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M.L. 2022 Projects

On May 22, 2022, the Legislature approved 80 projects for funding from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Twelve of the approved projects did not go through the LCCMR proposal review process, and the scope of two projects that did go through the process was modified by the Legislature. Twenty-five LCCMR-reviewed projects that were originally included in the House or Senate version of the bill were not included in the final bill. On June 3, 2022, the 80 appropriations were signed into law by the Governor as M.L. 2022, Chapter 94, with $70,881,000 FY23 and $2,463,000 recaptured from prior fiscal years, for $73,344,000 in total appropriations.

Minnesota Session Laws - 2022, Chapter 94, (beginning July 1, 2022)

M.L. 2022, Chapter 94

Other Formats of the M.L. 2022 projects adopted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor:

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When available, we have provided links to web sites related to the project. The sites linked to this page are not created, maintained, or endorsed by the LCCMR office or the Minnesota Legislature.

MN Laws 2022, Chapter 94, Section 2

Subd. 03Foundational Natural Resource Data and Information

Improving Golden-Winged Warbler Conservation and Habitat Restoration (2022-043)

Research Project

Subd. 03a     $197,000 TF (FY2023)

Alexis Grinde
U of MN - Duluth - NRRI
5013 Miller Trunk Hwy
Hermantown, MN 55811

Phone: (218) 788-2747

Appropriation Language
$197,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to develop restoration and habitat management guidelines for protecting the imperiled golden-winged warbler by assessing habitat use and behavior of this species.

Enhancing Natural Resource Conservation through Species Distribution Modeling (2022-048)

Subd. 03b     $200,000 TF (FY2023)

Holly Bernardo
MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (507) 403-2834

Appropriation Language
$200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to create distribution models for rare species in Minnesota to provide new tools for natural areas conservation.

Modernizing Minnesota’s Digital Lake Inventory (2022-076)

Subd. 03c     $787,000 TF (FY2023)

Steve Kloiber
MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5155

Appropriation Language
$787,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to conduct a comprehensive update of Minnesota's lake and pond GIS data to enhance lake conservation planning by state and local partners while also creating efficiencies for ongoing data maintenance.

How Do Prescribed Fires Affect Native Prairie Bees? (2022-091)

Research Project

Subd. 03d     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Stuart Wagenius
Negaunee Institute for Plant Conservation Science and Action at the Chicago Horticultural Society
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022

Phone: (320) 986-3421

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Negaunee Institute for Plant Conservation Science and Action at the Chicago Horticultural Society to investigate how prescribed fire in Minnesota's tallgrass prairies affects the nesting habitat, food resources, and diversity of ground-nesting bees.

Status of Minnesota Blueberries and Related Berry Species (2022-109)

Research Project

Subd. 03e     $191,000 TF (FY2023)

Briana Gross
U of MN, Duluth
1049 University Dr
Duluth, MN 55812

Phone: (218) 726-7722

Appropriation Language
$191,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, Duluth, to assess how land management practices impact the genetic health and reproduction of several native edible blueberry and related berry species of Minnesota. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Distribution and Movements of Fishers in Southern Minnesota (2022-122)

Research Project

Subd. 03f     $340,000 TF (FY2023)

Michael Joyce
U of MN, Duluth - NRRI
5013 Miller Trunk Hwy
Hermantown, MN 55811

Phone: (218) 788-2656

Appropriation Language
$340,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to determine the distribution, status, and habitat use of fishers in southern Minnesota to inform fisher management. agreements specified in this section.

Offal Wildlife Watching: How Do Hunters Provision Scavengers? (2022-149)

Research Project

Subd. 03g     $473,000 TF (FY2023)

Joseph Bump
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 624-2255

Appropriation Language
$473,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to recruit hunters statewide and use remote cameras at field-dressed deer gut piles to study the impacts of these offal resources on scavengers and other wildlife.

Land-Use and Climate Impacts on Minnesota's Whitewater River (2022-163)

Subd. 03h     $199,000 TF (FY2023)

Andrew Wickert
U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory
2 Third Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Phone: (612) 625-6878

Appropriation Language
$199,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory to augment, digitize, and disseminate unique and historic topographical survey data showing changes in the Whitewater River valley to inform future land and water management.

Protecting Minnesota's Spruce-Fir Forests from Tree-Killing Budworm (2022-185)

Research Project

Subd. 03i     $189,000 TF (FY2023)

Brian Aukema
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 624-1847

Appropriation Language
$189,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to evaluate conditions contributing to Minnesota's uniquely high population of the native and lethal spruce budworm to provide better management options for protecting the state's spruce-balsam fir forests.

Restoration of Eastern Hemlock, Minnesota's Endangered Tree Species (2022-193)

Research Project

Subd. 03j     $199,000 TF (FY2023)

Andrew David
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (218) 244-6794

Appropriation Language
$199,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to develop guidelines for restoring eastern hemlock, Minnesota's only endangered tree species, by testing methods and seed sources at different sites across northern Minnesota.

Establishing a Center for Prion Research and Outreach (2022-217)

Research Project

Subd. 03k     $3,877,000 TF (FY2023)

Peter Larsen
U of MN, College of Veterinary Medicine
1365 Gortner Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 626-1694

Appropriation Language
$3,877,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to form a multidisciplinary center to perform coordinated research on the detection, prevention, and treatment of chronic wasting and other prion diseases threatening wildlife across Minnesota. Money appropriated in this paragraph may also be spent on a strategic plan, capital equipment, and staff as approved in the work plan required under Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.05. Money appropriated in this paragraph may not be spent on activities unless they are directly related to and necessary for the purposes of this paragraph. Money appropriated in this paragraph must not be spent on indirect costs or other institutional overhead charges that are not directly related to and necessary for the purposes of this paragraph. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2026.

