Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Land Acquisition Annual Reporting Form

As required by M.L. 2005, First Special Session, Chp. 1, Art. 2, Sec. 136
For interest in land acquired with Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund proceeds after June 30, 2005.

Reporting Instructions:
This page should be completed by a representative of the organization that controls the property, or the "Primary Contact". Please review Initial Report (or amended) for any additional changes when completing this Annual Update Report. You may view your Initial Report by Clicking Here.(Opens new window)

Please note that a * denotes a required field. When finished, click "Submit" to complete the report. Upon submission, you will be able to print a summary of your responses.

Date of Report
 : 03/14/25

* Select Trust Fund ID #:: (Previously LCCMR ID #) The LCCMR ID #'s first two numbers represent the year the initial land acquisition report was submitted.

* Working Title of Acquisition (Revise if needed)

* 1. Do you (or your organization/agency) still own interest in the selected parcel?
            No (if 'No' please complete Question #1 below with new owner information.)

* 2. Is the contact information for this parcel correct?
            No (If 'No' please complete Question #2 below with updated contact infomation.)

* 3. Is the parcel still being used for the purposes stated in the appropriation?
            No  (If 'No' please explain)

 4. Are there any other changes to the Initial Reporting Form?   (Please explain.)

Question #1. Followup:- If answer above was "No" please complete with new owner information.
Organization / Agency:
City: State: Zipcode:

Question #2. Followup:- If answer to 2. above was "No" please complete with the updated contact information:
Organization / Agency:
City: State: Zipcode:

* Person Submitting Report:
