ripley, P.O. Box 148
Little Falls, MN 56.45-0148

Phone:  (320) 616-2504
Fax:  (320) 616-2517

This project provided matching grant funds to local shooting range operations open for public use. Both new and existing ranges were given grants to improve the safe operation of a given range, to address accessibility improvements, address environmental concerns or to conduct utility upgrades pertaining to the safe operation of each range.

Twenty eight grants were used by local shooting sports organizations throughout the state. These improvements have helped to increase the capacity of each participating range to provide a safe shooting environment for users. Grant funds are also intended to help in the education of both youth participating in Firearm Safety program training, and provide individuals using these facilities a venue within which to improve their safe use of firearms, either prior to hunting or in competitive shooting.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Youth Outdoor Environmental Education Program
Subd. 11i    $125,000 FRF

Scott Zellmer
Dakota County
8500 127th Street East
Hastings, MN 55033

Phone:  (651) 438-4660
Fax:  (651) 437-4560

Overall Project Outcome and Results: The key objective of the program was to develop an outdoor education program for youth-at-risk in Dakota County. The program built an extensive team challenge/ropes course which included a high ropes course, low ropes course, low initiatives, and a climbing wall. The following percentages display the primary participants in the program: alternative schools (34%); Community Corrections (30%); park and recreation groups (13%); schools/peer mentor programs (8.2%); Social Services (6.7%); staff training (6%); and treatment programs (1.8%). There was a total of 1,282 youth served. Many of those youth were part of on-going programs. The total number of contact hours with youth was 3,240 hours. The contact hours are derived by multiplying the number of youth involved during each program and the length of time of the program.

The outdoor education program for youth-at-risk gave youth in Dakota County a unique opportunity that they would never had without this program. The program gave youth a safe, fun, adventurous outdoor experience in a Dakota County Park setting. Through these experiences participants learned to work cooperatively as a group, trust team members and self, develop effective group interaction skills, and gain a greater appreciation and awareness of the environment.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Twin Cities Environmental Service Learning - Continuation
Subd. 11j    $40,000 TF/Match

Kathy Kinzig
Eco Education
275 E. Fourth Street, #821
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone:  (651) 222-7691
Fax:  (651) 222-3425

The Twin Cities Environmental Service-Learning project provided teacher training to urban teachers to carry out environmental service learning projects and provided minigrants to students to carry out those projects. 41 teachers at 20 schools in Minneapolis and St. Paul participated, involving 1,900 5-8th grade students. Over $4,000 was distributed directly to schools for students to participate in environmental issue investigations in their neighborhoods that included community tours for site investigations, photo documentation of environmental successes and challenges in their neighborhoods, and data collection. Over $11,000 was disbursed to students for their projects that addressed environmental issues at the local level. These issues included buckthorn removal in Battle Creek Regional Park; wetland restoration at Ames Lake; prevention of point source pollution into a school ground wetland; public awareness around the revitalization and redevelopment of St. Paul's Iris Park; native plantings at Ames Lake, on University Ave, at Battle Creek Middle School, and at Battle Creek Regional Park; public education about visual pollution; water quality and storm sewer runoff; and storm drain stenciling in Highland Park neighborhood. Over 50 organizations and individuals assisted students and teachers with their projects providing expertise and support.

This project helped fill a need where most environmental education programs do not go: a program that provides the necessary knowledge related to issues, tools to adequately analyze issues, and skills to help resolve issues. These ingredients are proven links to success in promoting environmental behavior.

This project will be continued in Twin Cities schools by Eco Education and continue to reach more schools. Most of the schools involved in these two years will sustain the effort, with some support from Eco Education. Presentations were made about this project at government agencies, Minnesota environmental education conferences, and a St. Paul service-learning conference.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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CANCELED - Minnesota Whitetail Deer Resource Center Exhibits
Subd. 11k    $400,000 FRF/ Match

Joe Wood
Minnesota Deer Hunters Association
2820 South Highway 169
P.O. Box 5123
Grand Rapids, MN 55744-5123

Phone:  (218) 327-1103
Fax:  (218) 327-1349

This appropriation was to construct exhibits on white-tailed deer in Minnesota.

Project cancelled: 12/31/1999

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Sustainability Forums
Subd. 11l    $200,000 TF

Barbara Toren
Izaak Walton League of America
Minnesota Division
805 Park Ave
Mahtomedi, MN 55115

Phone:  (651) 426-2531
Fax:  (651) 407-0882

Overall Project Outcome and Results: Sustainability Forums were held in four locations in Minnesota (Red Wing, Willmar, Duluth, and Winona). Each forum consisted of three one-day workshops featuring community sustainability principles, practices, and processes. Objectives were to increase citizen knowledge and awareness of community sustainability principles, improve communication between citizens and local government leaders, and enhance opportunities for citizen leadership in the development and implementation of community sustainability action plans.

331 individuals were involved as planners, sponsors, and/or attendees. They included a broad spectrum of community interests and expertise including elected officials, residents of all ages, and representatives of government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, and organizations.

The workshops combined 60% instructor-directed and 40% participant-directed exercises. Less than 20% of the total Forum meeting time was devoted to formal lecture presentations. Workshop exercises encouraged participants to consider innovative approaches to community development issues and to apply sustainability principles and processes to all aspects of their professional and civic lives.

Project Results Use and Dissemination: The forums brought together individuals with differing, and often opposing, viewpoints and introduced a common concept and process through which they could better identify and work toward the communities' best long-term interests. Decision-makers and residents worked in cooperation to advance their mutual understanding of community development.

A detailed narrative report of the Sustainability Forums Project was written and is available upon request.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Minnesota River Watershed Ecology and History Exhibits
Subd. 11m    $90,000 FRF

Lon Berberich / Larry Granger
Joseph R. Brown Heritage Society
P.O. Box 433
Henderson, MN 56044

Phone:  (507) 248-3234
Fax:  (507) 248-3235

Overall Project Outcome and Results and Use Dissemination:
The Minnesota River Watershed Ecology and History Exhibit (know as the River Table) has been placed in the exhibit hall of the Joseph R. Brown Minnesota River Center. It was developed by the Science Museum of Minnesota to provide students, teachers, policy makers, tourists and residents with a hands on exhibit that encourages exploration of the 12,000 year history of the Minnesota River Basin and its ecological and cultural stories and features.

The core exhibit is a 14' by 8', 32" high, topographically correct raised relief map carved out of a hard fiberboard and painted with water and vegetation features in accordance with USGS maps. In the future, overlay maps will be able to highlight various features of the twelve major watersheds of the River Basin including indicators for reduced point and non-point pollution sources. Sixty fiber optic lights illuminate the location of human settlements from 9,000 years ago to today. These lights are activated when visitors press multicolored story telling buttons. A storybook mounted on the River Table tells about the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 while another describes flooding on the river. Wildlife and natural features are presented through the use of storyboards telling about wild rice and mussels while freestanding graphic panels provide information about fish and birds. A companion computer kiosk located near the River Table provides visual and audio information on eleven Minnesota River related ecological and historic topics which may be further explored on an adjacent internet connected work station.

During the 2001-2002 school year, a series of opened houses for elementary and secondary teachers will be held to develop curriculum for use with the River Table. In addition, meetings of study committees and public officials dealing with Minnesota River issues will be scheduled in the exhibit hall.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Aquaculture, Hydoponics, and Greenhouse Research Lab
Subd. 11o    $100,000 FRF

Jeff Lindeman
Chisago Lakes High School
14900 Olinda Trail
Lindstrom, MN 55045

Phone:  (651) 213-2500
Fax:  (651) 213-2550

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A 30 X 60 8mm Polycarbonate freestanding greenhouse was constructed at Chisago Lake High School. The greenhouse has 2 sections. The front section is 20 X 30 and houses the aquaponics tanks. Both rooms are independent from each other. The environment is controlled for light, temperature, and humidity.

The high school agri-science department experienced all phases of the greenhouse construction. The green house provides a community lab for students and community members to see and experience aquaponics and aquaculture as the project evolves. Master Gardeners, community education, and others will be part of the ongoing use of the facility.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 12  Benchmarks and Indicators

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Measuring Children's Exposure to Environmental Health Hazards
Subd. 12a    $500,000 TF

Ken Sexton, ScD.
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota
Box 807 UMHC
420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone:  (612) 626-4244
Fax:  (612) 626-0650


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The goal of the project was to characterize important exposure-related variables for a probability-based sample of children from the economically disadvantaged neighborhoods of Lyndale and Whittier in south Minneapolis. Data collection focused on obtaining relevant environmental samples from the children's schools, residences, and community, as well as acquiring biological samples (blood, urine) from the children themselves. We enrolled 29 children in a pilot study (31% response rate) and 204 children (153 randomly selected plus 51 of their siblings) in the main study (57% response rate). In both winter and spring 2000 we collected biological samples (blood, urine) from 76% of the children participating, obtained samples of carpet dust and indoor air for approximately 100 residences, and conducted related monitoring inside and outside the Lyndale and Whittier elementary schools. Currently, results of most chemical analyses have been received, all available data (including baseline questionnaires, time-activity logs) have been entered into an integrated database, and preliminary statistical analyses are in progress.

Findings indicate that a school-based design is a practical and affordable way to recruit and monitor children from poor, ethnically diverse neighborhoods. The primary advantages are numerous: (1) the process of identifying households with age-eligible children is direct, simple, and relatively inexpensive; (2) contact and sociodemographic information is readily available, provided appropriate safeguards are in place to protect privacy; (3) the involvement of school personnel lends credibility to the study and increases the likelihood that children/families will volunteer to participate; (4) information available from the schools makes it easier to assess differences in responders and non-responders; and (5) the in-school collection of biological samples and testing of lung function is a convenient and effective way to monitor children's environmental health. Once enrolled the vast majority of children/families participated fully in this study, doing their best to comply with sometimes-demanding study protocols and willingly providing blood and urine samples.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
A final report will be disseminated to the children, their families, and the participating schools. Two journal articles have been published and several more are being prepared for publication.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Minnesota County Biological Survey - Continuation
Subd. 12b    $1,600,000 TF

Carmen Converse
Department of Natural Resources
Box 25, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-9782
Fax:  (651) 296-1811

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Minnesota County Biological Survey (MCBS) is a systematic survey of rare biological features. The goal is to identify significant natural areas and to collect and interpret data on the distribution and ecology of rare plants, rare animals, and native plant communities. The Survey uses a multi-level procedure, beginning with the evaluation of existing inventory data, followed by an assessment of the quality and condition of selected areas using air photos and ground surveys. Field work also includes the collection of vegetation data and specialized surveys of selected rare species.

Since July, 1999 surveys were completed in fifteen counties: Benton, Blue Earth, Brown, Chippewa, Grant, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Nicollet, Pine, Redwood, Renville, Sibley, Stevens, Swift and Yellow Medicine counties. Surveys were also completed in the Red River Prairie portions of Becker and Otter Tail counties. In 2000, field survey work began in Douglas, Kandiyohi, and Pope counties and air photo interpretation in McLeod and Meeker. Surveys continue in Aitkin, Carlton, and Crow Wing counties. Surveys began and continue in the North Shore subsection (portions of St. Louis, Cook and Lake counties) and in Itasca County.

Data are entered into DNR's Natural Heritage Information System that includes a Geographic Information System. New records of 1,459 locations of rare features were added to the Rare Features Database since July, 1999. Since MCBS began in 1987, surveys have been completed in 50 counties and 12,781 records have been added to the Rare Features Database by MCBS. Since 1987, MCBS has documented fourteen species of native plants and two species of amphibians not previously recorded in the state.

In cooperation with other survey and classification efforts, vegetation data on forest types were compiled and analyzed leading to the revision of the forest types in Minnesota's Native Vegetation: A Key to Natural Communities Version 1.5. Vegetation data used in the classification are stored in the Relevé Database that currently includes 6,505 Minnesota vegetation samples (42% of the relevés collected by MCBS).

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
There are now maps displaying the results of MCBS for 24 counties with the publication of maps of Stearns County and Marshall County during this project period. Map files of selected counties are available on the DNR Web site. Since 1987, MCBS has produced 56 publications, including one book, Minnesota's St. Croix River and Anoka Sandplain: a guide to native habitats.

Recent examples of MCBS data use: Renville and other MN River Valley counties in assessment of the mineral and rare resources associated with the rock outcrops, Sibley County Planning, Stearns County comprehensive planning/park planning, active railroad prairie rights-of-way management, prairie acquisition by Pheasants Forever and The Nature Conservancy, DNR Park management, landscape level management in the North Shore Highlands as part of the Manitou Collaborative, trail planning in NE MN and along the MN River Valley, assessments by the Northeast Landscape Committee of the Minnesota Forest Resource Council.

This particular section of the project completed June 30, 2001.

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Environmental Indicators Initiative - Continuation
Subd. 12c    $400,000 TF

Keith M. Wendt
DNR - Office of Mgmt and Budget Services Science Policy Section
500 Lafayette Road, Box 10
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 297-7879
Fax:  (651) 296-6047

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Citizens want to know how well Minnesota's natural resources and environment are being managed. The Environmental Indicators Initiative, a pilot project built, tested, and applied frameworks to help natural resource managers achieve the following results:

  1. Indicators that document natural resource status and trends;
  2. Indicators that link natural resource activities to natural resource outcomes;
  3. Targets developed for indicators that enable us to forecast and measure program results;
  4. Indicators and targets integrated into DNR management plans and programs;
  5. A scientifically credible and comprehensive picture of the state's natural resources and the effects of DNR management (see DNR's Natural Resources Stewardship 2001: Key Indicators of Progress);
  6. Inter-agency coordination on developing common natural resource and environmental goals and associated performance indicators.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
AII efforts fostered the growth of a network of citizens, resource professionals and policy makers using indicators in natural resource learning and decision making. EII-designed frameworks and indicators are now incorporated into DNR standard operations. Lessons learned during the pilot project allowed DNR and partners to refine indicator development and move forward with application of those frameworks which best enhance our ability to use indicators to forecast and measure environmental results. The LCMR pilot project and continuing DNR work laid an important foundation for contributing to a broader effort recently established by the Governor's Office of Results Management to strengthen accountability and responsiveness to citizens by measuring and reporting results. DNR is sharing best-practices learned through the last six years of developing indicators and applying frameworks that promote the use of indicators in decision-making aimed at achieving environmental and natural resource results.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Dakota County Wetland Health Monitoring Program
Subd. 12d    $160,000 TF

Daniel A. Huff
Dakota County Environmental Education Program
4100 220th Street West, Suite 101
Farmington, MN 55024

Phone:  (651) 480-7734
Fax:  (651) 463-8002

The Dakota County Wetland Health Evaluation Project (WHEP) is a joint research and educational project sponsored by the Dakota County Environmental Education Program (DCEEP) the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Cities of Dakota County. The goals of the project were to:

  • Develop and refine biological monitoring methodologies to access the biological health of wetlands
  • Provide meaningful data on wetland health to local governments
  • Foster public awareness of wetland value and health within Dakota County communities
  • Create positive partnerships between citizens and their local government in addressing natural resource issues

Annually, volunteer monitoring teams sampled up to four wetlands between June and August for plant and macroinvertebrate communities within their city and performed a cross check of a wetland monitored by another city's team. Using sampling techniques and monitoring protocols developed by the MPCA and approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), volunteers analyzed collected samples and completed data field sheets. Prior to sampling, volunteers attended two and a half days of training given by MPCA staff. The time commitment for volunteers was approximately 30-50 hours per year. City staff worked with each team to select monitored wetlands. Volunteers reported the annual results back to their city, either to the city council or parks commission. URS/BRW, professional consultants provided quality control, statistical analysis and reporting.