Sweetening the Crop: Perennial Flax for Ecosystem Benefits (2022-266)

Research Project

Subd. 03l     $490,000 TF (FY2023)

Neil Anderson
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 624-6701

Appropriation Language
$490,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to produce, select, and evaluate how perennial flax provides pollinator and other ecosystem services while enhancing yield for oilseed, fiber, and honey production.

Beavers, Trees and Climate - Increasing Floodplain Forest Resilience (2022-275)

Research Project

Subd. 03m     $430,000 TF (FY2023)

Nancy Duncan
National Park Service, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
111 E Kellogg Blvd, Ste 105
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: (651) 293-8434

Appropriation Language
$430,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the National Park Service, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, to identify solutions for saving floodplain wildlife habitat from beaver herbivory, changes in climate, and emerald ash borer.

Chronic Wasting Disease Prion Soil Research (2022-294) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 03n     $732,000 TF (FY2023)

Tiffany Wolf
U of MN
1365 Gortner Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: pending
Email: pending

Appropriation Language
$732,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to study chronic wasting disease prions in soils, including the assessment of sites where carcasses with chronic wasting disease have been disposed.

Strategic Framework to Guide Local Water Storage Implementation (2022-081)

Subd. 03o     $200,000 TF (FY2023)

Henry Van Offelen
Board of Water and Soil Resources
520 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (218) 849-5270

Appropriation Language
$200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources to create a framework for prioritizing water storage projects throughout the state. The framework will use existing data and local stakeholder input, be scalable, and emphasize projects that provide multiple benefits, including for water quality, flood control, and habitat.

Subd. 04Water Resources

Methods to Destroy PFAS in Landfill Leachates (2022-049)

Research Project

Subd. 04a     $200,000 TF (FY2023)

Roger Ruan
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 804-2270

Appropriation Language
$200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to develop and examine methods for destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in landfill leachate. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

High Temperature Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge (2022-087)

Research Project

Subd. 04b     $208,000 TF (FY2023)

Timothy LaPara
U of MN, College of Science and Engineering
117 Pleasant St
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (612) 624-6028

Appropriation Language
$208,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to demonstrate that high temperature anaerobic digestion is effective at treating sewage sludge and preventing disease-causing microorganisms and antibiotic resistance genes from being released into the environment.

Mitigating Cyanobacterial Blooms and Toxins Using Clay-Algae Flocculation (2022-099)

Research Project

Subd. 04c     $326,000 TF (FY2023)

Judy Yang
U of MN, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory
2 Third Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Phone: (617) 415-3478

Appropriation Language
$326,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for St. Anthony Falls Laboratory to develop and test a clay-algae flocculation method to mitigate cyanobacterial blooms that can contaminate drinking water and cause mass fish mortality. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Changing Winters and Game Fish in Minnesota Lakes (2022-103)

Research Project

Subd. 04d     $238,000 TF (FY2023)

Ted Ozersky
U of MN, Duluth - Large Lakes Observatory
2205 Fifth St N
Duluth, MN 55812

Phone: (218) 726-7492

Appropriation Language
$238,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Large Lakes Observatory in Duluth to determine how changing winter conditions such as ice cover, snowfall patterns, and water quality affect Minnesota's game fish populations.

Rainy River Drivers of Lake-of-the-Woods Algal Blooms (2022-116)

Research Project

Subd. 04e     $608,000 TF (FY2023)

Anna Baker
US Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Water Science Center
2280 Woodale Dr
Mounds View, MN 55112

Phone: (763) 783-3156

Appropriation Language
$608,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the United States Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Water Science Center, to guide the reduction of phosphorus inputs to Lake of the Woods by examining sources, mobility, and storage of sediment-bound phosphorus in the Rainy River. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Water and Climate Information to Enhance Community Resilience (2022-152)

Research Project

Subd. 04f     $564,000 TF (FY2023)

Tracy Twine
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 625-7278

Appropriation Language
$564,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to provide information on potential future water resources to communities and individuals to guide adaptation planning.

Catch and Reveal: Discovering Unknown Fish Contamination Threats (2022-155)

Research Project

Subd. 04g     $246,000 TF (FY2023)

Bridget Ulrich
U of MN, Duluth - NRRI
5013 Miller Trunk Hwy
Hermantown, MN 55811

Phone: (218) 788-2748

Appropriation Language
$246,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Natural Resources Research Institute in Duluth to identify contaminants present in Minnesota water bodies using passive sampling and discovery-based chemical analysis and rank the contaminants' potential threat to Minnesota's fisheries. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Increased Intense Rain and Flooding in Minnesota's Watersheds (2022-166)

Research Project

Subd. 04h     $192,000 TF (FY2023)

Jason Ulrich
Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Croix Watershed Research Station
16910 152nd Street N
Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047

Phone: (651) 261-1272

Appropriation Language
$192,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Science Museum of Minnesota for the St. Croix Watershed Research Station to partner with local communities to determine the causes of increased flooding and the most cost-effective solutions for reducing flood risk in the Cottonwood River watershed and other agricultural watersheds in southern Minnesota.

Is the Tire Chemical 6PPDq Killing Minnesota's Fish? (2022-224)

Research Project

Subd. 04i     $437,000 TF (FY2023)

Nicholas Phelps
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 624-7450

Appropriation Language
$437,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to optimize detection methods, determine environmental occurrence, and evaluate risk to Minnesota's fish populations of the toxic tire-derived chemical 6PPDq.

