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LCCMR Agenda 06/11/2013

LCCMR Meeting Agenda for June 11, 2013

For printable version of LCCMR Agenda for June 11, 2013 click "here". (pdf file)

Revisions - June 7, 2013
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
State Office Building, Room 5
St. Paul, MN 55155

Site Visit - AIS Center, U of MN St. Paul Campus
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Co-Chair: Sen. David Tomassoni

8:30 a.m. 1. Approve agenda for LCCMR meeting for June 11, 2013 (LCCMR Members)

  2. Approve the minutes for February 25, 2013

  3. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today's business
M.S. 116P.09, Subd. 6, Conflict of Interest. A commission member, technical advisory committee member, a peer review panelist, or an employee of the commission may not participate in or vote on a decision of the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel relating to an organization in which the member, panelist, or employee has either a direct or indirect personal financial interest. While serving on the commission, technical advisory committee, or peer review panel, or being an employee of the commission, a person shall avoid any potential conflict of interest.

  4. Update 2013 Legislative Session - member discussion
a. Update and discussion of the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund appropriations
b. Discussion of other legislation of interest

9:00 a.m. 5. Presentation by the Office of the Legislative Auditor on "Evaluation Report Conservation Easements" - February 2013

10:00 a.m. 6. M.L. 2013 Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Work Plan Approval Discussion and Action Proposed Work Plans, as available, can be viewed at

a) Discussion DNR Contract Management guidelines and terms agreed upon with the LCCMR and LSOHC staff - LCCMR staff and Dave Schad, DNR Deputy Commissioner

b) Consider adoption of proposed consent list - to be posted
Any member can request a work plan be removed from the consent list to discuss or to have a presentation scheduled.
- Work Plan Approval List - LCCMR Meeting June 11, 2013
- Letter to Commissioner Landwehr

c) Decide on work plans (if any) to be scheduled for review or presentation at a later date

10:45 a.m. 7. a) Amendment request to M.L. 2011, First Special Session, Chp. 2, Art. 3, Sec. 2, Subd. 04j4c "HCP VII - TPLs Critical Lands Protection Program (4c)" to modify ENRTF acquisition list to add in Upper Cullen Lake, Crow Wing County and to allow the land to be owned by Crow Wing County instead of the MN DNR in the adopted work plan - Robert McGillivray, The Trust for Public Land
- Upper Cullen Lake Maps
- Crow Wing County Letter
- MN DNR Letter
- M.S. 116P.10 Royalties, Copyrights, Patents, and Sale of Products and Assets

b) Review TPL work plan M.L. 2013, Chp. 52, Sec. 2, Subd. 04d3.1 "MeCC VII - 3.1: 2013 TPLS Critical Land Protection Program" acquisition list must be specifically approved

11:15 a.m. 8. Amendment request to M.L. 2011, First Special Session, Chp. 2, Art. 3, Sec. 2, Subd. 04c "Metropolitan Regional Park System Acquisition" to modify ENRTF acquisition list to add Camp Kingswood property to adopted work plan - Arne Stefferud, Metropolitan Council and Jonathan Vlaming, Three Rivers Park District
- Met Council Letter and Three Rivers Letter
- Kingswood Map
- Kingswood Property Briefing Paper
- Camp Kingswood Calculations

- Camp Kingswood property to be acquired has a conservation easements that were funded by ENRTF in M.L. 2009, Chp. 143, Sec. 2, Subd. 04f3.2 & M.L. 2010, Chp. 362, Sec. 2, Subd. 04g3.2 for a total of $172,500, Minnesota Land Trust and M.L. 2001, First Special Session, Chp. 2, Sec. 14, Subd. 04g "Metro Greenways", DNR Metro Greenways

- 2013 M.S. 116P.18 Lands in Public Domain

11:45 a.m. 9. Partial easement conveyance approval requested for Camp Kingswood proprerty in M.L. 2001, First Special Session, Chp. 2, Sec. 14, Subd. 04g "Metro Greenways", MN DNR as required by M.S. 116P.05, DNR
- DNR Letter dated 5/24/2013
- DNR Letter dated 4/30/2013
- 2012 M.S. 116P.05
- 2013 M.S. 116P.05

12:15 p.m. 10. Update on 2014 RFP and proposals received

  11. Discuss 2014-2015 Calendar

  12. Other business (as needed)

12:30 p.m. 13. Adjourn

2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.   Meet at Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center, U of MN St. Paul Campus 3:30 p.m.
(Drive on own) - Directions
U of MN Fisheries and Engineering Lab
1955 Fitch Avenue
St. Paul MN 55108