From 1999-2001, over 200 volunteers have contributed approximately 10,000 hours performing 228 wetland surveys. Each of these surveys were tallied, met quality control and quality assurance guidelines and were reported to city and county staff and scientists at the MPCA. MPCA scientists combined this citizen data with their own research to refine the Indexes of Biological Integrity for depressional wetlands in Minnesota. This research has contributed to the methods for wetland bioassessment methods published by the US EPA.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Predicting water and Forest Resources Health and Sustainability
Subd. 12e    $300,000 TF

JoAnn M. Hanowski
Natural Resources Research Institute
5013 Miller Trunk Highway
Duluth, MN 55811

Phone:  (218) 720-4311
Fax:  (218) 720-9412


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A decision support model (SUSTAIN) that can be used by resource managers to predict future forest ecosystem sustainability was developed. Existing databases were used for forest birds, amphibians, aquatic insects and native plant communities and indicators of sustainability and health for northern Minnesota forests were created. The model quantifies health for a forest stand and predicts sustainability at the landscape level. Indicator response (e.g., population of a bird species indicator) was calculated for; current forest condition, historical condition (based on range of natural variation (RNV)), and future conditions. The model output is interpreted in the context of whether the planned management will move the forest toward or away from sustainability (based on RNV). The model incorporates information for two ecological classification system (ECS) sections in northern Minnesota (Drift and Lake Plains and Northern Superior Uplands), 55 bird species, and 12 ecosystem types. Watershed models were developed for aquatic insects and fish but were not included in the final version of the SUSTAIN model due to computation difficulties. Indicators of amphibian health and sustainability were not included in the final model because we lack information required to predict their response to forest management.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The model will be available to local and regional land managers to aid in decisions regarding forest management activities (downloadable from web site). Training sessions for the model were attended by representatives from major landowners (USFS, DNR and St. Louis County), as well as Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, and The Nature Conservancy. Staff involved with this project presented results and information about the project on approximately 12 different occasions, including scientific meetings and meetings with resource managers. We also provided information on RNV to two landscape planning groups in northern Minnesota coordinated through the Minnesota Forest Resources Council.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Potential for Infant Risk from Nitrate Contamination
Subd. 12f    $200,000 FRF

Rita B. Messing
Minnesota Department of Health
Division of Environmental Health
P.O. Box 64975
St. Paul, MN 55164-0975

Phone:  (651) 215-0924
Fax:  (651) 215-0975


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Researchers conducted interviews and measured nitrate and bacteria for 381 randomly selected suburban households with private wells (Dakota and Washington counties, Region I; approximately 27,000 household private wells) and 329 rural households (Murray and Nobles counties, Region II; approximately 3,200 household private wells).

In Region I, 24% of wells had nitrate-nitrogen levels above 3 ppm, with 5.6% above 10 ppm (representing1,500 households). In Region II, 37% of wells were above 3 ppm nitrate-nitrogen, with 23% above 10 ppm (representing 730 households). In Region I, 19% of wells were positive for coliform (less than 1% had fecal coliform); in Region II, 66% of wells were positive for coliform (17% positive had fecal coliform). Nitrate and coliform were correlated in Region II, but not Region I. Nitrate contamination was more likely in both regions in wells drilled before the 1974 Minnesota Well Code.

Most sampled households (both regions) reported using wells for over 10 years. In both regions, 30% of household members were children, 6% under age 6. Twenty households provided childcare. In Region I, 67% of children drank tap water during the first year of life versus 31% in Region II. Thirty-four of 65 child caregivers in Region I and 10 of 49 in Region II were unaware of concern about nitrates. Ninety percent of caregivers in Region I and 55% in Region II said that health care providers never discussed nitrates.

Nitrate and bacterial contamination is worse in the rural area but more people may be at risk in the suburbs. There is less knowledge in the suburbs.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Presentations have been made to state and local government staff to inform decision-making, and to scientific groups. Information for physicians and a paper for publication are planned. Activities will increase awareness of physicians, private well owners and government officials about nitrate and bacterial contamination and potential health effects.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Assessing Lake superior Waters Off the North Shore
Subd. 12g    $400,000 TF

Thomas C. Johnson
Large Lake Observatory
University of Minnesota
Duluth, MN 55812

Phone:  (218) 726-8128
Fax:  (218) 726-6979


Research Results and Dissemination The Large Lakes Observatory of the University of Minnesota has established benchmark data on the phytoplankton communities, nutrient chemistry, temperature and currents in western Lake Superior based on a timeseries of measurements from moored instruments at selected stations along the north shore from Duluth to Split Rock between 1999 and 2001. A database of these results has been established at the LLO and, through publications, is being made available to the scientific community and the public.

The annual catch of fish that can be sustained by Lake Superior ultimately depends on primary production of organic matter by phytoplankton (single-celled algae and other plants) in the sunlit surface waters. Our work shows that biological productivity in Lake Superior is much more variable in space and time (both seasonally and, more interesting, inter-annually) than previously thought. This makes biological productivity difficult to quantify using ship-based methods. Our results, based on time-series measurements from moored instruments, suggest that biological productivity may be two- to three- fold higher on an annual basis than reported by previous studies. If true, this is of great significance for fisheries management. In addition, our work suggests that Lake Superior, and by inference other large temperate lakes, are net sources of CO2 to the atmosphere, so we cannot rely on these lakes to help remediate the problem of increasing atmospheric CO2 and global warming.

Further work is needed for rigorous assessment of biological productivity and carbon cycling in Lake Superior. An understanding of basic physical, chemical, and biological processes is needed for assessment and prediction of the lake's response to future environmental stresses. We are continuing to develop innovative and cost-effective monitoring programs to assess these key environmental parameters and anticipate receiving significant federal and funding for such work in the coming years.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Baehr, M.M. & J. McManus "The measurement of phosphorus and its spatial and temporal variability in western Lake Superior." Journal of Great Lakes Research V. 29, pp. 479-487 (2003).

Heine, E.A. & J. McManus. "Carbon and nutrient cycling at the sediment water boundary in western Lake Superior." Journal of Great Lakes Research. in press

McManus, J., E.A. Heinen, M.M. Baehr. "Hypolimnetic oxidation rates in Lake Superior: Role of dissolved organic material on the lake's carbon budget." Limnology and Oceanography v.48, pp 1624-1632

Ralph, E.A., 2002. "Scales and structures of large lake eddies." Geophysical Research Letters. v.29, pp. 30-1 to 30-4.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Minnesota's Forest Bird Diversity Initiative - Continuation
Subd. 12h    $350,000 TF/ Match

Lee Pfannmuller
DNR- Division of Fish and Wildlife
Box 25, DNR Building
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-0783
Fax:  (651) 296-1811


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The project's primary goal is to develop landscape management tools to maintain Minnesota's rich diversity of forest birds. During the FY00-01 biennium the tenth and eleventh years of monitoring forest bird populations in the Chippewa National Forest and Superior National Forest, the ninth and tenth years in east-central Minnesota and the sixth and seventh years in southeastern Minnesota were completed. A major objective of this study was to analyze forest bird population trends. Most breeding bird populations in northern and east-central Minnesota were relatively stable, while 15 species had a decreasing trend and eight were increasing. In the southeast region eight species showed long-term population declines, while eleven species increased. Most species in all regions showed considerable year-to-year variation in abundance. Another major objective was to refine and verify predictions of forest bird distribution and abundance and to create links to LANDIS. Parameterization required by LANDIS was completed for the Nashwauk Upland subsection of the Ecological Classification System. Additionally, predictions were tested using bird abundance on nine 1-square mile plots and these analyses indicated that our predictions had a high level of accuracy. The project managers are unaware of any efforts elsewhere with similar predictions that have been evaluated with independent data. Progress was made on software components of the forest planning tool to make this a useful application for land managers. This includes a module that conducts Monte Carlo simulations to make predictions of bird abundance and a module that enables reading of the output of LANDIS directly.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
DNR staff continued updating the initiative's web site ( which provides public access to data and information collected by the project. Ten presentations highlighting the project's results were given during the Biennium. Four papers were accepted or published in final form and drafts of two additional manuscripts were completed.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Farm Ponds as Critical Habitats for Native Amphibians
Subd. 12i    $250,000 TF/ Match

Melinda G. Knutson
USGS/ Biological Resources Division
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
2630 Fanta Reed Rd.
La Crosse, WI 54603