Mitigation Strategies for Agroplastic PFAS and Microplastic Contamination (2022-251)

Subd. 04j     $169,000 TF (FY2023)

Joel Tallaksen
46352 State Hwy 329
Morris, MN 56267

Phone: (320) 589-1711

Appropriation Language
$169,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the West Central Research and Outreach Center, Morris, to study plastic use in the agricultural supply chain and to research and communicate strategies to reduce impacts of this plastic use, including water and land contamination from microplastics, PFAS, and related compounds.

Innovative Technology for PFAS Destruction in Drinking Water (2022-265)

Research Project

Subd. 04k     $445,000 TF (FY2023)

Shaobo Deng
U of MN, Southern Research and Outreach Center
35838 120th Street
Waseca, MN 56093

Phone: (507) 835-1495

Appropriation Language
$445,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Southern Research and Outreach Center to develop and demonstrate a treatment process based on continuous liquid-phase plasma discharge technology to destroy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Salt Threatens Minnesota Water Quality and Fisheries (2022-272)

Research Project

Subd. 04l     $1,228,000 TF (FY2023)

Mark Edlund
Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Croix Watershed Research Station
16910 152nd Street N
Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047

Phone: (612) 965-6946

Appropriation Language
$1,228,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Science Museum of Minnesota for the St. Croix Watershed Research Station to determine chloride tipping points that lead to water-quality and food-web degradations, measure how and when lakes are salinized, identify lake and food-web resilience to chloride, and test impacts of deicing alternatives.

PFAS Contaminant Mitigation Using Hybrid Engineered Wetlands (2022-286)

Research Project

Subd. 04m     $446,000 TF (FY2023)

Mark St. Lawrence
St. Louis County
Environmental Services Dept
201 South 3rd Ave W
Virginia, MN 55792

Phone: (218) 749-0647

Appropriation Language
$446,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with St. Louis County to design, implement, and evaluate an innovative method for protecting water resources through mitigation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from landfill leachate using engineered wetland treatment systems.

Scaling a Market-Driven Water-Quality Solution for Row-Crop Farming (2022-046)

Subd. 04n     $476,000 TF (FY2023)

Nicholas Jordan
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 625-3754

Appropriation Language
$476,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to work with farmers to accelerate adoption of grain-camelina rotations in targeted watersheds as a scalable and market-driven way to enhance stewardship of soil, water, and wildlife.

Subd. 05Environmental Education

Teacher Field School: Stewardship through Nature-Based Education (2022-026)

Subd. 05a     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Patty Born
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Ave
St. Paul, MN 55104

Phone: (612) 501-5179

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Hamline University to create an immersive, research-backed field school for teachers to use nature-based education to benefit student well-being and academic outcomes while increasing stewardship habits.

Increasing K-12 Student Learning to Achieve ENRTF's Goals (2022-029)

Subd. 05b     $1,602,000 TF (FY2023)

Bryan Wood
Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center
54165 Audubon Dr, PO Box 530
Sandstone, MN 55072

Phone: (320) 245-2648

Appropriation Language
$1,602,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Osprey Wilds Environmental Learning Center to partner with Minnesota's five other accredited residential environmental learning centers to provide needs-based scholarships to K-12 students statewide for immersive multiday environmental learning experiences.

Expanding Access to Wildlife Learning Bird by Bird (2022-066)

Subd. 05c     $276,000 TF (FY2023)

May Vang
MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5156

Appropriation Language
$276,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to engage young people from diverse communities in wildlife conservation through bird-watching in schools, outdoor leadership training, and participating in neighborhood bird walks.

Engaging a Diverse Public in Environmental Stewardship (2022-107)

Subd. 05d     $300,000 TF (FY2023)

Brennan Blue
Great River Greening
251 Starkey St, Ste 2200
St. Paul, MN 55107

Phone: (651) 665-9500

Appropriation Language
$300,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Great River Greening to increase participation in natural resources restoration efforts through volunteer, internship, and youth engagement activities that target diverse audiences more accurately reflecting local demographic and socioeconomic conditions in Minnesota.

Bugs Below Zero: Engaging Citizens in Winter Research (2022-162)

Subd. 05e     $198,000 TF (FY2023)

Rebecca Swenson
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 625-3866

Appropriation Language
$198,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to raise awareness about the winter life of bugs, inspire learning about stream food webs, and engage citizen scientists in research and environmental stewardship.

ESTEP: Earth Science Teacher Education Project (2022-169)

Subd. 05f     $495,000 TF (FY2023)

Lee Schmitt
Minnesota Science Teachers Association
24405 Iceland Path
Lakeville, MN 55044

Phone: (952) 435-1879

Appropriation Language
$495,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Minnesota Science Teachers Association to provide professional development for Minnesota science teachers in environmental and earth science to strengthen environmental education in schools.

YES! Students Take Action to Complete Eco Projects (2022-236)

Subd. 05g     $199,000 TF (FY2023)

Jennifer Swenson
Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center
12718 10th Street NE
Spicer, MN 56288

Phone: (320) 354-5894

Appropriation Language
$199,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center, in partnership with Ney Nature Center and Laurentian Environmental Center, to empower Minnesota youth to connect with natural resource experts, identify ecological challenges, and take action to complete innovative projects in their communities.

Increasing Diversity in Environmental Careers (2022-250)

Subd. 05h     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Mimi Daniel
MN DNR, Operational Services Division (OSD)
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5308

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources, in cooperation with Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa, to encourage a diversity of students to pursue careers in the environment and natural resources through internships, mentorships, and fellowships with the Department of Natural Resources, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, and the Pollution Control Agency.

