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LCCMR Agenda June 25, 2015

LCCMR Meeting Agenda for June 25, 2015

For printable version of LCCMR Agenda for June 25, 2015 click "here". Members List (pdf file)

Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)

Revised - 6/22/2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Room 5 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155

Co-Chair: Sen. David Tomassoni





9:00 a.m. 1. Approve the minutes for June 11, 2015

  2. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today's business
M.S. 116P.09, Subd. 6, Conflict of Interest. A commission member, technical advisory committee member, a peer review panelist, or an employee of the commission may not participate in or vote on a decision of the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel relating to an organization in which the member, panelist, or employee has either a direct or indirect personal financial interest. While serving on the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel, or being an employee of the commission, a person shall avoid any potential conflict of interest.

9:15 a.m. 3. LCCMR Business Items
    - Approval of LCCMR FY16-17 Administration Budget
    - 2015 Special Session Legislative Session Report - Part 2 of 2015 Session Report
      o Review of legislative action of interest
■ M.L. 2015, Chp. 76 - Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund
■ M.L. 2015, First Special Session, Chp. 2 - Omnibus Legacy Bill
■ M.L. 2015, First Special Session, Chp. 4 - Omnibus Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Appropriations Bill
■ M.L. 2015, First Special Session, Chp. 5 - Omnibus Bonding Bill
■ M.L. 2015, First Special Session, Chp. 1 - Omnibus Employment, Economic Development, Jobs and Energy Bill
    - Review the MN Constitution Art. XI, Sec. 14 "Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund" and M.S. 116P
    - Handout - Response to Dec. 2014 request to Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC) regarding cost sharing of "Conservation Easement Assessment and Valuation System Development", U of MN, $250,000
    - Discussion on Emerging Issues Account Process

10:00 a.m. 4. Update on Aquatic Invasive Species Cooperative Research Center
    - M.L. 2012, Chp. 264, Art. 4, Sec. 3, "Aquatic Invasive Species Cooperative Research Center", Sue Galatowitsch, U of MN, $2,000,000 and M.L. 2013, Chp. 52, Sec. 2, Subd. 06a, "An Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center", Sue Galatowitsch, U of MN, $8,700,000

10:30 a.m. 5. Amendment request M.L. 2013, Chp. 52, Sec. 2, Subd. 03d "Updating the National Wetland Inventory for Minnesota - Phase IV", Steve Kloiber, MN DNR, $1,000,000 to fund classified staff. LCCMR approval required per M.S. 116P.09

10:45 a.m. 6. Overview - Toxic Algae Blooms - Steve Heiskary (MPCA)

11:15 a.m. 7. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, ENRTF work plan approval - Spreadsheet
    M.L. 2015 ENRTF work plan approval and action. Proposed work plans, as available, can be viewed at

    A. Presentation - M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 06a, "Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Species Research Center", Rob Venette, U of MN, $5,000,000 (Review Priorities and Progress) and Update on M.L. 2014, Chp. 312, Sec. 8, "Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center", Rob Venette, U of MN, $1,450,000 - Line 61

11:45 a.m. 8. DNR Overview of "Direct and Necessary" Calculator - Barb Juelich (MN DNR)

12:00 p.m. 9. Continue - M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, ENRTF work plan approval

    A. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 3c, "Minnesota Biological Survey", Bruce Carlson, MN DNR, $2,450,000 ("Direct and Necessary" LCCMR action) - Line 58
12:15 p.m.   B. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 3b, "County Geologic Atlas - Part B", Jan Falteisek, MN DNR, $2,000,000 (Update needed on progress) - Line 57 - Maps
12:30 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m.   C. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 3k, "Movement and Seasonal Habitat Use of Minnesota Elk", Gino D'Angelo, MN DNR, $200,000 (Member request to review proposed research) - Line 59
1:15 p.m.   D. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 09f, "Metro Conservation Corridors - Phase VIII Strategic Lands Protection", Robert McGillivray, The Trust for Public Land, $750,000 (Review current reporting status and proposed acquisition) - Line 65
1:30 p.m.   E. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 04d, "Preventing Phosphorous from Entering Water Resources through Drain Tiles", Kenneth Valentas, U of MN, $505,000 (LCCMR Action July 2014) - Line 60

1:45 p.m. 10. Presentation of the Easement Monitoring & Enforcement Account (M.L. 2015, First Special Session, Chp. 4, Art.4, Sec. 5 and Sec. 74) - Barb Juelich (MN DNR), Susan Damon (MN DNR), and Bill Penning (BWSR)

  11. Discuss of Water Quality Requirement for Easements as required in M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 14, paragraph (g)6 (page 35, lines 35.8 - 35.14)

2:30 p.m. 12. Continue - M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, ENRTF work plan approval

    A. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 09d, "Native Prairie Stewardship and Prairie Bank Easement Acquisition", Judy Schulte, MN DNR, $3,325,000 (Review Easement monitoring and enforcement account appropriation and water quality provision in easement template) - Line 63
2:45 p.m.   B. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd 09j, "Multi-benefit Watershed Scale Conservation on North Central Lakes", Dan Steward (BWSR) and Lindsey Ketchel (Leech Lake Area Watershed Foundation), $896,000 (Review Easement monitoring and enforcement account appropriation and water quality provisions in easement template) - Line 66
3:00 p.m.   C. M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 09e, "Metro Conservation Corridors Phase VIII - Coordination and Mapping and Conservation Easements", Kris Larson, Minnesota Land Trust (MLT), $515,000 (Review prioritization process and water quality provisions in easement template) - Line 64
3:15 p.m.   D. If available, M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 08h, "Improving Community Forests Through Citizen Engagement", Ken Holman, MN DNR, $800,000 (Legislative change of lead agency from MPCA to MN DNR) - Line 62
3:30 p.m.   E. If available, M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 05a, "Trap Shooting Sports Facility", MN DNR, $132,000 (New - added by Legislature) - Line 68

3:45 p.m. 13. DNR State Parks Purchase Request - M.L. 2015, Chp. 76, Sec. 2, Subd. 09a, "State Parks and State Trails Land Acquisitions", DNR, Jennifer Christie, $1,500,000 - Letter and Map

  14. Discuss 2016 Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Proposals received and an overview of the selection process (Aug - Oct. 2015)

  15. Other business
    - Next LCCMR Meeting - Wed. - Thurs., September 16-17, 2015 - LCCMR Calendar
    - Optional - attend AIS Center Showcase on Sept. 16 and conduct LCCMR business on Sept. 17

4:00 p.m. 16. Adjourn