Phone:  (608) 781-6216
Fax:  (608) 783-6066


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Constructed farm ponds and natural wetlands in southeastern Minnesota during the spring and summer of 2000 and 2001 were studied. The objectives were to identify land management practices that sustain healthy populations of amphibians in southeastern Minnesota farm ponds and to recommend monitoring methods suitable for assessing amphibian habitat quality. Amphibian and habitat data from 40 randomly selected ponds, ten ponds in each of four surrounding land-use classes: row crop agriculture, grazed grassland, ungrazed grassland, and natural wetlands were collected. 10 species of amphibians at the ponds were identified. Surveys indicated that at least five fish, six snake, two turtle, 18 mammal, and 100 bird species were associated with the study ponds. No differences were found in amphibian species richness among the pond types, and very few frogs had malformations. In a mesocosm study, there were no differences in amphibian larval survival between agricultural and natural wetlands. The highest amphibian reproductive success was found in ponds with no fish, low amounts of vegetation, and low concentrations of nitrogen. Ponds used for watering cattle had elevated concentrations of nitrogen and higher turbidity, indicating lower quality habitat for amphibians. Constructed farm ponds designed to serve the needs of farmers can be managed to provide valuable aquatic breeding habitat for amphibians in this region. Important management actions include fencing cattle away from the pond, maintaining a wide grass buffer strip around the pond to trap sediment and nutrients, and avoiding fish introductions.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
2,500 amphibian larvae and egg field guides are being distributed to wildlife biologists. State and federal agriculture and natural resources agencies are receiving 10,000 USGS Fact Sheets and 2,000 posters containing practical advice on how to manage farm ponds to benefit wildlife.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Improved Fungus Collection and Database
Subd. 12j    $70,000 TF

David J. McLaughlin
Herbarium-University of Minnesota
220 Biological Sciences Center
1445 Gortner Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108-1095

Phone:  (612) 625-5736
Fax:  (612) 625-1738

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
A centralized database for the fungi of Minnesota has been produced as a result of consolidation of the two University of Minnesota fungal collections. It is accessible at This database provides information on the distribution, ecology, and history of the fungi of the state for use in agriculture, forestry, and recreation management. The web site includes a non-technical general introduction to the fungi, illustrations of mushrooms and plant pathogens, a history of the collection and the state of knowledge of the fungi of Minnesota, and a taxonomic outline for the specialist. The database is searchable in multiple ways, including by plant host and habitat, and it can produce reports that can be sorted by up to three fields.

Approximately 45,000 specimens were processed and moved from the Dept. of Plant Pathology to new herbarium cases in the University of Minnesota Herbarium. A dedicated computer with the software program "Specify" for data entry was set up, and 6700 Minnesota fungal specimens have been entered into the database. Six of seven cases of Minnesota fungi have been processed into archival mounting for long term preservation. Entry of the remaining specimen data and specimen processing is continuing. Consolidation of the fungal collections has multiple benefits, including assisting in obtaining fungi for research in the state, fungal identification, and teaching.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The new database is also accessible through the Bell Museum of Natural History and University of Minnesota web sites. It was used at the North American Mycological Society of America meeting in Collegeville, July 5-8, to find sites for mushroom collection. The database will be advertised to professional mycologists in Inoculum, the newsletter of the Mycological Society of America.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 13  Critical Lands or Habitats

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Sustainable Woodlands and Prairies on Private Lands - Continuation
Subd. 13a    $450,000 TF

Doug Anderson
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155


This project provided 170 forest management plans on over 17,000 acres of forests and 9 prairie management plans on 1251 acres of prairies. Management activities were cost shared on an additional 9000 acres of forest. $435,894 of matching funds were raised from private landowners, consultants and Global ReLeaf. The management plans set the stage for additional development activity to occur in the near future. This is large enough to a significant benefit to the MN landscape. When a landowner gets involved with the program, the stewardship of that land greatly increases.

The results of this project, be it the writing of the management plan or the cost share of a management activity, keep growing from the initial effort. Word of the benefits of sound natural resources management is spread between neighbors and families. This program has been written about in "Better Forests", the publication of the MN Forestry Association.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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National Prairie Passage - Linking Isolated Prairie Preserves
Subd. 13b    $150,000 TF/ Match

Robert L. Jacobson
MN/DOT - MS 620
395 John Ireland Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 779-5087
Fax:  (651) 779-5019

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The National Prairie Passage is a concept that was proposed in the early 1980's as a scenic country drive where people could travel and enjoy prairie wildflowers growing along roadsides. Since then, the concept of the Prairie Passage has grown in scope. In Minnesota, we envision the Prairie Passage to be the creation of the network of tall grass prairie preserves that are connected by corridors of prairie along roadsides or other rights-of-way. At a national level, the Prairie Passage extends from Canada through Texas. Within this framework, communities, local units of government, states and the federal government will be able to partner to promote a network of scenic drives leading to various points of interest relating to both the cultural and natural resource of the tall grass prairie in North America. The project will benefit the prairie ecosystem by linking isolated preserves with corridors of prairie, thus reversing some of the existing fragmentation of the prairie landscape. Wildlife will benefit from increased high quality grassland habitat that continuous linkage can provide. Local communities will benefit by being able to promote local tourism based on cultural and natural resources of the tall grass prairie. Road authorities will benefit from planting and managing prairie along roads, which should decrease their maintenance costs and herbicide usage. Local growers and producers of prairie plants and seeds will benefit from their products being used for restoring the prairie landscape.

A sign featuring prairie coneflower was created to mark Prairie Passage routes and designated Prairie Passage sites in the six partnering Prairie Passage states. A 535-mile route through western Minnesota was selected as Minnesota's Prairie Passage Route. Thirty-six natural, historical and cultural areas were selected as Prairie Passage sites. The route and sites were selected with public involvement. Four hundred and eighty acres of land in Blue Mounds and Camden State Parks, Black Rush Lake Waterfowl Production Area and the adjacent Highway 23 and 75 corridors was seeded with native prairie grasses and wildflowers. Seed totaling 23,281 pounds, was harvested from local prairies for use in the restorations. An additional 9,845 pounds of seed was purchased from local native seed producers to complete the restoration plantings. The plantings have been periodically mowed to increase the success of the restorations and prevent noxious weed problems. A series of three posters depicting tallgrass prairie plants, animals and cultures were developed and are being distributed throughout the southwest part of the state. Four informational kiosks were developed for placement at two wayside rests and at Blue Mounds and Camden State Parks. A self-guided Prairie Restoration Interpretive Trail was created for Camden State Park. An Explore Southwestern Minnesota's Prairie Passage brochure was created for distribution at Minnesota Office of Tourism/MnDOT Travel Information Centers, convention visitor bureaus, state parks, museums, and historic sites. A general Prairie Passage brochure was created for use in the six partnering Prairie Passage states. Each state printed it's own supply of brochures. A Guide to Minnesota's Prairie Passage Route and Sites was created for distribution throughout Minnesota's tourism outlets. Six public meetings were held; eighteen presentations were given at conferences, workshops, and meetings. Prairie Passage poster displays were presented at three state and national conferences.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Greening the Metro Mississippi - Minnesota River Valleys
Subd. 13c    $800,000 TF/ Match

Rob Buffler
Great River Greening
35 West Water Street, Suite 201
St. Paul, MN 55107-2016

Phone:  (651) 665-9500
Fax:  (651) 655-9404

Great River Greening, along with ten cooperators, completed private and public habitat restoration projects on approximately 1,500 acres in the metro Mississippi/Minnesota River valleys, involving more than 1,500 citizen volunteers. These sites vary in their quality, but through the restoration process, their ecological value for buffering, connecting, and hosting natural remnants has increased greatly. Many of the sites are critical for enhancing some of the last large native plant remnants in the metro river corridor.

The funded sites range from such high quality natural areas as the Pine Bend Bluffs (Flint Hills Resources Natural Area and Ordway Natural History Area), where restoration has enhanced large mosaics of native plant communities; to the important connecting sites of Highwood Park Reserve, West Side Bluff, and Mississippi River Gorge, which host important rare plants or native remnants and have great potential; to the urban setting of Shepard Road, one of the largest natural plantings on a highly developed riverfront.

Other results include completing a land cover inventory of more than 109,000 acres, for which collaborators contributed more than $50,000 non-state funds. Landowner outreach was particularly successful, resulting not only in the above projects, but also in a database of future restoration projects. The cost-share and match from partners and landowners exceeded what was expected for a total of $589,957.