Diversity and Access to Wildlife-Related Opportunities (2022-279)

Research Project

Subd. 05i     $199,000 TF (FY2023)

Alexandrea Safiq
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 625-5256

Appropriation Language
$199,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to broaden the state's conservation constituency by researching diverse communities' values about nature and wildlife experiences and identifying barriers to engagement.

Subd. 06Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species

Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (2022-067)

Subd. 06a     $6,230,000 TF (FY2023)

Heather Koop
1992 Folwell Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (651) 626-1914

Appropriation Language
$6,230,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to support the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center to fund high-priority research projects to better manage invasive plants, pathogens, and pests on Minnesota's natural and agricultural lands. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2027, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Citizen Science Program (2022-089)

Subd. 06b     $174,000 TF (FY2023)

Katie Sickmann
St. Croix River Association
PO Box 938
Osceola, MN 54020

Phone: (715) 483-3300

Appropriation Language
$174,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Wild Rivers Conservancy to protect and restore native ecosystems by identifying purple loosestrife in priority management areas and engaging, educating, and empowering citizens to use an approved purple loosestrife biocontrol in Minnesota's St. Croix River watershed.

Subd. 07Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy

Green Solar Cells from a Minnesota Natural Resource (2022-180)

Research Project

Subd. 07a     $673,000 TF (FY2023)

Chris Leighton
U of MN, College of Science and Engineering
117 Pleasant St
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (612) 625-4018

Appropriation Language
$673,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to develop an efficient, low cost, and nontoxic pyrite solar cell and conduct a feasibility study for using Iron Range resources to manufacture this product. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Morris GHG Emissions Inventory and Mitigation Strategies (2022-291)

Subd. 07b     $170,000 TF (FY2023)

Blaine Hill
City of Morris
PO Box 438
Morris, MN 56267

Phone: (320) 589-3141

Appropriation Language
$170,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Morris to conserve natural resources by conducting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory of city and county operations as part of the Morris Model partnership, implementing policy to achieve targeted reductions, and disseminating findings. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Subd. 08Methods to Protect, Restore, and Enhance Land, Water, and Habitat

Minnesota’s Volunteer Rare Plant Conservation Corps (2022-006)

Subd. 08a     $859,000 TF (FY2023)

David Remucal
U of MN, Landscape Arboretum
3675 Arboretum Dr
Chaska, MN 55318

Phone: (612) 301-1838

Appropriation Language
$859,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum to partner with the Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Native Plant Society to establish and train a volunteer corps to survey, monitor, and bank seed from Minnesota's rare plant populations and enhance the effectiveness and efficiencies of conservation efforts.

Conservation Corps Veterans Service Corps Program (2022-034)

Subd. 08b     $1,339,000 TF (FY2023)

Brian Miller
Conservation Corps Minnesota
60 Plato Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55107

Phone: (651) 209-9900

Appropriation Language
$1,339,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Conservation Corps Minnesota to create a Veterans Service Corps program to accelerate natural resource restorations in Minnesota while providing workforce development opportunities for the state's veterans.

Creating Seed Sources of Early-Blooming Plants for Pollinators (2022-061)

Subd. 08c     $200,000 TF (FY2023)

Christina Locke
MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5074

Appropriation Language
$200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to establish new populations of early-season flowers by hand-harvesting and propagating species that are currently lacking in prairie restorations and that are essential to pollinator health. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026, by which time the project must be completed and final products delivered.

Hastings Lake Rebecca Park Area (2022-065)

Subd. 08d     $1,000,000 TF (FY2023)

Chris Jenkins
City of Hastings, Parks & Recreation
920 10th Street West
Hastings, MN 55033

Phone: (651) 480-6176

Appropriation Language
$1,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Hastings to develop an ecological-based master plan for Lake Rebecca Park and to enhance habitat quality and construct passive recreational facilities consistent with the master plan. No funds for implementation may be spent until the master plan is complete.

Pollinator Plantings and the Redistribution of Soil Toxins (2022-167)

Research Project

Subd. 08e     $610,000 TF (FY2023)

Emilie Snell-Rood
U of MN, College of Biological Sciences
1475 Gortner Ave, 123 Snyder Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 624-7238

Appropriation Language
$610,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to map urban and suburban soil toxins of concern, such as heavy metals and microplastics, and to test whether pollinator plantings can redistribute these toxins in the soil of yards, parks, and community gardens and reduce exposure to humans and wildlife.

PFAS Fungal-Wood Chip Filtering System (2022-188)

Research Project

Subd. 08f     $189,000 TF (FY2023)

Jiwei Zhang
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (651) 239-8274

Appropriation Language
$189,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to identify, develop, and field-test various types of waste wood chips and fungi to sequester and degrade PFAS leachate from contaminated waste sites. This appropriation is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Phytoremediation for Extracting Deicing Salt (2022-214)

Subd. 08g     $451,000 TF (FY2023)

Bo Hu
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 625-4215

Appropriation Language
$451,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to protect lands and waters from contamination by collaborating with the Department of Transportation to develop methods for using native plants to remediate roadside deicing salt.

Mustinka River Fish and Wildlife Habitat Corridor Rehabilitation (2022-221)

Subd. 08h     $2,692,000 TF (FY2023)

Jamie Beyer
Bois de Sioux Watershed District
704 Hwy 75 South
Wheaton, MN 56296

Phone: (320) 563-4185

Appropriation Language
$2,692,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Bois de Sioux Watershed District to permanently rehabilitate a straightened reach of the Mustinka River to a naturally functioning stream channel and floodplain corridor for water, fish, and wildlife benefits.