In addition to several research papers to disseminate the results, the Greening website includes extensive information (including maps) about the Big Rivers Partnership and each of the BRP projects and links to restoration research resources for land managers and the public.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Restoring the Greater Prairie Chicken to Southwestern Minnesota
Subd. 13d    $60,000 TF

Brian Winter
The Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society
Box 25, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025

Phone:  (651) 296-5359
Fax:  (651) 296-1811

In an effort to re-establish a greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) population in vacant grassland habitat in southwestern Minnesota 126 birds (84 cocks, 36 hens, 6 young of the year) were translocated from northwestern Minnesota 1999-2001. Birds for translocation were initially captured on booming grounds during the breeding season radio-marked and released in place. A portion were recaptured by night lighting during July-September. The birds were released at six different release sites in the vicinity of the Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area. Fifty-three birds (46 cocks, 7 hens) were translocated in 1999 and 60 (25 cocks, 29 hens, 6 young of the year) in 2000. Thirteen cocks were translocated during May and June 2001. All were radio-marked to monitor general movements, document survival and mortality factors. Two booming grounds were located in 2000, one with six cocks and one with four. In 2001, these two booming grounds each had five cocks. No new booming grounds were established as a result of the releases in 2000. Efforts to establish five booming grounds failed as birds moved from the two new 2000 release sites to the areas with the two established booming grounds. Seven nests were located, one in 2000 and six in 2001. Four of the seven hatched and one nest contained eight ring-necked pheasant eggs. Survival of translocated radio-marked birds from release to following breeding season (8-10 months) was 35.5%. Predation by raptors appeared to be the main mortality factor. Future releases will concentrate on supplementing existing booming grounds and establishing new ones 10 to 15 miles away. The long-term goal is to link the ranges of prairie chicken populations in Minnesota with those in South Dakota and North Dakota.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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The Prairie Heritage Fund
Subd. 13e    $500,000 TF/ Match

Matt Holland
Pheasants Forever, Inc.
2101 Ridgewood Dr. NW
Alexandria, MN 56308

Phone:  (320) 763-6103
Fax:  (320) 763-6103

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The goal of this project was to protect, preserve and enhance native prairie and wetland ecosystems in Minnesota. Less than 1% of Minnesota's original 18 million acres of Tall Grass Prairie exists today. Nearly 1/3 of Minnesota's endangered and threatened plant and animal species inhabit the prairie ecosystem. Existing prairie relics are the repositories of the plant and animal communities that charted the course of anthropological history in Minnesota. The PHF has preserved and restored small prairie and wetland remnants. Acquisition and enhancement of remnant tracts of the prairie ecosystem protect and enhance Minnesota's endangered and threatened natural communities and ensures Minnesota's prairie legacy.

PHF: Through the 1997 appropriation, Pheasants Forever acquired 2,197 acres of native remnant prairie and associated wetland and upland habitats throughout the prairie region of Minnesota. A total of 19 projects were completed in 11 counties. In addition, 80 acres of prairie habitat were restored. This appropriation was matched with $742,647 of non-state monies and an additional $383,600 in non-match dollars.

PHF - continuation: Through the 1999 appropriation, Pheasants Forever acquired 1,486 acres of native remnant prairie and associated wetland and upland habitats throughout the prairie region of Minnesota. A total of 11 projects were completed in 8 counties. In addition, 40 acres of prairie habitat were restored. This appropriation was matched with $630,544 in non-state monies.

Pheasants Forever was able to leverage federal dollars from the North American Wetlands Conservation Act on tracts that qualified. PF was thus able to stretch trust fund dollars and add value to this project.

Each tract acquired through the Prairie Heritage Fund has been enrolled into Minnesota's Wildlife Management Area System and is open to public hunting, trapping, bird watching, and other recreational pursuits consistent with the goals of the Wildlife Management Area System.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Public Boad Access and Fishing Piers
Subd. 13f    $1,310,000 TF/FRF

Michael T. Markell
Trails and Waterways Unit
Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4052

Phone:  (651) 296-6413
Fax:  (651) 297-5475

This project increased access to Minnesota's lakes and rivers by providing public boat access, fishing piers and shoreline access. Specifically, DNR worked with local governments, angling clubs, and other groups to construct 22 fishing piers in 15 counties statewide. In addition, DNR developed 3 boat access sites, one each in Wright, Koochiching and Cass Counties. Finally, this project acquired land for 10 public boat access sites in six counties. Acquisitions were based on willing sellers and the availability of land suitable for public access.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Arboretum Land Acquisition and Wetland Restoration - Continuation
Subd. 13g    $700,000 TF/ Match

Prof. Peter J. Olin
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, University of Minnesota
3675 Arboretum Drive, PO Box 39
Chanhassen, MN 55317

Phone:  (612) 443-2882
Fax:  (612) 443-2521

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The objective of the Arboretum's land purchase is to protect its watershed from development. During this phase, the Arboretum purchased 30 acres at a total cost of $1,253,993 ($627,315 from the LCMR and $626,678 private match). There are now 137 acres left to acquire.

Arboretum research and education programs are recognized internationally, and over 225,000 people visit annually. A major part of the visitor experience is the ambience of woodland, prairie, wetlands, gardens, and model landscapes, all set in prime land in the western metro area.

Control of all lands within the roadways surrounding the Arboretum core will protect water quality and native plant habitat, and preserve the visitor experience. This land includes over 90% of the Arboretum's watershed.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Native Prairie Prescribed Burns
Subd. 13h    $400,000 TF

Peter Buesseler
Department of Natural Resources, Scientific and Natural Areas Program
1221 East Fir Avenue
Fergus Falls, MN 56537

Phone:  (218) 739-7497
Fax:  (218) 739-7601

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The goal of this project was to increase prairie burning to a level commensurate with habitat needs in three targeted areas: Kittson County Tallgrass Aspen Parkland, Glacial Lake Agassiz Beach Ridges, and the Lac Qui Parle area. Area Wildlife offices were provided seasonal personnel and specialized equipment to prepare fire management plans, establish fire breaks, work with landowners, carry out burns, and assist in tree removal, mowing, and other grassland management activities to maximize habitat benefits of the burn effort.

Result 1: Conduct prescribed burns on 12,000 ac. of Tallgrass Aspen Parkland in Kittson Co. - This was a cooperative project between DNR and The Nature Conservancy. DNR and TNC pooled crews and equipment and coordinated burns in implementing this effort. Outcome: 33 burns /15,780 acres.

Result 2: Conduct prescribed burns on 9,000 ac. in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Beach Ridges - This was an expanded burn initiative in the Fergus Falls, Detroit Lakes, and Crookston DNR Area Wildlife offices. A fire/grassland management assistant supported the effort and worked with the area managers preparing burn units and implementing grassland management activities. Outcome: 74 burns/14,833 acres.

Result 3. Conduct prescribed burns on 3000 acres in the Lac Qui Parle area - This activity fielded an additional burn crew and seasonal staff focused specifically on Lac Qui Parle area prairies. Burning was coordinated with TNC and FWS crews. The effort coincided with the Prairie Chicken Re-introduction project. Outcome: 29 burns/2,850 acres.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
By providing targeted, accelerated funding, prescribed burning was doubled or tripled in the affected work areas. The project demonstrated that given sufficient resources, DNR Area Wildlife Offices - in coordination with other agencies and adjacent landowners - can carry out prescribed burning at a level necessary to meet prairie habitat needs. This project provides a base for developing future burning and grassland management project requests.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Implement the Chisago and Washington Counties Green Corridor Project - Continuation
Subd. 13i    $400,000 TF/ Match

Matthew Mega
1000 Friends of Minnesota
370 Selby Avenue, Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55102

Phone:  (651) 312-1000
Fax:  (651) 312-0012

Overall Project Results:
The Green Corridor implementation project established the State's first Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) and Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) programs and through the pilot phase of the project permanently protected 142 acres of land. The total allocation of funds was $400,000. Of which $304,000 was directed toward land protection. The project leveraged an additional $864,400 ($300,000 required local match) to purchase conservation easements.

Washington County established its PDR program in February 2000. During the first phase of this voluntary program 12 landowners applied for participation representing 657 acres of land with an estimated value of $4,629,300. The County Board, upon recommendations of a citizen advisory committee, narrowed the field to the top four properties and protected 142 acres of land. A total of $1.2 million was spent to purchase conservation easements and to acquire fee title for three of the four properties (102 acres). To ensure the ongoing success of the program, the County Commissioners are seeking permanent funding through the County budget process.

Chisago County adopted a TDR ordinance in May 2001 and is currently working to identify and complete development right transfers. The TDR ordinance represents a unique opportunity for landowners and citizens to proactively address growth and development without compromising private property rights. TDR is voluntary and in Chisago County will focus on accommodating new growth with the preservation of critical natural resources. This project represents a cooperation among county, city and local officials as well as landowners, developers and citizens. Chisago County also had an opportunity to establish a PDR program, but after running into unforeseen difficulties and tight timeline constraints relinquished the $150,000 earmarked for PDR to Washington County. Washington County used the additional dollars to complete the land transaction with the fourth property owner.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The results of this project are action oriented, attempting to implement land conservation on the ground. Other interested communities can use the information gained to implement their own programs without re-inventing the wheel. Several communities are already utilizing the information available to explore the feasibility of TDR and PDR in their communities. Copies of the ordinances, policy and procedure documents as well as general advice are available from each county or any of the project partners.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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RIM Shoreland Stabilization
Subd. 13j    $350,000 TF/ Match

Linda Erickson-Eastwood and Dirk Peterson
Department of Natural Resources
Box 12, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-0791 (Linda Erickson-Eastwood) and (651) 296-0789 (Dirk Peterson)
Email: and
Fax:  (651) 296-4916

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Two shoreland stabilization projects were completed with this appropriation: Lake Winnibigoshish and Lac Qui Parle. The Lake Winnibigoshish project stabilized 1.25 miles of highly erodable shoreline on the SW side of the lake. This project was one of 16 different sites needing stabilized. The design incorporated gaps in the riprap to accommodate traditional swimming areas and included an aggregate surface in various reaches to facilitate foot travel. This project has had a number of cooperators including US Forest Service, National Forest Foundation, Private landowners, summer home permittees, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Cass County, and others.

The Lac Qui Parle project was done in two phases: Clay Banks and LQP State Park sites. The Clay Banks site stabilized 2,700 feet of shoreline. Field stone was used to provide a more natural look since it was adjacent to a Wildlife Management Area. Wildlife than converted the upland area into prairie after the completion of the project. The Lac qui Parle Lake Association, Lac qui Parle Watershed Project Association, and Minn-Kota Sportmens Club also donated $15,250 toward a walleye spawning reef that was constructed along 300 feet of the project. Spring assessment netting revealed numerous walleye eggs on the reef.

The LQP State Park site phase only included the purchase of 2,420 cubic yards of riprap. This rock will be installed in 2002 with other DNR funds. When installed 1,400 feet of shoreline will be stabilized. This project phase will complete the stabilization of the highest priority eroded sites, however numerous other areas of erosion exist, and future projects may be proposed.

Both lakes are an important fishery to the State of Minnesota. Severe erosion has covered many walleye spawning areas. This and other completed projects has slowed or eliminated the introduction of sediment and natural spawning areas are being reestablished. This along with other management activities helps stabilize and improve the fishery.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Enhancing Canada Goose Hunting Opportunities for Recreation and Management Purposaes
Subd. 13k    $340,000 FRF

Ray Norrgard
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Section of Wildlife
Box 7, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4007

Phone:  (651) 296-0701
Fax:  (651) 297-4961

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This appropriation was for work with waterfowl conservation organizations to secure leases for goose forage areas and to increase public goose hunting opportunities. The project addressed the growing number of Canada geese and lack of suitable areas for public hunting. It provided 140 annual forage leases, improved hunting blinds on public land, and assistance to local governments to improve public hunting for Canada geese and help reduce local nuisance complaints.

The project acquired 34 five-acre one-year forage leases on private land adjacent to public hunting areas in 2000. A change in project administration allowed enrollment of 106 (911 acres) private land leases by the Minnesota Waterfowl Association (MWA) for both forage and public hunting in 2001. The leases were marked by signs, identified in news releases, and announced on the website. Follow up landowner questionnaires in 2001 indicated that 652 individuals hunted 683 days on the sites and killed 1539 geese. DNR improved 105 hunting blinds and constructed 12 new hunting blinds within the controlled hunting zones of Roseau River, Lac qui Parle, and Talcot Lake Wildlife Management Areas. MWA collaborated with six local units of government to conduct special goose hunts. MWA also hosted a special meeting with communities offering special hunts to share experiences and collaborate on opportunities and challenges. A special tour was conducted in western Minnesota provided for frank and open discussion of issues such as distribution of harvest and crop depredation by local populations of geese. Analysis of blood samples of adult metro area geese found only 1.6% had lead levels above background, allaying any fears concerning consumption safety. This information was provided to the department of Health.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Nongame Wildlife Match Account
Subd. 13l    $470,000 TF

Carrol Henderson
Section of Wildlife
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Box 7, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 296-0700
Fax:  (651) 297-4961

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Nongame Wildlife Program staff has carried out over 65 different wildlife conservation projects that included research, habitat management, information and education, and planning activities: planting of 6 lakescaping sites, development of 5 bald eagle management plans, common loon surveys on 600 lakes, hawk and owl surveys in northeast Minnesota, a wood turtle survey on the St. Louis River, a survey for northern Goshawks across northern Minnesota, habitat management of a common tern nesting colony on Interstate Island, coordinating efforts of 200 volunteers for the Loon Watcher program, radio-tracking of Blanding's turtles in Sherburne County, completing surveys on red-shouldered hawks and trumpeter swans, carrying out a shorebird management workshop for 30 natural resource professionals, surveying the Straight, Cedar, Zumbro and Cannon Rivers for wood turtles and monitored Blanding's turtle populations at the Weaver Dunes. Habitat was improved for endangered Karner Blue butterflies on the Whitewater WMA. Henslow's sparrow populations were monitored at Great River Bluff State Park, and two landowner workshops were held in southeast Minnesota to help landowners cope with timber rattlesnakes.

Educational efforts included preparation of bald eagle management plans for homeowners with nesting eagles, technical assistance to homeowners with wildlife problems (over 1200 inquiries), involving over 600 Minnesotans with loon surveys, and responding to over 200 requests for audio-visual educational materials.

Results Use and Dissemination:
Technical assistance was given to homeowners with wildlife problems (over 1200 inquiries); involving over 600 Minnesotans with loon surveys, and responding to over 200 requests for audio-visual materials. In summary, this initiative involved over 65 conservation projects and sponsorship of 35 workshops for a total of 831 participants. This information has been disseminated through final reports that have been filed with the Research Unit of the Nongame Wildlife Program, and documented with accounts on Venture North filming from WDSE-TV in Duluth.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Wildlife Habitat Acquisition and Development - Chub Lake
Subd. 13m    $300,000 TF/ Match

Alan Singer
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
1200 Warner Road
St. Paul, MN 55106

Phone:  (651) 772- 7952
Fax:  (651) 772-7977

This appropriation is to acquire and protect land and to make capital improvements in the Chub Lake natural area. The project will acquire and improve a 192-acre natural area comprised of high quality oak forest, planted grasslands, lakeshore, wetlands and the outlet for Chub Creek. The improvements would include ecological restoration. The appropriation must be matched by at least $300,000 of nonstate money.

Appropriation is available until expended.

Subd. 14  Native Species Planting

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Minnesota Releaf Matching Grant Program
Subd. 14a    $850,000 TF/FRF

Ken Holman
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry
1200 Warner Road
St. Paul, MN 55106

Phone:  (651) 772-7565
Fax:  (651) 772-7599

Overall Projects Outcome and Results:
Through the Minnesota ReLeaf Local Grants Program, a total of 111 community forestry grant projects were funded, including 58 for tree planting, 38 for forest health and 15 for community tree inventory projects. On average, each $1.00 of state funds was matched by $1.72 of local cash and in-kind services.

This overmatch indicates increasing competition and demand for state support and reflects increased local investment and technical capacity to manage this resource.