Bohemian Flats Savanna Restoration (2022-244)

Subd. 08i     $286,000 TF (FY2023)

Adam Arvidson
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
2117 River Rd W
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Phone: (612) 230-6470

Appropriation Language
$286,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to restore an area of compacted urban turf within Bohemian Flats Park and adjacent to the Mississippi River to an oak savanna ecosystem.

Watershed and Forest Restoration: What a Match! (2022-260)

Subd. 08j     $3,318,000 TF (FY2023)

Lindberg Ekola
Board of Water and Soil Resources
520 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (218) 537-1194

Appropriation Language
$3,318,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources, in cooperation with soil and water conservation districts, the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, and the Department of Natural Resources, to acquire interests in land and to accelerate tree planting on protected lands for water-quality protection and carbon sequestration. Notwithstanding subdivision 14, paragraph (e), this appropriation may be spent to reforest lands protected through long-term contracts as provided in the approved work plan.

River Habitat Restoration and Recreation in Melrose (2022-142)

Subd. 08k     $350,000 TF (FY2023)

Colleen Winter
City of Melrose
225 First St NE
Melrose, MN 56352

Phone: (320) 256-4278

Appropriation Language
$350,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Melrose to conduct habitat restoration and create fishing, canoeing, and camping opportunities along a segment of the Sauk River within the city of Melrose and to provide public education about stream restoration, fish habitat, and the importance of natural areas.

Subd. 09Land Acquisition, Habitat and Recreation

Mesabi Trail: Wahlsten Road (CR 26) toward Tower (2022-005)

Subd. 09a     $1,307,000 TF (FY2023)

Bill Dahl
St. Louis & Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority
111 Station Rd
Eveleth, MN 55734

Phone: (218) 744-2653

Appropriation Language
$1,307,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the St. Louis and Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority to acquire easements, engineer, and construct a segment of the Mesabi Trail beginning at the intersection of Wahlsten Road (CR 26) and Benson Road in Embarrass and extending toward Tower.

Environmental Learning Classroom with Trails (2022-041)

Subd. 09b     $82,000 TF (FY2023)

Reggie Engebritson
Independent School District #712, Mountain Iron Buhl Public Schools
8659 Unity Drive
Mountain Iron, MN 55768

Phone: (218) 735-8271

Appropriation Language
$82,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Mountain Iron-Buhl Public Schools to build an outdoor classroom pavilion, accessible trails, and a footbridge within the Mountain Iron-Buhl School Forest to conduct environmental education that cultivates a lasting conservation ethic.

Local Parks, Trails, and Natural Areas Grant Programs (2022-057)

Subd. 09c     $3,560,000 TF (FY2023)

Audrey Mularie
MN DNR, Grants Unit
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5549

Appropriation Language
$3,560,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to solicit, rank, and fund competitive matching grants for local parks, trail connections, and natural and scenic areas under Minnesota Statutes, section 85.019. This appropriation is for local nature-based recreation, connections to regional and state natural areas, and recreation facilities and may not be used for athletic facilities such as sport fields, courts, and playgrounds.

St. Louis River Re-Connect (2022-088)

Subd. 09d     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Cliff Knettel
City of Duluth
411 First St W
Duluth, MN 55802

Phone: (218) 730-4312

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Duluth to expand recreational access along the St. Louis River and estuary by implementing the St. Louis River National Water Trail outreach plan, designing and constructing upgrades and extensions to the Waabizheshikana Trail, and installing interpretive features that describe the cultural and ecological significance of the area.

Native Prairie Stewardship and Prairie Bank Easement Acquisition (2022-101)

Subd. 09e     $1,353,000 TF (FY2023)

Judy Schulte
MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (507) 637-6016

Appropriation Language
$1,353,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to provide technical stewardship assistance to private landowners, restore and enhance native prairie protected by easements in the native prairie bank, and acquire easements for the native prairie bank in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 84.96, including preparing initial baseline property assessments. Up to $60,000 of this appropriation may be deposited in the natural resources conservation easement stewardship account created under Minnesota Statutes, section 84.69, proportional to the number of easements acquired.

Minnesota State Parks and State Trails Maintenance and Development (2022-111)

Subd. 09f     $3,783,000 TF ($1,600,000 FY2023 and $2,183,000 Transfers)

202 Shelby Kok
MN DNR, State Parks and Trails Division
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5590

Appropriation Language
$1,600,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for maintenance and development at state parks, recreation areas, and trails to protect Minnesota's natural heritage, enhance outdoor recreation, and improve the efficiency of public land management.

(a) The following amounts, estimated to be $2,183,000, are transferred to the commissioner of natural resources for maintenance and development at state parks, recreation areas, and trails to protect Minnesota's natural heritage, enhance outdoor recreation, and improve the efficiency of public land management:

(1) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $925,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 7, paragraph (d), District Heating with Renewable Biomass at Camp Ripley Training Center; =

(2) the unencumbered amount, estimated to 38.16 be $910,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (e), as amended by Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 4, Native Prairie Stewardship and Prairie Bank Easement Acquisition; and

(3) $348,000 of the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $550,000, in Laws 2018, chapter 214, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (d), Mississippi Blufflands State Trail - Red Wing Barn Bluff to Colvill Park Segment.

Minnesota State Trails Development (2022-135)

Subd. 09g     $7,387,000 TF (FY2023)

Kent Skaar
MN DNR, State Parks and Trails Division
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5636

Appropriation Language
$7,387,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to expand recreational opportunities on Minnesota state trails by rehabilitating and enhancing existing state trails and replacing or repairing existing state trail bridges.