Among the forest health projects, greater emphasis on education helped significantly increase homeowner participation and their willingness to share in oak wilt control costs. Education and preventative practices need even greater emphasis, as well as making funds available to replant infection centers.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Experience gained from ReLeaf projects is helping develop:

  1. A web-based Tree Planting 101 curriculum for training volunteers and Tree Care Advisors (;
  2. Research findings for more effective oak wilt control;
  3. A Community Tree Inventory Decision Model to guide cities considering this vital step toward management; and
  4. Revised state disaster response policies to better address community forestry needs.

All of these new tools are or will be available via the DNR web page (

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Landscaping for Wildlife and Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention
Subd. 14b    $150,000 TF/ Match

Shelley Shreffler
Saint Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium
624 Selby Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104

Phone:  (651) 221-4462
Fax:  (651) 221-9831

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
This project expanded native habitats in the east metro area to invite wildlife and reduce nonpoint source pollution through residential landscaping using workshops and public education that promoted action. Native habitats provide food, shelter and diversity for wildlife; and reduce nonpoint source pollution in area lakes, streams and rivers. This project provided 18 introductory workshops, 12 follow-up landscaping workshops, low-cost planting material to 216 households and broad public education to over 130,000 individuals.

Four hundred eight introductory workshop participants learned the value of landscaping with native species to attract wildlife to a metropolitan environment, positive impacts on water quality because of reduced need for chemicals and decreased runoff, and benefits of reestablishing ecosystem functions in a built environment. Two hundred sixteen of the participant households used the professionally designed landscape plans to incorporate native plants into their landscapes and obtained plant material on a cost-share basis. One hundred seventy-two participants in the follow-up workshops gained knowledge about the care, maintenance and propagation of prairie and woodland landscapes.

Broad public education activities taught residents that what they do in their own yards directly impacts wildlife and the water quality of area lakes, streams and rivers. Approximately 130,000 households were reached through community newspapers, city newsletters and organizational newsletters.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The landscape plans and/or workshop materials have been used by other organizations, such as Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District, Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District, Carpenter Nature Center, Maplewood Nature Center and Friends of the Mississippi River, in their education programs. The Department of Natural Resources may put the landscape plans on their website (plans from a previous LCMR project are on the website).

The workshop was taped and has been broadcast on east metro cable access stations.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality Initiative
Subd. 14c    $140,000

Carrol Henderson
Section of Wildlife, MN DNR
Box 7, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone:  (651) 292-0700
Fax:  (651) 297-4961

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality Initiative involved promotion of naturalizing lake shore property with native plants both on the upland and in the water. These concepts had been previously published in the DNR book "Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality." The purpose of this project was to help accelerate public acceptance of this concept through a combination of workshops for lakeshore owners and creation of buffer zone demonstration sites.

A total of 14 workshops were carried out for 470 people. There were typically 8 presentors at each workshop from DNR Divisions of Waters, Ecological Services, Enforcement, and Fisheries as well as from other organizations and agencies. Many of the participants were subsequently involved with promotion of the lakescaping concept back at their own lake associations and within their own counties. The demand for this kind of stewardship information for lakeshore management has been growing exponentially.

There were 14 lakescaping for wildlife demonstration sites planted over the past two years. Most of these were on private land and involved a 3-1 public to private match. A total of $3,000 were available for each site. All plantings involved use of local origin native plants. The plantings typically involved from 12 to 15 volunteers, including Master Gardeners.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The lakescaping project on North Long Lake near Brainerd was filmed by WDSE Public Television from Duluth and aired this fall throughout the Midwest as part of the "Venture North" series and the site at Big Carnelian Lake was also featured on the Environmental Journal. Project sites are also featured on the new Lakescaping CD-Rom that is under production in the DNR.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Development and Assessment of Oak Wilt Biological Control Technologies - Continuation
Subd. 14d    $200,000 TF

Dr. Jennifer Juzwik
Department of Plant Pathology
University of Minnesota
495 Borlaug Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone:  (612) 649-5114
Fax:  (612) 625-9728


Efficacy of the biocontrol fungus, Gliocladium roseum (GR), on the availability of viable oak wilt (OW) spores for overland spread of oak wilt was determined. Of twelve GR isolates that eliminated oak wilt spores on GR treated lab cultures of the OW fungus, three were further tested in field trials. Two of these isolates yielded significant reductions (14 to 20%) in incidence of OW fungus isolation from spore-mat producing trees following GR spray treatment compared to non-treated trees during two spring trials. Two models were developed to predict the critical time of spore mat production using regression and mixed effects techniques. The models indicate that the number of mats and timing of their production are influenced by tree size and cambial condition and a variety of environmental variables including late winter and early spring temperature and precipitation. Sampling of OW mats and flight behavioral studies showed that the two principal beetle vectors of OW, Colopterus truncatus and Carpophilus sayi, likely have one generation per year. Colopterus truncatus flies between early April and early July; a large proportion of the population (15%) carry OW spores in mid-May. Aggregation pheromones to monitor the flight activities of both insect species are now commercially available to land managers, and in order to limit the overland spread of oak wilt, pruning and other management activities that wound oaks should be avoided during the flight period. Protocols utilizing GPS and GIS technologies were developed to evaluate effectiveness of root graft barrier (RGB) line placement on underground spread of OW and to compare effects of several line placement models on the remaining oak resource using computer generated maps. For 39 residential sites with RGB lines in Ham Lake, actual use of the French Model resulted in an 80% success rate while use of two other models would have theoretically resulted in a higher success rate, but many additional trees would have been sacrificed. Thus, "trade-offs" should be considered in selecting the appropriate model for use.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Restoring Ecological Health to St. Paul's Mississippi River Bluffs
Subd. 14e    $200,000 TF

Cynthia Schwie
Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County
1383 Ryan Avenue West.
St. Paul, MN 55113

Phone:  (651) 698-4543
Fax:  (651) 698-8761

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The goal of this grant was to complete a resource inventory of 5 1/2 miles of the Mississippi River bluffs, remove exotic invasive plants, educate residents about exotic invasive plants, and develop a management plan for ongoing maintenance. The comprehensive inventory details land cover, natural community remnants, plant surveys, eroding bluff locations, socio-cultural features, work crew accessibility, and buckthorn and honeysuckle densities. Over the course of three years, 156 acres of the bluff had exotic invasive plants removed. Educating residents about exotics included 22-buckthorn identification and removal events, thirteen informational presentations to project area district councils, the St. Paul City Council and the St. Paul Park Commission, and three educational brochures. Additional education included two Environmental Journal cable television segments, 29 newspaper articles, roughly 2,800 hits on the web site and weed wrenches that are available for residents to use without a fee at a rental shop in the project area. Volunteers were a large part of the project and numbered over 500 and included residents, and University of Minnesota and University of St. Thomas students who participated with inventory and removal. Finally, the management plan was developed in cooperation with the partners in this project. The executive summary is available online at the above web site. One positive outcome resulted in the saving of several thousand dollars due to the resilience of the river bluff to recover after exotic invasive plant removal occurred. Originally, funds were allocated for plant material however, numerous native plants germinated after the invasives were removed, thereby eliminating the necessity to reseed and replant.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The information gained from this project has been published in the form of a management plan. The City of St. Paul is using the information collected to continue with the restoration work begun on this project.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

Subd. 15  Native Fish

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Mussel Resource Survey
Subd. 15a    $400,000 TF

Mike Davis
1801 South Oak St.
Lake City, MN 55981

Phone:  (651) 345-3331
Fax:  (651) 345-3975

Overall Project Outcome and Results:
Surveys of Minnesota's river systems were the focus of this project. Altogether, 886 sites were sampled in 32 rivers, 64 tributaries and 12 lakes. Surveys were completed on 28 rivers. Forty river systems remain incomplete. Field work began July 28,1999 and continued through June 28, 2001.

Of Minnesota's 47 previously known mussel species, 12 were not collected during this effort. Although historic ranges were sampled for six of these, they were not found. A species new to Minnesota, Ligumia subrostrata (pondmussel), was discovered in the Missouri River drainage.

Rivers within the St. Croix and Lake Superior drainages retain their historic complement of mussel species. Tributaries of the Minnesota River have lost about 50% of theirs. River basins predominantly devoted to row crops have the poorest mussel populations and species richness. Notable exceptions are Otter Creek in Mower County, which retains its historic species and is the only stream in Minnesota's Southern tier of counties supporting the state Threatened Actinonaias ligamentina (mucket), and Rose Creek, also in Mower County, which supports a healthy population of Elliptio dilatata (spike), a Special Concern species nearly extirpated from most of its historic state range. Recovering populations of mussels were documented in Pools 1-3 of the Mississippi River. This information can be used to understand historic impacts and gauge the future success of watershed restoration work.

Project Results Use and Dissemination: A poster, Mussels of Minnesota, has been produced and 3,000 copies distributed. An article in the Minnesota Volunteer appeared in the July/August 2000 edition. Information about this project and the mussels of Minnesota can be found on the DNR website. Two thousand lots of shells have been deposited in the Bell Museum of Natural History creating a permanent record of mussel distribution in the state. Data collected is being managed in the DNR Natural Heritage Information System.

Project completed: 6/30/2001

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Freshwater Mussel Resources in the St. Croix River
Subd. 15b    $58,000 TF

Daniel J. Hornbach Mark Hove
Macalester College
Dept. of Biology
1600 Grand Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55105

Phone:  (651) 696-6101
Fax:  (651) 696-6443


Overall Project Outcome and Results:
The purpose of this project was to address conservation and management needs of one of the most threatened group of organisms in Minnesota, native freshwater mussels. Project objectives included completing a mussel relocation and refugia study begun in 1997 in association with the University of Minnesota, and review the status of one of the most important mussel communities in Minnesota, that in the St. Croix River.

Refugia may become important conservation tools in protecting native mussels from invasive species such as zebra mussels. We completed monitoring of a refuge project begun in 1997 designed to provide information on the long-term impact of mussel relocations and thus provide insight into the efficacy of this conservation measure. We collected, measured, and weighed each mussel from reference and relocation sites at Wild River State Park. Survival rates among the three mussel species of interest was relatively high emphasizing the importance of handling mussels carefully (e.g. using the protocol described in this report) during relocation and providing the mussels with high quality habitat.

The distribution of various mussel species in the St. Croix River have been fairly well established, however, the long-term stability of these populations has not been examined. Between 1999 and 2000 we quantitatively resampled seven locations in the St. Croix River that we have periodically sampled since 1990. Analysis of these 10 years of data shows that select locations downstream of the dam at Taylors Falls, Minnesota had significantly lower juvenile mussel densities and an increase in fine sediments. Previous studies found neither increased sedimentation nor lack or juvenile recruitment above the dam at Taylors Falls. This suggests that increased sedimentation below the dam may be influencing mussel recruitment or juvenile mussel survival.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
Project results were shared with resource professionals and are posted on the Macalester College web site (

Project completed: 6/30/2001

Subd. 16  Exotic Species

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Biological Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil and Purple Loosestrife - Continuation
Subd. 16a    $150,000 TF

Luke C. Skinner
Division of Fish and Wildlife- MN DNR
Box 25, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025

Phone:  (651) 297-3763
Fax:  (651) 296-1811


Overall Project Results:
Long-term, intensive study of five Minnesota lakes documented declines in Eurasian watermilfoil in two lakes that were clearly attributable to weevils. Declines occurred in lakes that appear to have low predation on weevils by sunfish. Populations of weevils reach maximum levels in milfoil growing in large expanses or in shallow sites. Short-term survey of an additional five bays or lakes discovered no declines in milfoil that could be attributed to potential control agents.

Field observations and controlled experiments indicated that predation by sunfish can limit populations of weevils and other herbivores. Populations of weevils did not appear to be limited by plant genotype, sediment on which plants were grown, over-winter mortality, over-winter habitat, parasites, or parasitoids. Modeling of weevil populations suggest that longevity of adults and female reproduction are key determinants of both density of populations and their potential to suppress milfoil.

To facilitate biological control purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) a mass rearing program of the root weevil, Hylobius transversovittatus was undertaken. The root weevil proved challenging to rear and although several hundred adults were successfully reared. The effort required to rear this insect is excessive and we conclude that resources could be better spent on other aspects of the purple loosestrife biological control program. Hylobius larvae alone are able with stress crowns of purple loosestrife after two years of feeding. Concurrent Galerucella spp. feeding did not reduce Hylobius larval activity, as measured by root and crown starch levels. Number of seed capsules was consistently reduced on plants with N. marmoratus activity compared with control plants at one of two field sites. Results indicate that N. marmoratus is established at both study sites and is consistently reducing purple loosestrife seed production at one site.

Project Results Use and Dissemination:
The results will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals,in special publications and newsletters. Results also will be presented at national, regional and state scientific meetings, as well as to resource managers who will use the results of this project.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Evaluate Establishment, Impact of Leafy Spurge Biocontrol Agents
Subd. 16b    $140,000 TF

Dr. Dharma D. Sreenivasam
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
90 W. Plato Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55107-2094

Phone:  (651) 296-1350
Fax:  (651) 2967-3631

Research was conducted to assess the establishment and control success of Aphthona flea beetles introduced to control leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula L. Leafy spurge is a Eurasian perennial plant that seriously impacts native plants, wildlife, and grazing land for cattle and horses. Since 1989, five species of flea beetles, Aphthona spp., were released in Minnesota to control leafy spurge. Some of the species, however, have had difficulty establishing and have not contributed to control success. Factors that may affect insect establishment include soil type, soil moisture, leafy spurge density, leafy spurge biotype, vegetation type, litter cover, release quantity, and interspecific competition.

The results suggest that A. lacertosa is the most effective species in controlling leafy spurge in Minnesota. Aphthona lacertosa established at 100% of the release sites and significantly reduced leafy spurge by 63% across all sites studied. Aphthona nigriscutis established at 73% of the study sites, but at significantly lower densities than A. lacertosa. Aphthona nigriscutis most likely contributed to the control success at sites where both species occurred. Other introduced Aphthona species are difficult to locate in Minnesota and contributed little to the overall control success occurring statewide. Correlations between biotic/abiotic factors and flea beetle density were not clearly evident. Only soil texture seemed to affect A. lacertosa densities, which may not have biological significance. Early indications showed that interspecific competition between A. lacertosa and A. nigriscutis was not affecting flea beetles populations. Small release quantities (<500 beetles) may have contributed to lack of establishment on early releases made in Minnesota. Currently it is recommended that >1,000 beetles should be released at new leafy spurge infestations. Phenology models predicting peak emergence of A. lacertosa and A. nigriscutis were developed to provide information to resource managers on when to collect beetles for redistribution.

Project completed: 6/30/2002

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Restoring Native Vegetation in Parks and Nature Centers
Subd. 16c    $260,000 FRF

Craig R. Andresen
St. Paul Audubon Society
2013 Walnut Ave. NW
New Brighton, Minnesota 55112

Phone:  (651) 636-3462
Fax:  (651) 639-8097

Overall Project Outcome and Results: This project enhanced approximately 750 acres of prairie, oak savanna, and oak woodland habitat in Anoka, Ramsey, and Washington counties. The work consisted of cutting and burning woody invasive species, prescribed burns, and some seeding in eight parks and nature centers.

Of the 750 acres targeted prescribed burns were conducted on approximately 210 acres, invasive trees, brush and slash were removed from virtually all of the 750 acres, and seeding has been completed on fifty acres. Project work took place at Afton and William O'Brien state parks, Bunker Hills Regional Park, Macalester's Natural History Area, and Dodge, Maplewood, Springbrook, and Tamarack nature centers.

Various entities provided work crews for this project. Ramsey County Sentence to Service crews supplied 1,727 hours and Minnesota Correctional facilities at Lino Lakes and Faribault provided 8,720 hours under the Institutional Community Work Crew program. As a side benefit individual crewmembers gained pre-release work experience. St. Paul Audubon volunteers provided 505 hours of service.

All of the parks and nature centers have incorporated the educational aspect of the restoration efforts into their programs. Besides the restoration of native vegetation, the project results will enhance the aesthetic and educational experience for the thousands of school children and members of the general public.

Project completed: 6/30/2001