SNA Habitat Restoration and Public Engagement (2022-158)

Subd. 09h     $5,000,000 TF (FY2023)

Judy Schulte
MN DNR, Ecological and Water Resources Division
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (507) 637-6016

Appropriation Language
$5,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for the scientific and natural areas (SNA) program to restore and enhance exceptional habitat on SNAs and increase public involvement and outreach.

The Missing Link: Gull Lake Trail, Fairview Township (2022-008)

Subd. 09i     $1,394,000 TF (FY2023)

Marla Yoho
Fairview Township
11491 Gull Lake Dr SW
Brainerd, MN 56401

Phone: (218) 825-9322

Appropriation Language
$1,394,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Fairview Township to complete the Gull Lake Trail by engineering and constructing the trail's final segment through Fairview Township in the Brainerd Lakes area.


This project created 3.1 miles of safe access to the natural and scenic environment and an easy way to introduce activity to every age and ability. Using the road right-of-way reduced environmental impact. Additionally, environmentally friendly alternative transportation, such as e-bikes, use it to access local attractions and businesses.


The Gull Lake Trail is a nearly complete 21-mile route along a picturesque county road that is heavily traveled by residents, tourists, and vacationers. Fairview Township lies in the middle of the route where the last section of 3.7 miles was yet to be completed. This section is the “missing link” to making the project fully functional. The Gull Lake Trail is a connecting link to the Paul Bunyan State Trail, Minnesota’s 120-mile paved multi-recreational trail, and many other local and regional recreational opportunities. Without the completion of this 3.7-mile "missing link", the trail would not serve its greater recreational purpose for the area, region or state.

Fairview Township proposed to continue the trail construction that was partially funded by the LCCMR in 2022. Due to a funding shortfall, 3.1 miles were constructed instead of 3.7 miles, as originally intended.

There was also an opportunity to increase safe recreation options. Completing this trail around Gull Lake provides residents, visitors, and guests at the many resorts along this route a safe place to bike, walk, run or push baby strollers. County Road 77 has narrow shoulders and cars often surpass the 55 MPH speed limit making access to active, healthy lifestyle choices difficult.

It has still achieved the following outcomes: Expanded outdoor recreational opportunities, reduced environmental impact by using the existing road right-of-way, and provides safe access to the natural and scenic environment.

The overall significance of completing this portion of the Gull Lake Trail cannot be overstated. Fairview Township, along with the other cities constructing segments of the trail, East Gull Lake, Lake Shore and Nisswa, have been working on this project since 2010. Every mile is a substantial achievement toward creating a significant recreational amenity for both residents and visitors to our area.


Fairview Township has project information, updates, and funding sources available on its website and Facebook page, along with information about recreational opportunities and businesses along the Gull Lake Trail, trail maps, and links to adjacent trails. Local resorts are also promoting the trail in their advertising.

The ENRTF, DNR grant programs, GMRPTC and individual donors will be recognized on a wall of commemorative tiles at the town hall.

The Brainerd Dispatch will also be writing an article acknowledging the agencies who have financed this trail through their grant programs. An initial article appeared on January 28, 2023.

Silver Bay Multimodal Trailhead Project (2022-127)

Subd. 09j     $1,000,000 TF (FY2023)

Lana Fralich
City of Silver Bay
7 Davis Dr
Silver Bay, MN 55614

Phone: (218) 226-4408

Appropriation Language
$1,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Silver Bay to develop a multimodal trailhead center to provide safe access to the Superior, Gitchi-Gami, and C.J. Ramstad/North Shore trails; Black Beach Park; and other recreational destinations. Net income generated as part of this appropriation may be reinvested in the project if a plan for reinvestment is approved in the work plan.

Brookston Campground, Boat Launch and Outdoor Recreational Facility (2022-140)

Subd. 09k     $453,000 TF (FY2023)

Kaycee Melin
City of Brookston
P.O. Box 304
Brookston, MN 55711

Phone: (507) 202-8708

Appropriation Language
$453,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Brookston to build a campground, boat launch, and outdoor recreation area on the banks of the St. Louis River in northeastern Minnesota. Before any trust fund dollars are spent, the city must demonstrate that all funds to complete the project are secured and a fiscal agent must be approved in the work plan.

Silver Lake Trail Connection (2022-143)

Subd. 09l     $727,000 TF (FY2023)

Britt See-Benes
City of Virginia
327 First St S
Virginia, MN 55792

Phone: (218) 748-7500

Appropriation Language
$727,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Virginia to design, engineer, and construct a multiuse trail that will connect Silver Lake Trail to a new Miners Entertainment and Convention Center and provide lighting on Bailey Lake Trail.

Floodwood Campground Improvement Project (2022-150)

Subd. 09m     $816,000 TF (FY2023)

Corinne Suonvieri
City of Floodwood
PO Box 348
Floodwood, MN 55736

Phone: (218) 476-2751

Appropriation Language
$816,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Floodwood to upgrade the Floodwood Campground and connecting trails to provide high-quality nature and recreation experience for people of all ages. Net income generated as part of this appropriation may be reinvested in the project if a plan for reinvestment is approved in the work plan.

Ranier Safe Harbor/Transient Dock Phase 2 (2022-165)

Subd. 09n     $1,000,000 TF (FY2023)

Sherril Gautreaux
City of Ranier
2099 Spruce St, PO Box 186
Ranier, MN 56668

Phone: (218) 286-3311

Appropriation Language
$1,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the city of Ranier to construct a safe harbor and transient dock to accommodate watercraft of many sizes to improve public access for boat recreation on Rainy Lake. Before trust fund dollars are spent, a fiscal agent must be approved in the work plan. Before any trust fund dollars are spent, the city must demonstrate that all funds to complete the project are secured. Any revenue generated from selling products or assets developed or acquired with this appropriation must be repaid to the trust fund unless a plan is approved for reinvestment of income in the project as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10.

Subd. 10Administrative and Emerging Issues

Aggregate Resource Mapping (ID: 2022-295) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10a     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Heather Arends
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 219-1808

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for continued mapping of the aggregate resource potential in the state of Minnesota and to make the information available in print and electronic format to local units of government for use in planning and zoning.

Leaded Gasoline Contamination Analysis (ID: 2022-296) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10b     $200,000 TF (FY2023)

Tariq Al-Rifai
City of Paynesville
221 Washburne Avenue
Paynesville, MN 56362

Phone: (320) 243-3714

Appropriation Language
$200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of Paynesville to procure an analysis of the extent of leaded gasoline contamination in or near the cities of Paynesville, Foley, Alexandria, and Blaine, and of the threat posed by the contamination to each city's drinking water supply. The vendor selected to perform the analysis must use the same methodology to conduct the analysis for each city and must produce findings that are comparable between cities. The cities must work cooperatively to select a vendor. By January 15, 2024, the city administrator of the city of Paynesville must report the results of the analysis to the chairs and ranking minority members of the house of representatives and senate committees and divisions with jurisdiction over environment and natural resources.


The basis of this report was to determine if the actions and remedies applied by the MPCA to four contaminated sites in Alexandria, Blaine, Foley and Paynesville were adequate to address the issues and give further recommendations if needed.

  1. Alexandria:
    • Contamination (benzene and 1,2-DCA) was detected in water supply.
    • The source of contamination has never been identified. Many potential sources of contamination exist within the DWSMA.
    • There are ongoing MPCA investigations into other contaminants, but none related to leaded gasoline contamination.
    • EDB sampling with low-level methods is recommended.
  2. Blaine:
    • 1,2-DCA contamination was first detected in supply wells in the Southwest DWMA in 1993.
    • Contaminated supply wells were shut down in 1995 but restarted in 2006 after an air stripper was installed.
    • Incoming 1,2-DCA in the supply wells has greatly decreased but is still above the MN HRL prior to treatment.
    • The MPCA originally did not identify a source of the contamination, but later found the likely source after additional investigation.
    • There are no ongoing MPCA investigations or additional remedial actions planned.
    • EDB sampling with low-level methods is recommended, along with continued operation of the air stripper.
  3. Foley:
    • Petroleum-related contamination was detected in Foley’s water supply and the likely source has been identified.
    • Supply wells with contamination have been taken out of service.
    • There are no ongoing detections, investigations or monitoring, outside of routine MDH sampling of the water supply.
    • EDB sampling with low-level methods is recommended.
  4. Paynesville:
    • Petroleum-related contamination was detected in water supply between 1985 and 2003.
    • Contaminated supply wells have been taken out of service.
    • Some active source removal efforts have been unsuccessful. Regulatory efforts are focused on source control and monitoring natural attenuation.
    • Recent detections of contaminants are below applicable HRLs.
    • An air stripper is installed at the water treatment plant.
    • Recommendations include continued monitoring, additional sampling for EDB using low-level methods, and clearly documenting the actions related to sentinel monitoring well sampling.

The report has been sent to the House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy, the Senate Environment, Climate, and Legacy Committee and the Legislative Reference Library.

Living Snow Fence Program (ID: 2022-297) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10c     $200,000 TF (FY2023)

Daniel Gullickson
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 228-0454

Appropriation Language
$200,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of transportation for contracts to build and improve living snow fences consisting of trees, shrubs, native grasses, and wildflowers. Money appropriated in this paragraph may only be used to acquire and plant trees native to Minnesota. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026.

Forest Data Inventory (ID: 2022-298) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10d     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Dennis Kepler
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (218) 322-2512

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for an enhanced forest inventory on county and private lands.

Conservation Reserve Program State Incentives (ID: 2022-299) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10e     $750,000 TF (FY2023)

Dusty Van Thuyne
Board of Water and Soil Resources
520 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 539-2573

Appropriation Language
$750,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the Board of Water and Soil Resources to provide onetime state incentive payments to enrollees in the federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) during the continuous enrollment period and to enroll land in conservation easements consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.515. The board may establish payment rates based on land valuation and on environmental benefit criteria, including but not limited to surface water or groundwater pollution reduction, drinking water protection, soil health, pollinator and wildlife habitat, and other conservation enhancements. The board may use state funds to implement the program and to provide technical assistance to landowners or their agents to fulfill enrollment and contract provisions. The board must consult with the commissioners of agriculture, health, natural resources, and the Pollution Control Agency and the United States Department of Agriculture in establishing program criteria. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026.

Groundwater Storage and Recovery Datatbase (ID: 2022-300) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10f     $400,000 TF (FY2023)

Jay Frischman
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5733

Appropriation Language
$400,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources to complete a centralized aquifer property database to provide needed data for site characterization.

Rural and Farmstead Ring Levees (ID: 2022-301) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10g     $360,000 TF (FY2023)

Andrew Graham
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (218) 606-0128

Appropriation Language
$360,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for grants to assist in constructing rural and farmstead ring levees for flood protection in the Red River watershed. A grant may not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the project.

Replacing Failing Septic Systems to Protect Groundwater (ID: 2022-302) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10h     $2,000,000 TF (FY2023)

Brandon Montgomery
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 757-2230

Appropriation Language
$2,000,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency to counties for grants to low-income landowners to address septic systems that pose an imminent threat to public health or safety or fail to protect groundwater. The issuance of a loan under Minnesota Statutes, section 17.117, for the purpose of replacing a failed septic system, shall not preclude a rural landowner from obtaining a grant under this paragraph or vice versa. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2025.

Forever Green (ID: 2022-303) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10i     $763,000 TF (FY2023)

Mitchell Hunter
U of MN, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1420 Eckles Ave, 277 Coffey Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (651) 675-7380

Appropriation Language
$763,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of agriculture for grants to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to fund the Forever Green Agriculture Initiative and protect the state's natural resources while increasing the efficiency, profitability, and productivity of Minnesota farmers by incorporating perennial and winter-annual crops into existing agricultural practices.

Pig's Eye Landfill Task Force (ID: 2022-304) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10j     $800,000 TF (FY2023)

Paul Pestano
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
500 Lafayette Road, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 757-2090

Appropriation Language
$800,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency to establish a Pig's Eye Landfill Task Force to coordinate efforts to remediate and restore the Pig's Eye Landfill Superfund site and address perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination of Battle Creek, Pig's Eye Lake, and nearby groundwater. The task force must be made up of at least the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency, the commissioner of natural resources, the commissioner of health, a representative from the Metropolitan Council, a representative from the city of St. Paul, a representative from the city of South St. Paul, a representative from the city of Newport, a representative from Ramsey County, a representative from Dakota County, a representative from Washington County, and representatives from relevant federal agencies. The task force is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 15.059, subdivision 6. The task force must submit an annual report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over the environment and natural resources on the status of the task force's work. The final report is due February 15, 2026. The task force expires June 30, 2026. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026.

Developing Markets for Continuous Living Cover Crops (ID: 2022-305) - Legislative Addition

Subd. 10k     $500,000 TF (FY2023)

Margaret Wagner
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
625 Robert St N
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (651) 201-6488

Appropriation Language
$500,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of agriculture for grants to organizations in Minnesota to develop enterprises, supply chains, and markets for continuous living cover crops and cropping systems in the early stage of commercial development, including but not limited to regenerative poultry silvopasture systems, Kernza perennial grain, winter camelina, and elderberry. This appropriation is exempt from the income repayment requirements in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.10, paragraph (c).
EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective retroactively from July 1, 2022.

Subd. 11Administrative

Contract Agreement Reimbursement (ID: 2021-121)

Subd. 11     $210,000 TF ($132,000 FY2023 and $78,000 Transfers)

Katherine Sherman-Hoehn
MN DNR, Grants Unit
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5533

Appropriation Language
$132,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources, at the direction of the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, for expenses incurred in preparing and administering contracts, including for the agreements specified in this section.

(c) $78,000 is transferred from the amount appropriated under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 6, article 5, section 2, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), to the appropriation in subdivision 11. The commissioner must provide documentation to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources on the expenditure of these funds.

Subd. 20Transfers

SEE SUBD. 09f- Minnesota State Parks and State Trails Maintenance and Development (2022-111)

Subd. 20a     $3,783,000 TF ($1,600,000 FY2023 and $2,183,000 Transfers)

Shelby Kok
MN DNR, State Parks and Trails Division
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5590

Appropriation Language
$1,600,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources for maintenance and development at state parks, recreation areas, and trails to protect Minnesota's natural heritage, enhance outdoor recreation, and improve the efficiency of public land management.

(a) The following amounts, estimated to be $2,183,000, are transferred to the commissioner of natural resources for maintenance and development at state parks, recreation areas, and trails to protect Minnesota's natural heritage, enhance outdoor recreation, and improve the efficiency of public land management:

(1) the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $925,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 7, paragraph (d), District Heating with Renewable Biomass at Camp Ripley Training Center; =

(2) the unencumbered amount, estimated to 38.16 be $910,000, in Laws 2017, chapter 96, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (e), as amended by Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 4, article 2, section 4, Native Prairie Stewardship and Prairie Bank Easement Acquisition; and

(3) $348,000 of the unencumbered amount, estimated to be $550,000, in Laws 2018, chapter 214, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (d), Mississippi Blufflands State Trail - Red Wing Barn Bluff to Colvill Park Segment.

Emerging Issues Account (ID: 2022-306)

Subd. 20b     $202,000 TF ($202,000 Transfers)

Becca Nash
100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Room 65 State Office Bldg
St. Paul, MN 55155 -->

Phone: (651) 296-6264

Appropriation Language
(b) The remainder of the unencumbered amount in Laws 2018, chapter 214, section 2, subdivision 9, paragraph (d), not transferred under paragraph (a), clause (3), estimated to be $202,000, is transferred to an emerging issues account authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 116P.08, subdivision 4, paragraph (d).

Sub-Projects M.L. 2022, Subd. 20b:

  • 01: Emerging Issue: CWD Prions in Minnesota Waters (ID: 2022-307) - $164,000

Sub-Project 01: Emerging Issue: CWD Prions in Minnesota Waters (ID: 2022-307) - $164,000 TF

Diana Karwan
U of MN - College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
1530 Cleveland Ave N, Green Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (612) 624-2774

SEE SUBD. 11 - 2022 Contract Agreement Reimbursement (ID: 2021-121)

Subd. 20c     $210,000 TF ($132,000 FY2023 and $78,000 Transfers)

Katherine Sherman-Hoehn
MN DNR, Grants Unit
500 Lafayette Rd
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: (651) 259-5533

Appropriation Language
$132,000 the second year is from the trust fund to the commissioner of natural resources, at the direction of the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, for expenses incurred in preparing and administering contracts, including for the agreements specified in this section.

(c) $78,000 is transferred from the amount appropriated under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 6, article 5, section 2, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), to the appropriation in subdivision 11. The commissioner must provide documentation to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources on the expenditure of these funds.